Should I be nervous?



I've been lurking in the shadows of MM for a couple of years. I finally get brave enough to jump in and the thread with my second post all time gets nuked. Did I offend Stinkster by recommending a charm school refresher? What did I miss. At this rate most of us will be dead before I hit 1000 posts let alone earn a ring. If I did offend you Stinky I'm sure you will get over it.
Sirhuntsalot - Nope it wasn't you. - it was Stinky himself that got that post nuked for his lack of manners. I requested that the whole post be removed as what was meant to be a joke had turned mean and spiteful for no apparent reason.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hey, at least ya left the brown bag bottle in the truck. Welcome to never land. Never get photographed with a cat.


Another 'cat' pic!
Just Razzin ya YELUM!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
gawd almighty roy. i try to pick an honest fight with u roy and instead of sparring with me u get the whole thread nuked?....

ok lets dig into stinkys mind a bit. tk is my nemisis. i cant get that chick to jack around with me ever since the last big blow up with qtip. that was hilarious. now back to my post..... i said that stripper pole would have to be a 9 inch diameter drill collar cemented 20 feet in the ground if it was gonna support tk swingin on it. now ur suppose to get offended and attack me and say my wife aint fat u sorry "sob". then i mess with ur mind for a little while. then i fess up and say oh wait u thought i was calling her fat? i was making refrence to her name. she stated in a previous post why her name is tk. well if her cup size is tripple k then those things are gonna be pickin up some serious g-forces. that reinforced pole along with a large clearance area on the dance floor would be a must. then i was gonna post a pic of a really large busted stripper on a pole and that was it. but nooooooooo, roy has to call in special mod priveleges to get the post nuked. note to self. the last mod who removed a post lost his status. founder u need to find that bad apple and boot him.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-10 AT 09:28AM (MST)[p]Ok since you invited us in, lets analyze your mind...

now ur
>suppose to get offended and
>attack me and say my
>wife aint fat u sorry

First off - TripleK isn't my wife - she's my sister, and yeah we stick up for each other. But apparently in this case it really wasn't all that necessary becuase when I told her what you had said she she said (and I quote) - "Stinky who?? You mean that douchebag that always posts on MonsterMuleys? I don't have time for that azzhat!"

then i mess with
>ur mind for a little

Not really possible, but if it amuses you, keep trying.

then i fess up
>and say oh wait u
>thought i was calling her
>fat? i was making refrence
>to her name. she stated
>in a previous post why
>her name is tk. well
>if her cup size is
>tripple k

Next - that is not why her name is TripleK - it is because she has 3 sons and a husband whose names all begin with the letter K.

then those things
>are gonna be pickin up
>some serious g-forces. that reinforced
>pole along with a large
>clearance area on the dance
>floor would be a must.
>then i was gonna post
>a pic of a really
>large busted stripper on a
>pole and that was it.

That would have been epic! Super funny - sorry I didn't take the bait.

>but nooooooooo, roy has to
>call in special mod priveleges
>to get the post nuked.

No "special priveleges" involved - just sent an "Alert" to the mods (which all of us can do - see the little word icon that says "Alert" at the bottom left hand corner??)

>note to self. the last
>mod who removed a post
>lost his status.

No - not true, lots of posts get nuked for good reasons all the time, and that same mod did get reinstated after the confusion was settled.

founder u
>need to find that bad
>apple and boot him.

Uhhh - see that little blue icon where the thread used to be - that means it was Founder who nuked it.

>ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde
>ego sum bardus (I participate
>on monstermuleys therefore I am

Kind of redundant don't you think? Considering the content of most of your posts it is only quite obvious.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, we are behind you, give him Hades. Better yet, let Sis handle him, she will cut him off at his knees while we all cheer!

Excellent response Roy, and I stand by my previous statement (since you proved it so well). You can't fix stupid.:)

Keep it up Yellum and
I'll have your wife post pics of you in your Sponge Bob jammies and yes' I'm still bitter that the cat wouldn't sign an autograph
Damn I missed this whole thread! Read it a couple days ago and yawned and hadn't opened it again.

Roy, you need to stop trying to match wits with someone as obviously superior as stinky. Haven't you been reading when he told us how smart he is?

