Signs of the times....


Active Member
Ok folks, had an eye opener. It was amusing enough I had to call my Dad that is now 74, bout 75. I picked my 9 yr old step daughter up from school today in a truck I just bought from my Dad to use as a run around and trash truck....older pickup. Ok, she's nine, been in this truck four or five times and told me "I finally figured out what this handle thingy does. It rolls down the window." WOW....I know I have given my kids all I can, but I didn't realize I had made them dumb....

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
Just wait till your 6 year old grandchild demostrates their manuel dexterity by helping you restore a 68 mustang. You will find out just how much better their small hands can fit into small tight places and thread the nuts on bolts to attach all the trim pieces.

Next time you work on that pickup, have her help you and she will learn about checking the oil, water and many other things. She might just enjoy it even if the wife does not appreciate her coming in with grease on her clothes.


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