Sheep Food ?



What does bighorn taste like ? Does it make good jerkey or sausage ? Any recipes or good books to help get started ? I like lamb, I despise mutton. Spank you.
Unless you are being given some you'll never have to worry about what it tastes like cuz you sure as heck aren't going to shoot one :)

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Better than elk or deer, same color and texture. I loved it from mine and my hunting partner's rams.
....and I may go another 25 in Colorado without drawing, but that won't stop me from heading north in the next few years. You coming?

I have heard the same thing Blank has said, very delicious.

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Its really, really good. Tender, mild with fine muscle texture. Most comparable to yearling elk and or Axis deer IMO.

To put it another way. I like it enough that I volunteered to pack out DK's sheep for a package of steaks when he gets one next year.
Best part has to be fresh sheep ribs over an open fire and spices added to it ..... simply delicious.
I had some of my Colorado ram for dinner tonight. The flavor is very similiar to a mid-west whitetail, but I find the ram to be much more tender. My ram was ten years old. A whitetail of compariable age would be tough as chewing on one of my Meindl's.

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