Stinky, I was always told there was nothing on earth lower than whale $hit. Just when I started believing that you come along and pull yourself up by the bootstraps and there you are, UNDER the whale $hit.

SirHuntsforsquat, you should only be nervous if stinky drops the soap.

i dont know, i guess i'll dissagree a little. i'd rather log on to see what 10 stinky's have done for the day vs. what 100 roy's have done?
can someone check on how many animals each poster has posted since registration?

think about it- it's a hunting site, and who do you think spends more time in the woods?

Well thats probably a no brainer.

i got nothing against you roy, at all. but to go on the "alert the mods" just for a wise crack , is pretty pussycat/ female dog like.( not related to bobcat at all), grow a sack, if you dont like it, tell him. dont run to the principle office, i believe most guys grew out of that long time ago?
KBKiller thinks stinky is interesting and a real hunter. Why am I not surprised? I guess I could ask "Who asked you?" but then no one asked me either. :)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-10 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-10 AT 02:48?PM (MST)

KB - are you really sure you want to get in to this with me?

If so you are going to need switch your browser to Firefox and find a good on-line dictionary/thesaurus becuase if you really want to play this juvenile game with me then you will need to get a spelling and grammar check becuase I won't tolerate mistakes that my 4th grade daughter knows better than to make.

Just to let you know, I am seriously tempted to go through and answer each one of your accusations one by one, like I did Stinky's, but the whole reason why I asked that the previous post be removed in the first place was becuase I firmly believe in the principle (note the correct spelling and usage of the word "principle" and not its homophone "principal" which means: "Chief administrator of a United States-based elementary or secondary school") that discretion is the better part of valor and that it takes more "balls" (as you have so accused me of lacking) to be the bigger man and just remove the problem than run headlong into a fight with an idiot when it wouldn't be fair to him. Did you ever stop to think that I realized that engaging in a lengthy tirade would be giving him exactly what he wanted and that by taking away the opportunity and thereby denying him the pleasure of the argument I would ultimately win the verbal sparring contest?

Also - Did you ever stop to think that maybe I didn't really want my little sister to see that something mean and spiteful was unnecessarily and unwarrantedly said about her in order to protect her feelings and reputation? Or that maybe I felt that I needed to do so becuase I was the one who started the insensitivity in the first place? (Yep - I was the one who started the thread in the first place and when the joke got out of hand I took care of it by asking that what I had started be removed - hmmm sounds a lot like the manly quality called BEING RESPONSIBILE FOR ONE'S WORDS AND ACTIONS - maybe you should consider that once in a while). Oh wait- ooops, used a couple of words you might not be too familiar with there - STOP and THINK - uhh...sorry ;-).

So at this time, just as I declined to call out Stinkystomper for his rudeness I decline to engage in a battle of manhood and words with you. I relent, your penis is evidently larger than mine and if you need this victory to have your ego stroked and to confirm your own manhood - well then, you win. Consider yourself stroked.

As for your comment about the time that I am able to spend "in the woods" versus the time Stinkystomper and others are able to and your subsequent opinions about whose posts you would rather read becuase of it, allow me to apologize to you and say that if because of the choices I have made to get an education and provide for my family while doing so have not allowed me to afford to hunt as frequently as others who wantonly and perhaps needlessly spend thousands of dollars every year to purchase premium tags and pay for expensive guide services while neglecting other family and personal responsibilities and that that has lessened your opinion of me and what I have to say here on MM, I am truly sorry. So yes, I will apologize for my poverty and kindly remind you that you don't need to click on every single post on this hunting site. One of the neat things about it is that you can pick and choose what you read and respond to. In that same sentiment, also let me remind you that (like NVBighorn pointed out) as your opinion was not solicited, allow me I leave you with these images - you can use the first one buy a clue and the second one to call someone who gives a crap.



Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I was thinking of something along the lines of "with the personal rancor reflected in that remark, I don't intend to dignify with comment". Your response was more like the literary eqivalent of all those concussions and broken collar bones you handed out during friendly games of flag football.

I do agree with KB on one point. Now that your done with that phD thing you need to post more hunting photos.

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