Sheep Raffle?


Active Member
Im thinking of buying some raffle tickets for the Colorado governors tag. How many of you have ever been succesful with getting a tag through raffle tickets? Am I wasting my money?

Any raffle is a long shot at drawing, so in my opinion, you don't want to drop money that you don't have. On the other hand most raffle money goes to sheep habitat/restoration, and keeping sheep on the mountain, (unless it is with GSCO and then it lines the pockets of rich guys....can you tell I am a little bitter)
At any rate sometimes you do get lucky, like I did at the UFNAWS banquet this year, and draw a tag. (I drew a Dall Sheep Hunt).
Your odds of drawing in a raffle are sometimes better than drawing with an application, but it just depends on the raffle.
It just makes me wonder if your name actualy goes into the drawing because you "dont need to be present to win". I was looking at the RMBS site and looking at the people who had won the raffle. Low and behold just so happens that the president of RMBS won the tag in 2008. Sounds kind of fishy to me.

Does anyone know how many tickets they sell? Is there a limit to the number of tickets in this particular raffle gives out?

No 911 wasn't an inside job, Bin Laden has been dead for years, the Loch Ness monster isn't real and the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society doesn't do anything crooked with its statewide sheep license raffle. Both the current president and vice president have won the raffle in the past and are so inspired by sheep that they have gone onto becoming volunteer board members of the RMBS for years spending literally hundreds of hours a year advocating for sheep and sheep hunters.

Low and behold, the person you refer to as winning in 2008 was the past president at the time he won and was a guy who did more for the bighorns society, sheep and hunters than anyone I know of in recent years. He was directly behind the "tag re-issue" program for sheep, moose and goat license. A program that in its 3 years has put close to 100 sheep, goat and moose licenses that were turned in by hunters who couldn't participate into the hands of another person, thus not loosing that opportunity. He got many new members actively involved who went onto help the RMBS in various ways and helped foster a very cooperative relationship with the COlorado Division of WIldlife. All because he drew a tag in 2000 and was so inspired by the experience that he spent many thousands of hours of time through himself, his wife and his brother doing all sorts of work for the RMBS and wild sheep in COlorado.

All the tickets are processed and put into a big barrel that is turned and churned on-stage as the highlight moment of the annual RMBS fundraiser banquet, a kid is picked form the attendees who then blindly reaches into this barrel and fishes around for a ticket. The ticket is immediately handed to the President of the RMBS who immediately announces the name in front of 300-400 people. Kind of hard to pull a fast one there.

The odds are long but its a fun way to donate some cash directly towards wildlife and still have that hope and dream that you could be the one. I'm sure the over 2000 people who buy tickets won't give a crap if you don't want to buy in though.

I think the max is 25 tickets at 25 bucks a crack. I bought 8 last year and almost didn't without some hard prodding by a friend. I just didn't feel lucky that night.
God damn! I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers there cowboy and insult you or your bed partners so please forgive me.

No worries buckle bunny. My feathers aren't ruffled you just seemed like you needed a good dose of reality after implying that a bunch of hard working volunteers for wildlife are willing to commit felony fraud for a sheep license.
For the amount of time and dedication Dan, Tim, Mike, John, and hundreds of others give for bighorn conservation and enhancement of hunting opportunities, give them a tag every year. I'll donate another $100 to the cause. Somebody's got to win.

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