Sheep dog killed by Wolf

"Lewis said the 100-pound Great Pyrenees was no match for the wolf"

What does that say about a defenseless deer or elk, or worse yet, child waiting for a school bus?
Don't worry it was NOT a wolf.

They know right where the border is and will never cross over from WY/ID!!!!

Everybody's Acting like this is the First Wolf that's ever Ventured in to TARDville!


Smart Wolf!

2nd Plan is to Kill & Eat the Flock!:D

Mark My Word on it!

It's OK for Us/DWR/Government Trappers to Kill them as We Speak!

As Soon as they are Re-Introduced it'll be a BIG FINE to make Target Practice out of them!

Where does BuzzH Stand on this?

I've asked for years:

Where you gonna put Wolves here in TARDville where there won't be a BIG Conflict with LandOwners/Ranchers/Game Herds?

Just one Wolf ventures in & We've got an Instant Conflict!

This State Ain't Full of a Bunch of Wolf Lovers yet,I suppose before it's over it will be!

We have the DWR here in Utah for Game Decimation,We don't need anymore Help here!

You Boys(Idaho,Wyoming,Montana!) Best get them Pushed back to the North!

They'll Fall like Big Coyotes in this State!

From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

It's Old News!

There's a few Wolves in TARDville!

You Guys ever Notice they never Populate?

Ever wonder Why?

From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
There are wolfs on the Manit. I have property down there and they are on my trail cams. Wait their not wolfs their just huge coyotes that hunt in a pack. Any how they are here.
Deerslayer, would your trail cams that have the pic's of wolves be near Browns peak? Or maybe north of the Cattleman Drive Road? I have not witnessed wolves in these areas but have been told that they are in these areas.
The so called wolves that were in the Sheep Creek Hobble Creek area a year or two ago are now gone. They did find two of them that had passed on. The DNA results showed that they were not from the Yellowstone group meaning that they were dumped there by someone. I am thinking that is what is on the Manti. Tree huggers trying to get them started. Can't let them get a hold in Utah.
>The so called wolves that were
>in the Sheep Creek Hobble
>Creek area a year or
>two ago are now gone.
> They did find two
>of them that had passed
>on. The DNA results
>showed that they were not
>from the Yellowstone group meaning
>that they were dumped there
>by someone. I am
>thinking that is what is
>on the Manti. Tree
>huggers trying to get them
>started. Can't let them
>get a hold in Utah.

Probably Died from Natural Cause?


Lead Poisoning!

From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

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