
Long Time Member
I know several MM'ers that have done it!

Will they CowBoy-Up to it?

Rule # 1:

After Sawing the Barrel off of a RUGER 10/22 pay close attention to side Mirrors!:D

Post Em up Boys!

I know several of you with Holes in your Rigs that were not Drilled with a Milwaukee Drill!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
JB shot 1911 in the knee does that count?

It was Inside the Truck,Right?

Ya,that counts!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
One of my buddy's creased the hood of his pickup a little bit using it as a rest. I "coached" a crack in the windshield of a work truck all the way across by shooting out of the passenger side window while I was in the drivers seat. All of this was done in Texas where it's legal. One of my dads buddies shot his transmission out of his pickup back in the 70s when it was okay to walk roads shooting quail. He ran to move for someone to get by, threw his shotgun in the seat, Boom, and there she sat.
I did about 25 years ago with a company truck. Was working the oil field at the time. Leaned over the bed rail and shot a hole right through the top of the opposite rail. It was on a Saturday. My buddy and I ended up bagging our goats. Stopped by another friends house that night who was a bodyman/painter. He looked it over and said bring it by the shop at 8am. Picked it up that Sunday night completely repaired. The cost was a $100 and a six pack of beer. No one at the company ever had a clue...
1911 I bet that you found out that the old 1911 45acp is not the best round to get inside of a vehicle to touch someone. In my younger days working patrol I carried a S&W model 57 .41 mag. with hot 210 gr. ammo. It would go though the rear trunk, back seat, front seat and into the dash. I know that for a fact!!!!

I never have...but know of a few friends that have when we were younger..
1. In high school a friend and his dad and another adult got back into the pick-up after duck hunting..his dad asked is your shotgun unloaded? his reply was yes and pulled the trigger..instant sunroof in a 72 ford pick-up..
2. In high school a friend bought a new 300 win mag..he was sighting it in over the hood of the pick-up while I was the spotter with bino's..creased it not once but twice while sighting in at a target at 100 yds.
3. After High-School guy I knew was all excited about getting a buck antelope tag... so excited the first day of the season he shot his el camino twice thru the transmission trying to get out for a shot.
4. a Friend and I was shooting prairie dogs out of His CJ 5 jeep in a rancher friends field..exploded his side mirror with one shot from a ruger 10-22 shooting CCI mini-mag hollowpoints..
You live around hunting and fishing all your life you'll see or hear of a few accidents...
Remembered another....friend was blazing away at a pack of coyotes with a .223 Mini-14...after 14 shots one out 7 coyotes was dead and 14 nice little silver dollar sized star cracks in his windshield along the driver side front window..
I shot my jeep, from the inside, under the door with a 12 Gauge. Luckily, my foot was in the way to slow down the momentum of the steel BB sized pellets, minimizing the damage to my Jeep. My foot on the other hand......
YEARS AGO, I was in the Basin shooting prarie dogs and rolled up on a nice little dog town. I rolled my side window down a bit and popped a dog with my TC Contender 30-30. The sling swivel stud just hooked the window on recoil. The whole window shattered into a million pieces. OOPS.
I guess that taught me to NEVER shoot from a truck!
Well I didn't shoot my truck, but I once used the hood of my brand new truck as a rest for my Muzzy. Took me many Wax jobs to get the powder burn out. HAHA. Does that count??
Broke my leg and ankle on an Elk hunt, yes killed a nice 6 point in Wyoming at the same time. Then drove to Idaho with the broke leg in a cast for whitetails. Drop my boy off and sent him down a ridge I was to pick him up on a lower road. Out jumps a huge white tail buck across the road runs stand broadside at 200 yards. I slam brake. throw in park, throw keys, grab the gun, hobble my broke ASS to the hood of the truck lean across, and bang the buck does not fall. I look down there is a 270 WSM crease all the way across with a nice hole going just off the grill of the boys Chevy. I told him it gave the truck character
In my former life, shot across the roof of my(state) P.U., twice, put a nice groove thru the edge of the roof. Cost me $100 bucks for repair and new paint...saved the CA taxpayers a few bucks.....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I had a prairie dog hunter about 10 years ago from back east. Nice enogh guy but really incompetent. Couldn't even see a prairie dog if it was 50 yards from him. Anyway, spotted some dogs for him, left to help another hunter. Came back in a few minutes and he said he couldn't see where his bullets were hitting. Looked at the opposite side of his pickup, THREE holes through it. I'm not sure if he would have ever figured it out.

