sheep pics

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-08 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]Here they are (had to resize them a touch).

Wow, very nice ram. Now tell us the story. Congratulations to the hunter.






the ram will end up in the 190's my wife drew the tag in western mt we looked over quite a few low to mid 180 class rams until we found this ram on our 5th day of hunting we were able to get within 40 yards and she was able to calm down enof to make the shot the body size is huge the dressed out weight of the ram is right at 240.he's 40 4/8 on each side and pushing 17 on the bases.
Incredible ram! I just killed a 164 ram in Utah but it looks small to that monster. Congrats
That Ram looks like it has been on steroids!! Obvious Big Sky genes.
Congratulations to your wife! Certainly a trophy that can't be beat! Just curious how old he was.
That is absolutely AWESOME! Those pictures are great and though I don't haveany experiance with bighorn , I agree that ram looks like he was on steroids , looks crazy heavy and I know picutres never really show the true mass. Congrats to you and your wife on a beautiful trophy....
Great ram! I grew up in western mt, mind if I ask what area? We spent many days in Perma, Rock Creek, and Petty Creek with a video camera. In those days, the gov tag was always hunting Perma or Rock Creek...before the the breaks tag was producing like has. Thanks for sharing the picts.
we shot him in 213 at anaconda i had the the tag in 91 which helped out alot and i talked to tim magness and he helped alot from when he use to live in anaconda.
we hunted the day we shot the ram with tim he was a big help in judging and showing us where to look.
Nice ram....Good job!!!!!

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

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