Sheryl Crow and wild horses


Very Active Member
This whole wild horse plan boggles my mind. On top of that why is it noteworthy that Sheryl Crow has an opinion about this?

This is from the Associated Press:

Sheryl Crow takes up cause of wild horses in West
By MARTIN GRIFFITH (AP) ? 1 day ago

RENO, Nev. ? Sheryl Crow is joining others in calling on the federal government to halt roundups of wild horses in the West, branding them as inhumane and unnecessary.

The Grammy Award-winning singer has asked President Barack Obama and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to scrap a proposed roundup of 2,500 mustangs in northern Nevada.

"With one voice we are insisting that our government stop managing these beautiful and important animals to extinction," Crow said in a statement released by the Cloud Foundation, a Colorado Springs, Colo.-based horse advocacy group.

Crow, who has adopted a mustang, campaigned for Obama last year. She opposes Salazar's plan to move thousands of wild horses to preserves in the Midwest and East to protect horse herds and the rangelands that support them.

"It's time for all of us to speak up for our wild horses and burros so we do not lose these living legends and inspiring symbols of our freedom in America," she said.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials said they plan to remove 11,500 wild horses and burros from the range over each of the next three years because booming numbers of the animals are damaging the range.

The agency has set a target "appropriate management level" of 26,600 of the animals in the wild, about 10,000 below the current level. An additional 32,000 of them are cared for in government-funded holding facilities.

"Wild horses have an important place on the landscape, but we have to balance that with other uses," BLM spokeswoman Celia Boddington said Saturday. "We have to ensure that the long-term health of the landscape is able to support all these multiple uses."

In a letter sent to Obama and Salazar earlier this week, Crow and actors Ed Harris and Wendie Malick, along with Madeleine Pickens, the wife of oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens, and more than 100 other groups questioned the BLM's horse numbers and said there may be only 15,000 mustangs remaining on public lands.

The BLM has received more than 7,000 public comments concerning its plans to remove 2,500 mustangs near Nevada's Black Rock Desert this winter. Nevada is home to about half of all wild horses.

Salazar has said his plan unveiled last month would avoid the slaughter of some of the 69,000 wild horses and burros under federal control to halt the soaring costs of maintaining them.

The seven preserves would hold about 25,000 horses. Many of the horses remaining on the range would be neutered and reproduction in Western herds would be strictly limited.

"important animals" god, what an idiot. I wonder how/why she thinks her "mustang" was made available for adoption? thru roundups? nah..thats crazy.
Freaking idiot. She is just like the rest of the PC gang that want to save the planet. They don't have a clue, but love to jump on the band wagon. I would bet my paycheck she is a fan of the wolf.
She is Bullelk1! And she advocates using only 3 sheets of toilet paper per use too. Not gonna catch me shaking her hand.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
when you hunt deer and elk in the west desert of UT and NV and see more wild horses than elk or deer you know theres a problem.
they need to be controlled....kind of sad that they are not native,but are allowed to destroy the habitat for the native ones..
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-09 AT 08:48PM (MST)[p]Guys, guys, guys, you don't know shizzle. She has lots of money and she is an ACTRESS/SINGER...she knows everything. Geeze you guys need to catch a clue.

I asked one of those granola types if they had ever seen an inbred parrot mouth horse die.They sure did not know what a parrot mouthed horse was and no they had never watched one starve to death.Range destroyers and all around bad news for range destruction.Some folks do not know what they speak of and their ignorance shows fast.
She has no idea what she's talking about. Too many people have turned out domestic horses that are now mingling and breeding with mustangs. It's not a pure breed anymore. That introduces a lot of disease. If they don't round them up and vaccinate them they will all die eventually. She, along with Ashley Judd and Sean Penn are absolute idiots. All mouth and no brain.

It's always an adventure!!!

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