sheep draw



Hi. Could anybody explain to me what states do what as far as bonus or preference points in sheep draws ? I am familiar with the systems in CO, NV, UT and AZ. What are the point systems in CA, OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, NM ? Do you have a chance in these other states if you don't have the maxium points allowed ? Thanks in advance.
I may be wrong as these are off the top o my head but...
CA - Pref - 1 NR tag per year
OR - None for sheep - No opinion, I dont apply there
WA - Bonus - Very hard state to draw in
ID - None - Best odds
MT - Pref - hard state to draw in but PP is cheap, as is tag
WY - Pref - 75% go to those with most points, $100 a point nxt yr
NM - None - A lot of applicants because it is only $6 to apply... can be done though, just ask RamDreamer

Anyone feel free to correct anything I got wrong
CA = Modified Preference point system
OR = No preference or bonus point system for sheep.
WA = Bonus point system
ID = No preference or bonus point system for sheep currently.
MT = Bonus point system
WY = 75% of draw is Preference point system based, 25% is random.
NM = No preference or bonus point system for sheep currently.

Regards your question: "Do you have a chance in these other states if you don't have the maxium points allowed ?" It's all a matter of opinion as to what kind of a chance you have to draw in the above states. Every year people with less than max points draw.
Thank you MN. I have a quick question with WA and CA. I have 1 PP in CA. I beleive 2 is the max. Being a PP behind am I still eligable to draw or do I need 2 to even be considered. Also with WA. Do you have a chance if you do not have any BP ? Thanks again.
One note on Idaho:

At the Tri-State FNAWS gathering in June, I asked an IDF&G guy if a system would be implemented in Idaho for 2006. His response was, "I think so, except for moose and sheep." When I asked why not for sheep (I mean isn't everything else just a carp????), his response was, "because we have more new applicants every year than we have permits, no point system will be fair. At some point in time the system will implode."

So I encourage all of you to not put in for sheep in Idaho starting in 2006 and get in on the elk, deer, goat, and antelope point system at its inception. LOL
I'm not exactly sure about CA as I don't apply there but I think you are. RamDreamer will know for sure. As for WA, you are still eligible with no points, you just get your name thrown in for every bonus point so to speak. Both are very tough states to draw though... then again all sheep tags are tough draws!

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