Sheep info



Hello. Does anybody have any links to reccomended sheep outfits in Bristich Columbia ? Trying to help my boss out who is interested in that. Looking for high success #'s. Most of the places I have checked don't list success rates. I hear that due to the often older age of sheep hunters looking for a grand slam that %'s are horrible. Usually 40 to 50%. Thank you in advance.
You didn't say which type of sheep your boss wants to hunt. BC has four (Dall, Stone, California, and Rocky). If he wants a Stone, I would suggest he look at the Bradfords out of Dease Lake. Their success rate is hard to beat. Go to the site:

Do and info search on the Skeena region to find their contact information.

Also, maybe your boss should join FNAWS and GSC/Ovis. Both organizations would get him "in the know" for all North American sheep hunting.


Myles and Sherry Bradford are actually listed in the Peace region. Sorry for the mistake.

Congrats on the 2007 Stone hunt! I killed a beauty of a ram with them in 1998. Blue Sheep Lake in the early fall is truly a special place.

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