Sheep Tags



Quick question, is Wyoming the only state that has OTC sheep tags available? thanks
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-04 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]DeanX,

Sorry to sound mean, but what have you been smoking?? No such thing as OTC Sheep tags in WYO or the whole country would be there hunting.
In fact, there is no such thing as OTC Sheep tags anywhere in the 50 states or Canadian Prov.
Where did you come up with this idea? If it were true, hell I would be in Wyo now and not here on this computer.

There are unlimited tags in MT but good luck. Also if you are a resident of Alberta you can get sheep tags.
I think Dean was thinking Montana?? OTC tags in Montana in certain areas. Once the quota of sheep is killed they close hunting.

Not to be mean, but you, too, are misinformed. OTC sheep tags are available in Montana's unlimited districts. Very tough country and very low success. OTC sheep tags are the rule in Alaska and the Canadian Provinces. The downside is the mandatory guide rule for non-residents. This drives the cost of sheep hunting to insane levels (supply vs. demand). However, a resident of Alaska, British Columbia, and Alberta can simply buy a tag and go sheep hunting almost anywhere in their state or province. Rather than run a guy down, how about a little research to help him out?
Thanks for the update. I knew that residents of Canada could but was not aware of the unlimited tags in MT, but from your info I can see why.

Thanks again,


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