sheep horn and cape carry on



Has anyone out there had sheep horns and a cape as carry on baggage on Delta Airlines? If so, how did they treat ya? Thanks for any info.
Yes. There is that off chance that I would duct tape them to my head and go into full rut on a stewardess or possibly even a pilot.

I had the same question. I called TSA at the Fairbanks Airport.
They said it would not be allowed on carry on due to the sharp horns. If I get a ram, I will pickup a cooler in Fairbanks and check it and cross my fingers they don't send it to Hong Kong!
Just kill one that is broomed, thus no sharp horns......LOL. I can't see any reason not to allow as carryon, makes sense to me. But if you get a booner it may not fit in the overhead so it would be disallowed cuz of size. But if that were the case what a good problem to have. I have transported several in my checked baggage(duffel) with no problem.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I wrapped a 40 inch slightly broomed dall ram with all of my clothes in a duffle bag and checked it. Did not have a probelm. I carried the cape on with me. Remember they do not want to see any liquid so make sure you wrap the cape real well with garbage sacks. Got home okay and the mount turned out great. Good luck and cross your fingers everything goes as planned.
Stuffed my dall cape and horns into my back pack and checked it. They searched it at the airport it had all my clothes wrapped in and around it that I had worn for the last week while hunting. HEHE that chick about puked pulling out those drawers and socks from a back pack sheep hunt. Anyway she stuffed everything back in and it checked fine.

Your ram was a brute. I am surprised it even fit in the plane!
If I see a ram like yours, I may for the first time get a serious case of buck fever!
I put sheep and goat cape and horns in my checked baggage last year from BC and it worked out fine. Take the comments here and make REAL sure it does not leak.


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