Shed thief!


Very Active Member
So I woke up this morning to 2 things that pissed me off. First was 4 inches of snow, the second was someone stole a small six point shed antler I had sitting on my front porch. It doesn't bother me that the antler is gone... It bothers me that some dipchit thinks they have the right to steal someones property. I just don't see the point I guess. The antler was a real pisscutter.

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I have ZERO tolerance for thieves! I manage a Mobil 1 Lube Express & carwash in West Jordan (UT). We have an RV dump that locks up. The 2 locks are welded to 5/16 chain and at the time, the locks weren't even locked. Some "peach" came and cut the chain and stole the 2 locks! Unbelievable! (but not surprising) What a joke! Hope you find out who the loser is who stole your antler.
Here's a pic of the antler...not worth stealing if you ask me. I live in Midway, anyone see or hear any chump bragging about it, let me know.

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Maybe a DOG wondering around at night saw it and carted it off somewhere.

The dog thing is a possibility I suppose. 4-5 years ago I had a fairly big but old deer shed laying in the front planter. I was pissed to think someone had taken it. Later that day I noticed the dog across the street was muching on it.
I anchored my sheds in the flowerbeds with tie wire and tent stakes. Works great so the dogs can't pack them off. If they lay there to chew on them I shoot them in the butt with a bb gun. I shot lots of them at first, they leave them alone for the most part now.

If I catch any animals that aren't mine in my yard I duct tape thier legs together and throw them head first into a trash can full of water. It's a kick to see them try to get out. Usually, they don't. :0

I don't keep sheds in my frontyard cuz my wife steals them. She doesn't go for that look.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Could be that some P.O.S. carried your shed away , but I also agrre on the dog deal . I have had a few walk away from my shed garden , only to find neighbor dogs chewing on them later .

Thats a good idea on the tent stakes and wiring them down . I think I will try that .
A guy I work with will tie a sack over a male dogs head and cut their nuts out with a pocket knife when they hang around when his dog is in heat.... He hasn't had any repeat offenders. Lol.

>A guy I work with will
>tie a sack over a
>male dogs head and cut
>their nuts out with a
>pocket knife when they hang
>around when his dog is
>in heat.... He hasn't had
>any repeat offenders. Lol.

That should work with thieves as well. I don't think it was taken by a dog. It was 4 feet off the ground inside a covered porch. We had snow overnight with no dog tracks anywhere in the yard.

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>A guy I work with will
>tie a sack over a
>male dogs head and cut
>their nuts out with a
>pocket knife when they hang
>around when his dog is
>in heat.... He hasn't had
>any repeat offenders. Lol

Sancho had a jealous husband threaten to do that once too. Some dogs never learn.

Bummer, about the shed. A thief in the neighborhood is never good.
You guys better be careful talking about what you do to stray dogs. Bucksnort might get his witto feewings hurt and call you names.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]Well, that's a relief. When I read the title I thought someone ripped your tuff shed off the foundation and took the whole darned thing. :) My first thought is a dog. Second thought is that Coleman character from Houston.
WOW I thought I was cold hearted. A couple of you guys are straight up cold. I will give a dog a break. If I catch him in the trash or packing things off I normally can find the owner and let them know. I make sure they understand that this won't be tolerated. Most are not repeat offenders. I did catch one dog that was a repeat and he turned up missing after he bit me. Another one that was long haired got a letter duct taped to his neck letting his owner know what I think of them. I used almost a whole roll.
First time offenders are shooed away. I give an extra break to gun dogs. Pit bulls, dobies, rotties,and those types get shooed away a little firmer.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p]Just so you guys know.....I don't drown animals...that was a joke. :)

If I see someone's dog dropping a duece on someones lawn (with the owner walking the dog), I will follow that person home, find out where they live...then go back and pick up the poop and smear it all over their front door. I haven't done it yet, but I'm eagerly looking for the first offender! LOL

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Wisz, lmfao!

Ron, he's an old cowboy and says that's how it was done in the old days. Helped keep the stupid ones from making more stupid pups!

He's a funny old guy!

I have a soft spot for the bird dogs too, I live in a small enough community I know who owns them. Its the mutts that drag my stuff all over and cause all sorts of problems.

Sheds are getting stolen out of yards all over the heber valley. You should report it, just to get it on record. You're not alone.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]Maybe they're grinding the bone to extract the stored testosterone to use as an aphrodisiac? Believe it or not, there is a market for antler products among the many apothecary here in CA.
So, I would not be surprized if the same thing could be happening there.

That would be hilarious. I'll bet the cops would love writing reports upon reports of stolen PISSCUTTERS!! LMAO!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
They are working a lead on this case. A suspect stopped with a large quantity of bone in his vehicle. Due to the time of night and area, a few additional checks were made. The perp had a NCIC hit for grand horn larceny and has subsequently been identified out of a lineup. So far the suspect is not talking.


1911 , I'm about 80 percent sure I have seen that suspect in my neighborhood . The suspect may belong to my neighbor . I'm thinking a k-9 SWAT team , no knock warrant may be in order .
This post is m-utterly ridiculous!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Hey Wiz have you seen Me, Myself and Irene? Just go drop your own on the offending dog owner's yard.

As for the original post maybe it was a treasure hunt.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Hmm, not a bad idea...smearing the poo. You could also mail it to them. Works really good, especially if it is around Christmas time. Or so I have heard.

>AT 07:24?PM (MST)

>Just so you guys know.....I don't
>drown animals...that was a joke.
>If I see someone's dog dropping
>a duece on someones lawn
>(with the owner walking the
>dog), I will follow that
>person home, find out where
>they live...then go back and
>pick up the poop and
>smear it all over their
>front door. I haven't done
>it yet, but I'm eagerly
>looking for the first offender!
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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