Shooting 2 Bows


Long Time Member
I have a Mathews Switchback (new) and a PSE Nova that Ive been shooting for 4 years. Im good and comfortable with it. When I get my Mathews set up is it going to have a negative effect on the way I shoot my PSE? Im thinking if I shoot (my form) is the same with both bows theres no problem. Right? I will have different equipment on each bow and will be shooting 2" vanes from the Mathews and 4" vanes from the PSE. Will this have any effect on the way I shoot either bow seeing how my form will remain the same? Am I simply freaking myself out?
Just a question why would you shoot 2" vanes on one bow and 4" on the other? I shoot two different bows one for competition (Mathew?s apex 7) and one for hunting (Mathews LX). I have noticed when switching from one bow to the other that it takes a few shots to get used to them, because of the grips. I also have noticed I prefer to shoot one over the other. Other than that you shouldn't have any problems just have fun with both.
Your going to like the Switchback so much that I doubt you will bother with the PSE much. I've shot my old bow once since buying a Swithback and it was a Mathews!
Heres the deal- I was perfectly happy with my PSE but my wife bought me the Mathews for X-Mas. Its taken me this long to get around to outfitting it. Why do I need to shoot 2 bows? I dont but in case one goes down I have a backup if I cant get it fixed right away. Probably will never be an issue but you never know. I hope I like the Switchback a whole lot cuz its a boatload of $$! The reason for different vanes is Ive heard that the 4" vanes get torn up shooting them through a whisker biscuit. My PSE is not equipped with a WBiscuit. Ive heard that the 2" Blazers, I think, is what people on this site have preferred. Any other advice will be helpful! Ill be hunting w/ my PSE this year anyway. I just got my tag for A Zone yesterday! Season here in Cali opened on the 8th. Havent been out yet. Tomorrow nite Im hoping!
Dont shoot the Switchback until after your early hunt is over because you'll be kicking yourself for not shooting it sooner! They are very nice shooting bows but I would stick with what you already shoot well for now and start shooting the Switchback alot after your early hunt. Quite a few guys have had problems with the barracuda strings stretching multiple times and watch the cable wear near the cam (some need to be served alittle farther up than they are). Others have had no problems at all. If you do a search on the Matthews website forum you will find alot of great advice on this bow. Once you have everything set up though it's an incredibly fun bow to shoot. Have fun on your hunt!
Dude you are talking about the difference in driving a Pinto and a Porche. Don't worry, you will make up your own mind. The Nova will end up in the closet.
You know how you feel when your wife buys you a new pair of shoes and the ones you have been wearing just arent quite ready for the trash yet? You almost feel guilty for throwing them out. Thats how Im feeling. I shot my first bow buck with it. Im sure Ill get over it. I really cant wait to shoot my new one. I took the day off tomorrow to go to the pro shop. Thanks for all of your help!
Good luck with your bows, I know how you feel. You will increase your odds of tagging an animal A LOT by shooting the switchback........IF you can get to shoot it well before you go hunting. If you do not have the confidence, you are doing the right thing by shooting "ol reliable". :)

Bows that grip differently will inherently shoot differently as well. I would pick up the one you plan to hunt with and shoot it from now until hunting season. Switching back and forth may give you some accuracy issues. If they were the same bow it really wouldn't matter as much but since they are different manu's it will be like apples and oranges. By the way I don't own a switchback but have buddies that do and will tell you that they love those bows. Both of them shoot the Sback better than any bow they've owned for the last 10 years. Good luck!!
I took it in today to have it outfitted. Trophy Taker dropaway rest w/ Tru Glo sights. I was going w/ a Whisker Biscuit and the guy that is helping me showed me is set up and said your better off not having you vanes touching anything as it leaves the bow. The Trophy taker comes with an arrow holder on the riser so the arrow wont fall off the riser. Pretty cool. There are certain vanes that you cant shoot out of the W.B. such as Quik-spins. I didnt know that. He said that I wont even want to shoot my PSE when I get the Switchback home. I cant wait. The sad thing is I've got to wait a whole season to deer hunt w/ it seeing how our opener was the 8th and its only 3 weeks. I guess I could use it during rifle season. Hopefully I can get comfortable with it very quickly. Thanks for all the advice guys. Ill get the bow back Mon or Tues. Ill let you know how it shoots.
I shoot 2 different bows. I have hunting bow and a 3-D bow. i also have a Switchback and a PSE. I have found that the Mathews is way better feel and shoots a ton better but I am to hard on the PSE come hunting season that I just use the mathews for 3-Ding. I am sure that alot of people are rough with there bows. But just shoot them both you will be fine with it. I spent over a $1200 on my Mathews on the set up and the arrows.
My arrows are the same 4" vanes on hunting arrows and the 2" vanes for faster speed with shooting targets.
I personally would not worry about it.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-06 AT 00:48AM (MST)[p]I can see where you wouldnt want to use you $1200 set up to hunt with but I'm fairly easy on my equipment. I hunt on the West coast near wine country where it is more rolling hills w/ grass and oak trees. Nothing like in the rockies where a bow could get banged up pretty good. I just cant wait to shoot that Switchback!

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