She seems nice


Very Active Member
It's not like Obama/Biden didn't go after the opposition party weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ & the State Dept.
Obama/Biden paved the way with a road map, no reason to think Kamala wouldn't do the same. When people tell you their intentions believe them
Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 9.04.33 PM.png
Her "criminal justice reform" is outright B.S. She will destroy our justice system. I have not seen another CA. Attorney General that was hated more then her by law enforcement in this state.
Her record as San Francisco D.A. and CA. Attorney General is one of the worse you can find when you dig into it. She climbed the political ladder by being Willie Browns private whore when he was in office. She will do anything to gain power and money and her own Father does not condone her actions.
Her "criminal justice reform" is outright B.S. She will destroy our justice system. I have not seen another CA. Attorney General that was hated more then her by law enforcement in this state.
Her record as San Francisco D.A. and CA. Attorney General is one of the worse you can find when you dig into it. She climbed the political ladder by being Willie Browns private whore when he was in office. She will do anything to gain power and money and her own Father does not condone her actions.

That is interesting to hear. I never looked very closely at her record as AG- I heard plenty from my sister who is a CA appellate attorney. I assumed if a far left defense attorney disliked her that much, that she was probably liked by law enforcement. Seems she has the ability to bring both sides together in disliking her. Interesting route to a presidential ticket.
Hahahaha. It's not real! It's from a satirical fake news website and you guys bought it! That's so embarrassing! No wonder you believe the other garbage Trump spews. You probably believe the Q-Anon hoax too ???

Here's the website, it literally said satire and "conservative fan fiction" in the title...
Kamala own words that I heard on the debate stage isn't fake news however.
Free healthcare to illegals, while many people struggle with health problems.

OPEN borders. That means NO control over disease, like covid, Drugs, opioid addictions are killing a lot of people in our country.
Sex trafficking, Many kids are abused.

Confiscate guns.
Abortion I guess kids lives right, even late term don't matter, it doesn't matter what color they are.

defund police and abolish ICE. Do you like the whats going on in many democratic cities. Do you want to live in Portland, Chicago?

Grizz, you are too smart to vote for those things. I hope most people are as well.
Sadly most are not , and either way I want Trump to win more than ever, but the Fix is already in , to many powerful people and countries that want him out. Voter fraud is in the works with mail in. I hope Im 100% wrong, but to many idiots out there that have caught the liberal disorder
That is interesting to hear. I never looked very closely at her record as AG- I heard plenty from my sister who is a CA appellate attorney. I assumed if a far left defense attorney disliked her that much, that she was probably liked by law enforcement. Seems she has the ability to bring both sides together in disliking her. Interesting route to a presidential ticket.

Wow, like a broken record. You would vote in a dead rat if it some one said it was a Democrat. She is a typical lying ho of a Democrat that says whatever it takes to get into office. One bent knee at a time.
Bend one for BLM
Bend one for I hate America
Bend one for I hate the police
Bend one for hate the flag.
Bend one to get that "job" at a time
But don't bend one for the reason you should.
Democrats at it's best
Pro late term abortion? But no death penalty?
It's ok to kill a baby, but not terminate a murderer?
I say if you are a Democrat you need to live in Portland and see what the true nature of your party is. Or have a mob of them invade your neighborhood and they can turn and burn your car. But just remember they are mostly peaceful.
Kamala own words that I heard on the debate stage isn't fake news however.
Free healthcare to illegals, while many people struggle with health problems.

OPEN borders. That means NO control over disease, like covid, Drugs, opioid addictions are killing a lot of people in our country.
Sex trafficking, Many kids are abused.

Confiscate guns.
Abortion I guess kids lives right, even late term don't matter, it doesn't matter what color they are.

defund police and abolish ICE. Do you like the whats going on in many democratic cities. Do you want to live in Portland, Chicago?

