Sheep Tag Newbie


Active Member
I'm a little late to the sheep tag game. I've done some research and have learned that AZ and WY are a waste of money from a statistical standpoint. It looks like I'll apply to CO, MT, NV, UT and possilby OR initially. Am I too late in the game for some of these states? Would I be better off applying some of my tag money to raffles?
I wouldn't count yourself out in any state. Decide how much you can spend. Research your best odds and apply. If You can afford to apply everywhere do it. Someone is going to get that tag. Hopefully me but if I don't then good luck to you.
If you have additional funds you can spend buy raffle tickets in all states that offer them. More often than not the guy who buys one ticket draws the tag.
In the mean time save your money and go kill a white sheep.
I would not rule out AZ and WY, as opposed to the other states you mentioned. 25% of the WY tags do go to random draw, so you do get 1%-2% draw odds with no points, no worse than some of the other states you mentioned. The problem with AZ right now is the 20% of the tags to the top pool before the rest of the tags are drawn, with a 10% nonresident cap. That just went into effect last year, and surely will be changed. Probabally the best draw odds for a guy with no points are in Idaho. As far as to if it is worth it, really the question should be how bad do you want a sheep? It is not going to be cheap no matter how you look at it.
I agree with isay and Elmer, Newbie! Are there sheep in your home state? If there are, start there because residents always have the best odds. If not, you will have to be patient and willing to send in lots of money for years to earn a draw tag. Some Newbies are just lucky and draw right off the bat! Not me, but I am still paying and playing the odds for the chance. Sheep fever is hard on your mind and your wallet. If you really want just any sheep, you may want to concentrate on a sure thing and buy a Dall hunt. Good luck!
I should confess that I live in Idaho. I'm confident I can draw here if I concentrate my efforts on some of the zones with better percentages.

However, I still want to apply to other states. I'll have to pull out the WY regs again tonight. I'm still trying to figure out how much this will cost me out of pocket. I'm thinking that I should start with CO and MT to build to the max point level. I'll also through in UT because its close and this year is the first year for a bighorn tag. I shouldn't be too far behind there. Other states will be added once I figure out how much money it will cost.

Good luck in the draws. Bonus points or not you will be very lucky to ever draw a tag in the mentioned states. Apply if you can afford it. How old are you? Idaho is a slam dunk. Apply for 27-1. odds 0ne in five. Sucess rate around 30%. Hire a guide if needed. If you don't kill. You only lost 165 dollars or so. Can apply again. You will spend alot of money, likly over 50K in 20 years buying bonus points and applying for sheep in the states you mentioned. You still may not draw a tag. I have spent close to 8k in the last 7-8 years putting in for sheep in 6 states. It's getting more expensive. Im not even close to drawing realistically. I'm wondering about a Dall as well. Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-06 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p] I'll
>have to pull out the
>WY regs again tonight.
>I'm still trying to figure
>out how much this will
>cost me out of pocket.

- It will be $100 a year, you will never get to max points but you still have a chance each year in the 25% random draw.

> I'm thinking that I
>should start with CO and
>MT to build to the
>max point level.

- You'll never get to max points in MT, too many guys ahead of you and too few tags. You will get to max preference points in CO (3) but you have to just to get in the actual drawing.

>also through in UT because
>its close and this year
>is the first year for
>a bighorn tag. I
>shouldn't be too far behind

-Actually, you will be behind as a number of forward-thinking individuals have been building points in UT for RM Bighorn for a few years even though they have haven't issued any to the NR.

I hate to sound negative, I just want you to know what you are up against. If you are like me, and many others, and want to hunt sheep, then by all means apply everywhere you can. Don't write off long-shots as most are exactly that. Somebody has to draw. Why not you?

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I realize the reality of the situation but as stated, someone has to draw. I know I won't draw if I don't apply. I think I'll skip WY, at least this year. The $100 might be better spent on raffle tickets.

I'm 35. ID should be a slam dunk, especially since I'm planning to apply for 27-1. I tend to be lucky in life so we'll have to see about the other states.
I would not just buy the point in WY, but I would try to draw a random draw tag. It is possible not to get one in Idaho, so do not put all your eggs in one basket. I hunted an easy to draw unit there for about a month, and got my ram on the last day of the season. That made the success all the sweeter, but there was not much room for error. It would have been disappointing not to get one, and I was very close to that.
Doesn't MT have a guaranteed draw for a sheep tag around the Beartooth Wilderness? They way I know it you can buy the tag, but once the quota is filled( it was 5 sheep I believe ) then the hunting was done. The terrain there is difficult to say the least.
Why AZ to far behind but not NV? NV pnts are squared, you are really behind there more then AZ, also Utah, I have 3 or 4 rocky mnt pnts, NR, they had a tag, and pnts for several years now FYI

CO best bet, by far. I would go for WY before all others except CO.
Nevada points really aren't squared so-to speak. A person gets so many points, say 6. That number is squared. You get a random draw number every year you apply. Your number of bonus points squared is the number of random draw numbers they issue you. They then take the lowest random draw number, and give you that for the draw, plus the one from the application. So, from 2 years up, you have no more than 2 numbers in the draw. More points just means that you have a better shot at getting a lower number for the second slot.
I would read the regs again on Wyoming. Not getting points there is looking over something...just my 2 cents.

Man mevertsen I didn't know Navada worked that way. Good info. Thanks for sharing.

Can you post a link to that in the regs on the website?

