Shed hunting

Sounds like you do. :) Don't be surprised if you don't get any takers. Utah is pretty saturated with shed hunters right now and it's getting worse. Most guys aren't wanting to give up their shed areas.
If you want to get into shed hunting with people, put in some miles and find a few good shed spots, post some pics here on MM. You'll probably have more success finding a partner if you have something to offer in the partnership.
I'm not in Utah, but I know for me, it's taken 15+ years to find a few decent spots that are reliable year after year. It takes even longer to find and keep track of the areas that are dependant on the weather (where do you go in heavy snow years, where do you look in a dry year/wet year etc) and then just alot of failure and a little luck to get a circuit that turns up some good sheds over the years.
Work hard and be patient you'll have success.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 01:05PM (MST)[p]Ya I didnt figure on to many people wanting to help but it is worth a try. Unfortunetly I dont have the luxury of being in 1 area for any more than 4 years. But I do appriciate the advice and it will be putting it to good use.

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