Grizz, you are too smart to vote for those things. I hope most people are as well.
Huntin50, you're too smart to try and deflect far-right fake news by pointing to other bad behavior. I never once saw anybody on MM defend Kamala. You're also smart enough to know I never once said I'd vote for Biden... just that I won't vote for Trump. However, you and I both know that since I live in Utah, my vote will ultimately go to Trump just the same as the California (and probably Colorado and Nevada) votes will go to Biden.
Kamala didn't help Biden in California like a lot of people think. In her early years she threw a lot of pot growers and users in prison for a long time. And now she admits smoking it herself in college.

Don't mess with California's #1 cash crop.
Wow, like a broken record. You would vote in a dead rat if it some one said it was a Democrat. She is a typical lying ho of a Democrat that says whatever it takes to get into office. One bent knee at a time.
Bend one for BLM
Bend one for I hate America
Bend one for I hate the police
Bend one for hate the flag.
Bend one to get that "job" at a time
But don't bend one for the reason you should.
Democrats at it's best
Pro late term abortion? But no death penalty?
It's ok to kill a baby, but not terminate a murderer?
I say if you are a Democrat you need to live in Portland and see what the true nature of your party is. Or have a mob of them invade your neighborhood and they can turn and burn your car. But just remember they are mostly peaceful.
I haven't vote DEM yet, NOT ONCE but this will be my first because Trump is a POS. IF I have to be a nut like you, I'm going be happy as H#ll to vote for Biden. Hoping for a fricken landslide.
Wow, like a broken record. You would vote in a dead rat if it some one said it was a Democrat. She is a typical lying ho of a Democrat that says whatever it takes to get into office. One bent knee at a time.
Bend one for BLM
Bend one for I hate America
Bend one for I hate the police
Bend one for hate the flag.
Bend one to get that "job" at a time
But don't bend one for the reason you should.
Democrats at it's best
Pro late term abortion? But no death penalty?
It's ok to kill a baby, but not terminate a murderer?
I say if you are a Democrat you need to live in Portland and see what the true nature of your party is. Or have a mob of them invade your neighborhood and they can turn and burn your car. But just remember they are mostly peaceful.

Did I say anything about liking her or supporting anything she represents? I said I was surprised to hear she was that she was that hated by law enforcement, since I knew she is hated by my far left wing defense attorney sister who dealt directly with Her as AG. Might be worth switching to decaf.
Gator there is no way in hell this will be your first dem vote, you are over the top liberal on here unless it’s all a show? Any sane person that had been a republican up till now would 100% not vote for Biden/Cammeltoe, they would at the very least write someone in or not vote! To say otherwise is laughable! You have probably and likely the two most corrupt names out of the 28 person roster the Dems ran with on this ticket! To say that you used to be republican or conservative is probably one of the funniest things you have posted in a long time! President Trump is far from a great person, I wouldn’t hang out for a beer with him, he is very childish on Twitter and says a lot of things he shouldn’t! But for you to sit there and type that Biden/Harris would be better for this nation is beyond comprehensible!
I could be wrong in my assertion in that this might be your first time voting? If that is the case, hopefully you will gain common sense with age!
Only a complete moron would think biden is a better choice.

Not voting for Trump because you "hate" him?!? Grow the F up...

Like I said I don’t much care for the man but he will definitely get my vote, and hopefully enough more that he wins this election convincingly! Amazing the level of hate some people walk around with in their day to day life!
I haven't vote DEM yet, NOT ONCE but this will be my first because Trump is a POS. IF I have to be a nut like you, I'm going be happy as H#ll to vote for Biden. Hoping for a fricken landslide.
Was not pointed towards you. But if the glove fits you cannot acquit OJ.
Not sure if loving my country,flag and police makes me a nut? Then I will be an almond joy, go ahead and be a Mounds. Are you retired? Well plan on going back to work if your counting on a 401k to supplement it. They expect the DOW to drop to under 19,000 of the Democrats win. Then you will need the normal Democrat bailout. Socialism?
Yep let's make the whole country as f'ed up as California. The only winners will be illegals/rioters/lowlife American haters.
To somehow prove we're not racist, we're supposed to elect a man no one thinks will serve out a full term in order to install a woman nobody wanted in the first place. That's even before people discovered her Grandpa's dad was a slave dealer.

