Should Liberals be drawn and quartered?


Long Time Member
This one will probably be nuked before it finds any legs. BUT here goes any way.
Lets speak out on liberals. Let us be nice to the moderates, okay?

If we took the very most liberal 25% of the population and the very most conservative 25% of the population and offed them what you'ld have left is an utter utopia. a country of moderates, nothing could be better than that.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-07 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]That is well said huntindude!! If we took the 25% liberals then we could Get the entire city of Boudler Colorado back!

As for the Conserves we would get quite a mixture

Aim Center Mass

You passed! That was a test to see if you were liberal, your not. There is always hope. Are you ignoring The President Strikes Iraq? Seems like it. Also I posted Richard Reid Speaks Out. I thought you would like that one.

Hold on a minuet; let me do the math, 100% minus 25% liberals minus 25% conservatives minus women leaves 25%, now take away anybody that ain?t white, ummm that leaves 10%, now let's see, take away anybody that ain?t Christian or is a bugger eating moron and you have left? Let me see ? That would be Bubba and his 1st cousin who is also his Grandpa, Richard Cheney.

Don't forget to take out the English as a second language crowd! By the way, I'm very much in favor of the pro-illegal immigration rallys. The more rallys there are, the more pissed the American public gets, and the less chance of an amnesty bill ever happening!

I think your math just proved George is not conservative. That's my problem with him. By the way you never answered the question. Are you a yankee?
And why are you moderates staying away from The President Strikes Iraq? Looks bad you know.


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