Sheep redemption


Very Active Member
Back in 2009 I went on a dall sheep hunt in Alaska. REALLY long story short with less tears involved I didn't get my sheep. Some of you may remember the story. Well today my guide called me with a last minute cancellation hunt for much cheaper. I jumped on it and my wife and I are heading to Alaska to hopefully redeem myself this Thursday. The hunt starts Sunday. Talk about scrambling to get everything together. I guess we'll see how "sheep shape" I am. Wish me luck.

P.S. This will be my wife's FIRST ever hunt.
Holy frijoles congratulations! Hope you get your ram, just remember to have a good time.
Holy cow! Your wife's first hunt is a Dall sheep hunt? Wow, that's holding her feet to the fire!
Best of luck bro!
Return safely and report back please.
Back in 2003 I got a call like that for Stone sheep. The outfitter called, I booked airfare and then he called back and said cancel those tickets and buy some for as early as you can and get here ASAP. I did, outfitter sid he'd hunt me for 21 days if needed, stayed and hunted with another hunter for his Stone sheep as a spotter, the hunting was fantastic for sheep and moose!
Sometimes rushing around works out. I hope the best for marley.
Thanks guys I'm on my way! The White is taking a backseat on this one. I'm packing my 6.5 lb .264 WM for this hunt.

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