Eel Kamala Harris did not admit to smoking marijuana while in college. She admitted to it while she was the San Francisco D.A.
After admitting to smoking dope, she was asked what music she liked to listen to while smoking a joint. She stated she liked listening to Snoop Dog and another black singer that I forget his name. It was pointed out that Snoop dog and this other singer did not record any of their songs until after Harris was in office as the San Francisco D.A.
In other words she giggled about it while she was sending many blacks to prison over marijuana and at the same time she herself was violating the law.
This was one of the things that Harris' father held against her and admitted he was very upset with her actions and disowned her.
Thanks for the clarification RELH. Living in California my brain gets a little foggy at times surrounded by all the weed.
Trump is trying like h#ll to stop the US Mail service anyone that thinks that is right is a liar and cheat just like him. You can vote for his buddy Kanye West hoping he will pull couple % worth of votes. Hope they are spending your dollars you all sent in and not any tax dollars they are using to stop the mail. Another lie and cheat try by Trump and his Lil boy.
Hell they not even trying to hide their cheating yep he is your choice.
Birds of a feather flock together yep, he is your hero/ZERO. Come back with all the BS lies you want, BUT you know he is a cheating POS. To late say he doing it because voter fraud because that one didn't fly so he turned to stopping the mail and trying the end around with Kanye West.
All you TRUMP cheerleaders can't wait to kiss his A$$, You best hope he will wipe it, Because he is shitting on America during the mail deal.
Gator is crying because Trump found a way to stop wide spread voter fraud by the Democrats. It is called ballot stuffing. gator if you are so adamant about voter fraud, why do we not hear you mouthing off about State Democrats allowing illegal immigrants having a driver license that can be used to register to vote in our elections. Why don't we hear you whining about Democrats fighting having proper identification to show if they are a citizen and entitled to vote. Oh that's right, you are a liberal lying Democrat that hates our country and wants to impose a socialist government.
Crawl back into your hole and be glad this is not after 1776 where you would be shipped out of the country on a slow boat to England along with the British Army.
RELH glad this is not after 1776 where you would be shipped out of the country on a slow boat to England along with the British Army.

May happen again, just in a different way. We are not that "sophisticated" to advert similar activity...
Is it possible to block peoole here? Schmucks like "grizz' need to go. I see the stupidty everywhere these days, I'd rather not see it here.
What's the mail deal? Trump going to fire the mailman? I've been fishing most every day so I really don't know what the mail deal is.
What's the mail deal? Trump going to fire the mailman? I've been fishing most every day so I really don't know what the mail deal is.
As Joe would say "You know the thing" Eel
Nutshell - dems couldn't get him out with the corrupt Obiden administration using the fbi, cia, state dept. & doj or fake impeachment. You can't possibly vote in person because "you know the thing" - China Covid - So we must all vote by mail using ballots from who knows where that don't require ID or proof of who you say you are via signature
Is it possible to block peoole here? Schmucks like "grizz' need to go. I see the stupidty everywhere these days, I'd rather not see it here.

Yes, but only for you. You can choose to ignore posts, but it only works for you. Everyone else can still see it.
Trump is trying like h#ll to stop the US Mail service anyone that thinks that is right is a liar and cheat just like him. You can vote for his buddy Kanye West hoping he will pull couple % worth of votes. Hope they are spending your dollars you all sent in and not any tax dollars they are using to stop the mail. Another lie and cheat try by Trump and his Lil boy.
Hell they not even trying to hide their cheating yep he is your choice.
Birds of a feather flock together yep, he is your hero/ZERO. Come back with all the BS lies you want, BUT you know he is a cheating POS. To late say he doing it because voter fraud because that one didn't fly so he turned to stopping the mail and trying the end around with Kanye West.
All you TRUMP cheerleaders can't wait to kiss his A$$, You best hope he will wipe it, Because he is shitting on America during the mail deal.
So gator it sounds like you must be a mailman!
Oh sorry your a progressive a mail person!
Biden/Kamala - Mandate today that masks must be worn, even outdoors, by everyone for 3 months. Their first act of communism and they've only been together for one day. Gator approved
Is it possible to block peoole here? Schmucks like "grizz' need to go. I see the stupidty everywhere these days, I'd rather not see it here.
Sure. Just click on my name and click Ignore.

