sheep on the Oquirrh range


Very Active Member
I'm curious if there are or was at one time Bighorn sheep on the Oquirrh range in Utah . This past week I saw what looked like a bighorn sheep skull over by Mercur Canyon . The skull looks very old , and most of the front part is gone . There is only one side of the horn , and that is very weathered . I didn't have a camera with me , but next time I ride out there I will try to get a picture .
I spend some time out there , and have never seen or heard about sheep . Seems like I read about the fish and game transplanting some sheep on the Stansbury range , is it possible a sheep wandered over to the Oquirrh range .
Just wondering if any body has any information about the possiblity of sheep being on that range .
I forgot to mention there was no other bones in the area . The part of the skull cap that remained was very brittle , and was falling apart . Just a guess but I would think it has been there for a very long time .
Last year they transported 20 sheep from Antelope Island to the Stansbury Range so I guess they could have drifted over, I believe it was the 3rd time they stocked the area with fresh genetics.
I need to figure out the gps thing . Its a couple hour horse ride up the mountain , in a out of the way place .
If that is a skull of an actual big horn sheep, it is NOT one from the herd transplanted on the Stansbury Range. They are several miles away from Mercur. I would guess it was somebody's pet that was dumped.


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I have to agree with PRO. The Stansbury sheep have only been there for three years and they mostly hang out on the very north end. If it's a very old skull it most likely belongs to something other than the Stansbury herd.
Not only that but the DWR would already know because all the sheep they brought over are collared, so they dont wander off

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