Funny thing was, he came back the next year with duct tape over the holes. That really is a quick fix.
Spotlighting cottontails in the Books one night, laid the .22-250 across the hood of my dad's Ford, the bunny took a dip, so did I. Heard a "thwaaaaaannng" sound, thought it was just an echo. Didn't pay any attention. Next morning, my dad comes back into the trailer after hooking the truck up to the battery, "How the hell did you manage to shoot the hood??!!" OOOPS! Creased it for about 7 inches right across the hood. Funny thing was though, he wasn't even really pissed. I guess by then, he was resigned to the fact that that truck wasn't going to stray free of dents as long as I was around to drive it.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LOL Those cottontails are trouble.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
While shooting ground squirrels out the driver side window with the 10/22, I shot at a squirrel and missed. So without moving, I shot and missed again. I look up from the scope and I had shot the plastic around the side mirror twice.

Had a girlfriend crease the hood of my pickup shooting at squirrels.

Was riding in back of a friends pickup with another guy. He had his .17 sitting on the roof on the bipod while he reloaded the clip. My friend slams on the brakes and his gun goes flying over the roof, and he caught it, by the trigger. Punched a hole through the hood and hit the radiator support, somehow missed the battery and the radiator.

Road hunting ain't for the faint of heart.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-13 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Come on guys we need pictures !! ;-)
I never have...but a few friends have. One guy had his kid on his truck bed shooting. After about three shots he couldn't believe he wasn't hitting the target. Then he noticed the holes in the bed of his truck from the inside of the offside out.
Then you always hear of the country boys drive around in the back of trucks spot lighting bunnies. Well and thier mirrors and hoods of thier trucks. :eek:
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 08:16PM (MST)[p]>Come on guys we need pictures
>!! ;-)
I will see if I can get pics of Roy's handiwork. I think it's still there... LOL
Now we know why Roy confessed to his shooting deed. Sis threaten to post a picture and Roy figured he better beat her to the punch to avoid the harrassment from his fellow hunters.

Roy you do owe her a swift kick in the caboose. Just not too hard, she is a lady after all.

Duck hunting in IL state hunting area. Downed a wood duck shot 3 times to finally kill the wounded duck my truck was in direct line of sight or shot (I thought truck was to far to get hit) Wrong!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
No - I confessed of my own volition, Jenn is just "helping" the full truth come out! I don't think she will find the hole though, Dad had a nice chat with an insurance adjuster a while after that about how he slid off the road down a hill through the cedars one night, denting both sides, and putting that crease in the hood with a branch! I think he got it fixed!



Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
So Roy?

You Upped Our Insurance Rates?

We can Skin a Buck,We can run a Trout Line, and a Country Boy Can Survive!
I have had 2 trucks shot and neither time did I do the shooting.

First time involved a late night and a bunch of alcohol. A buddy and I were cruising the desert roads around Florence Az . We had killed a rattler , cut his head off and thrown him in the back seat of the blazer. A few minutes later, bang ! I had a new .22 diameter hole in the dash right next to the cigarette lighter. It turned out the rattler had crawled under the seat and wrapped around my buddies leg and he freaked out.

The second time was during the Nov Elk hunt in Az's unit 5a. There was about 6 inches of snow on the dirt road as we were headed to a different hunt location. Boom. This time there was a .338 round thru the floor. We were stranded as the bullet took out the starter and schrapnel also put a hole in the radiator.

Might be why I mostly hunt alone anymore.
Never shot my own. Only the mirror humvee during a live fire exercise when i was in the service.

I got carried away with a Short barreled M 4. That night using the cover of darkness i had the lowest Private in my platoon go switch it out with another platoons humvee mirror. They couldnt figure out how their mirror got shot. We got a good laugh out of that one!

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