Sierra Frogs!!??


Long Time Member
Have you heard about a possible closure of over a million acres in the Sierras to save three species of frogs/toads? This is ridiculous. Your thoughts? pc
Have not heard of that yet, but it does'nt suprise me. We have'nt had trout plants in the bay area for some years because of a frog.
Theirs a surplus of money in the CA. budget so now the Lawyers get together and find an endangered animal of some kind and will collect on it,at one tme they tried to get the Red Winged Black bird on the endangered list but they failed.
Just so you all understand, the biologists have tracked these frogs and they have relocated themselves "145 miles in a 5 day period" IS in the report!

Very special frogs, indeed!

These are maybe the same biologists that insisted on closing some roads in the Tejon range, because the "Condors drank the antifreeze that boiled out of hot radiators"......that was printed also.....along with the 33,000 dead animal carcases they studied, in a ONE YEAR period, that were shot and left in the condor's breeding range. That is 91 animals studied EVERY DAY, 365 days a year......busy biologists!

Unfortunately, liberal nature fakers buy into this ludicrous BS.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
yes it is true they were letting the public makes statements on but I think it closed on Friday they were holding mettings in prather I think not to sure of it just a way to close hunting in ca. for good
It's 2 million acres from Kern county to lassen county,parts of inyo county also
Don't discount it. I am aware of a incident that happen around Stockton where they stopped a farmer from culivating his own private property because they found a couple of endangered frogs on the property. I think it was red leg frogs, not 100% sure if that was the type or name of the frogs. This was about 2 years ago.

I think I remember a long time ago on the west side of the fresno county they tried to stop a framer because they found a kangaroo rat or something like that and since I bought my tags this year they will probably close deer season I haven't hunted since 2010
nickman,they found out what was killing these frogs 2 yers ago,it was a fungus that is carried by another toad,not sure but I think it was yosemite toad,now they have to catch them and paint the cure on there backs.And thought it was the fish in the high lakes, that fish and game stopped ,what 8 to 10 years ago.There just trying to close the whole M@$&^ F^%##@#$ thing down.cowboy57
Jim, we're talking about frogs, not eels.

I have a friend who is a inspector for a private construction company. The city put in a pump station at a low spot in town. It required a hole 20X20 and 30 feet deep. At the end of each day the contractor had to put up a frog proof barrier around the hole to keep frogs from jumping in and committing suicide.

>Jim, we're talking about frogs, not
>I have a friend who is
>a inspector for a private
>construction company. The city put
>in a pump station at
>a low spot in town.
>It required a hole 20X20
>and 30 feet deep. At
>the end of each day
>the contractor had to put
>up a frog proof barrier
>around the hole to keep
>frogs from jumping in and
>committing suicide.

............No question, when frogs begin committing suicide, it is hard to stop them! Same with turtles, but that is for another thread.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"

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