Sheep Pics

I thought the same thing, but I think the horn is still there, just slipped down the core? Either way I wonder if he'll survive?
My brother killed a sheep in Idaho in 1998. When he took his ram into the taxidermist, another hunter had brought in his sheep. It looked somewhat like the ram in the picture. IDFG biologist thought that his sheep had been struck by lighting and survived. Talk about a headache!
Lightning is my guess. If it actually was a strike, the damage is the most dramatic damage I have seen on a living sheep. Great photos. I have seen pictures of three or four sheep killed from a single strike.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-08 AT 00:35AM (MST)[p]That type of horn fracture is usually caused by chronic sinusitis. The sinusitis is caused by necrotic bot fly larvae migrating into the sinuses of the sheep and up into the horn.


Article 2
Thanks for that info! That is very interesting and I reckon that's gotta be the cause of the damage. I've never heard of that problem. Boy, as if sheep didn't have a tough enough life! Those critters have a LOT to contend with. That particular case is so severe it looks as if he could bust that entire side right off with a hard enough hit. Thanks again...I think that solves it.
Lots of times they do actually break off the damaged side. I have never seen any like that in the wild but know people who have and know of a few that have been taken by hunters.

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