Short-haired Foxes


Long Time Member
I usually prefer women with long hair but there's been some nice short haired ladies. I know there's many others, post em up.



Bad picture but perhaps the best body/strip tease in any movie.
Jamie Lee Curtis is the definition of "cougar" in my book. The way she moves...the tightness of her mid section...Mmmmmmm! I remember the boob scene in the movie she was in with Dan Ackyroid and Eddie Murphy. She was a tad younger then but still....she's definitely one of my hottest older women in show business. AND she's got short hair, which I think is attractive to boot.

She don't look like that any more boys.She is doing old-lady commercials for yogurt that regulates bowel movement these days.Time marches on.....
Brett Spears, Britney's younger brother.

>Who the hell is that guy?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Ok short haired dude lookin pics (less feminine) ! Hidey hole posts for if its brown its down dudes . I think all this is covered in the Bible . We are truly in the end times or I have been out in the sun too much!
>Ok short haired dude lookin pics
>(less feminine) ! Hidey hole
>posts for if its
>brown its down dudes .
>I think all this is
>covered in the Bible .
>We are truly in the
>end times or I have
>been out in the sun
>too much!

Can anyone translate this? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Know what else all these women have in common? They all drive mini-vans too!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-10 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]>

Ive heard Jamie Lee is a hermaphrodite. you guys saying you'd hit a herm?

My favorite is post 15!


Nets are for fish!!
"Ive heard Jamie Lee is a hermaphrodite"

I've heard some people say bighorn sheep are worthless (I believe the word was actually wortless) but that doesn't mean I believe 'em or even give a damm. Probably the same sausage smokers are saying both. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-10 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]some nice talent there boys.
Here's another I think is hot, and she's blonde and ripped, and over 40
Dara Torres, US Olympic swimmer


and who doesn't like a little Pink?
F-Man you're right Dude she is ripped.I try to stay away from women who could kick my a$$.....
el beard
I was going to say we could double team her but I don't like the idea of swords possibly clashing.
Alyssa could be wearing rain gear in Alaska and still look smokin' hot! Long hair or short, I'd hook her tuna anytime....just for the halibut...

D13 is dead right on this one, she is one of the most beautiful Women to ever grace a TV set. Natural beauty like that can't be bought, implanted, or injected!

>D13, what is the name of
>the woman in number 14?
>I cannot think of her
>name for the life of
>me. Cowtag

Janine Turner

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Mmmmmmm.... Janine Turner...... Definitely the best out of all the above!!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Oh, yeah,

I had forgotten that she is an outdoorsy kind of girl. Mmmmm.

>Mmmmmmm.... Janine Turner...... Definitely
>the best out of all
>the above!!!!

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Janine is a member of the N.R.A., on the National Republican registry and a supporter of hunting and fishing. That makes her even more sexy, plus I hear she is really cool. I had a buddy who worked with her when they were still filming Northern Exposure up here. He said that on her days off that she would go fishing in the Yakama River to blow off steam.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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