Sheep Outfitters


Very Active Member
How what percentage of the successful draw tag applicants do NOT hire an outfitter? Resident versus NR? Curious and I think it may be lower than most think.
How what percentage of the successful draw tag applicants do NOT hire an outfitter? Resident versus NR? Curious and I think it may be lower than most think.
Are you asking Rockies, Deserts, Dalls, or Stones and what states/units, etc.? There are lots of variables to your question.
In Colorado each sheep kill is logged as to Outfitted or Not. This data can be viewed on the Hunting Statistics / Horn Measurements report published annually. Last year the percentage of outfitted kills was about 17% of the total.
Let’s start with deserts and Rockies in the lower 48.
The variables I'm suggesting include, is the tag holder an experienced sheep hunter, or has experienced help? Do they live close or far away from their unit? Are they dirt poor, or have expendable income, etc. etc.
In most western states where tag numbers are relatively large for residents,(Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, CO) I think a majority (80%) do not hire an outfitter, but probably few NR's (10-20%) go DIY. In Wyoming it's required for an NR to be guided if they hunt in wilderness (most units)
Given how hard it is to draw a sheep tag and the once in a lifetime reality of the tag, I think anyone who doesn't have serious sheep experience or help, is nuts to not hire a guide.
I've studied the NV checkout summaries for years and it was easy to see the serious sheep hunters vs those that didn't care that much, by the success rates and the days afield.
For me part of the hunt is the adventure and accomplishment of planning and hunting DIY. Usually with a friend and family member if they can take time off. Sometimes you have to be smart on what unit you can hunt this way. Definitely a lot of places where a guide, horses, etc would be required. Those places I do not apply for. As far as an experienced sheep hunter, no time like the present to learn. Maybe I have been lucky. Definitely stubborn. And now getting older as the mountains get steeper.

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