Thanks again,

LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-07 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]Actually, I may be slightly mistaken from a thread I read in the Mule Deer forum. Everything is the same, but you get only 1 draw number, so for 6 bonus points, and then applying, you would get 37 random draw numbers, and then take the lowest number and put that in the draw. So whether you have 0 points or 40, everyone has one number in the draw, so its all basically on a level plane. The bonus points are just like buying 50 raffle tickets. And how often does the person who buys one ticket win? The information is not clearly listed anywhere I can find online. IT has come from talking with several people employed at NDOW, but NDOW does not do the draw itself. They have Wildlife Administrative Services do the draw. They are located in Fallon, NV. The NDOW website is On NDOW's website, under hunting, they have bonus point info. You can go in there, and it tells you how many people drew what species with how many bonus points, and also how many were unsuccessful in the draw with how many bonus points.

Hope this helps.



Sorry to disagree, but I don't think the plane is level at all in Nevada. Those with a lot of points have a much better chance of getting a low number than those with no points or few points. In your example, their chance of getting a low number is 37 times better with 6 points than it is with 0 points. That's how I see it at least. Those with the lowest randomn numbers get the tags.

The only sure thing is if you don't apply, you won't draw!

Good luck to all in the drawings.

Anyone brave enough to list in order the states they would apply to from best to worst? (I know, do your own homework)
nripepi - I am not saying that the person with 0 points has better odds, I even stated earlier that a person with more points has a better shot at getting a lower number, that is a given. Its all luck of the draw. A person with 6 points COULD end up with all high numbers, and a person with no points COULD end up with the lowest number. So one should not be discouraged cause they "are behind in the points game." I saw a couple years ago where a 13 year old drew a Rocky Mtn Bighorn sheep tag. The odds on that are like 700+ to one. He could have only applied for 2 years, thats one bonus point, so he had 2 shots at getting a low number, and drew the tag of a lifetime.
If you get caught up in your chances and how bad the odds are stacked against you then you will never put in for a sheep tag.

1) Have a plan going into the application. Do you want to hunt any sheep or do you want to hunt a top end ram.
2) Determine how much non-refundable money can you give away each year.
3) Stay in it for the long run, but understand that the application fees increase almost every year.
4) If you feel that you are too far behind on points then you might want to consider some of the raffles. Accountants seem to have differing opinions if it is truly a "donation".

I got serious about applying for sheep tags 6 years ago and put in for as many states as I could afford. In that 6 year period I have drawn two ram tags. I started in the units with the best odds and then after getting a ram, I then shifted my focus to the trophy areas.
Brymoore, I'll sorta answer your question. Each year, I apply for myself and my 19 year old son. Here are the sheep applications we make every year. These are not in order of quality,by any means.

Oregon, California Bighorns
California, Desert Bighorns
Arizona, Desert Bighorns
Nevada, Desert, Rocky Mtn, and California Bighorns
Utah, Rocky Mtn. Bighorns
New Mexico, Rockies
Colorado, Rockies
Wyoming, Rockies
Montana, Rockies.

Of course, we also apply for deer, elk, moose, pronghorn tags in all these states too. We average 50-60+ applications per each year.
Wow. I wish I had the excess funds to make 50-60 applications. I'm trying to keep this years out of pocket (besides returnable funds) to under $500.
Bry, Part of the lore of sheep hunting is that it is such a rare opportunity. I have been applying now in multiple states(2 or 3) now for 30 years and I have one beautiful Wyoming bighorn to show for it. Unless I die beforehand, I will also draw a Utah desert because of the number of bonus points I have. I count myself very lucky for that one experience. But unless you are lucky (like Roger above) you will be fortunate to count on more than a few sheep draws in your lifetime.
Having said that, I think your under $500 besides returnable funds will actually put you ahead of most hunters remotely interested in sheep.
Also know that there are very few of us who can afford 50-60 applications a year, so don't get discouraged that you don't have the disposable income of some very fortunate souls.
Ok, after reading people's posts, is it worth it to start applying in Nevada for sheep right now? I was thinking about it, but at the same time wondering if the non-refundable hunting license fee could be better spent on raffles? Thanks.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-07 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]
Wow -

Do I ever feel lucky to be living in British Columbia where I can just buy my sheep tag over the counter every year and take my choice of pursuing Stone's sheep, Rocky Mountain Bighorn or California Bighorns !! The Dall draw is easy to get and there are some California bighorn draws that are not out of reach either but also open areas for them!!

I can go on a 2 week sheep hunt up north for Stone's within a day from my home and if I don't get a ram - I can always whip down south of my place and within 3-4 hours - be hunting California bighorn rams ...... and only an extra couple hours on that - be hunting rockies.....

We have some draw sheep areas that are hard to get but you don't need them to hunt.

I'll be sure to remind myself of this thread when I get all stressed out over "where and what species" I want to hunt in any given fall and how fortunate some of us are.

My Cost approx.:

Licence: $45
Sheep tag: $60

Food for 14 day hunt: $150 (split that with partner)
Gas: (for Stone's sheep - $100 bucks - partner pays other way) ..... same with Rockies .... I can be onto cali areas with 3/4 tank !

If I choose to fly in for Stone's (you don't have to for good sheep hunting either) .... it costs only approx. $400-1000 per person dependant on how far you want to fly and the number of guys going (2-4).

Did I read you right?
You can hunt any species of sheep on an over the counter tag?

You make it sound like we all need to move North for a few years so we can fill our SLAMs!
You are a lucky man!

What unit in CO & how many years did you apply if you don't mind me asking? Rifle or bow? Just curious as I've been applying there for almost ten years now. (And WY, UT & AZ last year.)

Never applied in MT yet.


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