You're clearly the type of person that resorts to personal attacks and sophomoric name calling and is offended by the fact-checking and not the lies so I welcome you to click Ignore and only read the lies that give you the warm fuzzies inside and help to validate what you already believe... even if they are provably based on lies (or "fiction" as the website says).

Its called being a Low Information Voter or willfully ignorant.

Or you can keep up the personal attacks of those with whom you disagree. Either way, it says a heckuva lot about you and nothing about anybody else.
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Hey Bigshot I willing to see if you are full of $hit. Step up to the plate.

You sound a lot like one of the puppets that were around her in 2015/16 wanting to bet on stuff? I just can’t figure out which one you are? Regardless no I will not lower myself to your standards and step to your food dish? And no I’m not thinking I would loose, I was taught a long time ago by my grandmother to not take advantage of people in your state of mind, I haven’t yet and I won’t now! I hope you get the help you truly need!
As Joe would say "You know the thing" Eel
Nutshell - dems couldn't get him out with the corrupt Obiden administration using the fbi, cia, state dept. & doj or fake impeachment. You can't possibly vote in person because "you know the thing" - China Covid - So we must all vote by mail using ballots from who knows where that don't require ID or proof of who you say you are via signature
Oh, that mail deal. Got it. Gator made it sound like Trump was going to sign an executive order banning mail service.
Of course he made it sound that way. They always twist statements and facts to fit their narrative. That's why there are so many Marx cultists out there.
Gator- are you really Dude the indian rancher that employs a bunch of illegals? I always thought you were a paid blogger and not what you said. Now we find out you are a dumba$$ mailman. Funny stuff.
He’s got to be one of the old mouth breathers that wanted to bet on the election, impeachment, indictment, arrests, and what ever else they were spun out about from to much cnn and to much tds!
Gator- are you really Dude the indian rancher that employs a bunch of illegals? I always thought you were a paid blogger and not what you said. Now we find out you are a dumba$$ mailman. Funny stuff.

gleninaz, please don't disrespect someone who has passed away. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt - I am sure you do not know of "Dudes" passing in February. May he rest in peace.
Is this true? We know FTW passed via his son coming on MM and many expressed their condolences. Are you conflating FTW with Dude or Ocho or one of his many MM names?
Centerfire are you sure it was Dude, Ocho, that passed away, or have you confused him with FTW who fled CA. for Idaho and was noted for his extreme liberal ways.
I'm sorry, I apologize if I am confusing the person/s. Dude, Ocho, etc... Now I am also confused on who is who. At one point I thought they were the same person, just thought they lost their account or could no longer sign in under certain alias so they had to create a new one...

Now I am uncertain.... sorry for confusing things...
Thinking back on it now, I must be confusing Dude/Ocho.... for FTW. For some reason I thought they were the same person because they disappear for long periods of time and then post a lot and get folks riled up. LOL

I apologize for the mixup :(
Speaking of which... where is ol’ Ocho anyway? Seriously, does anyone know or keep in touch with him. It’s been a very long time since he has been on here.
I think he is on here under a different name. He has had about 3-4 name changes since coming on to this forum. Just compare his old style of formatting his replies to someone that is on here with a different name.

Eel Kamala Harris did not admit to smoking marijuana while in college. She admitted to it while she was the San Francisco D.A.
After admitting to smoking dope, she was asked what music she liked to listen to while smoking a joint. She stated she liked listening to Snoop Dog and another black singer that I forget his name. It was pointed out that Snoop dog and this other singer did not record any of their songs until after Harris was in office as the San Francisco D.A.
In other words she giggled about it while she was sending many blacks to prison over marijuana and at the same time she herself was violating the law.
This was one of the things that Harris' father held against her and admitted he was very upset with her actions and disowned her.
Ms. Harris did indeed say she did smoked while in college.
father, who was Jamaican, taught at Stanford University, and her mother, the daughter of an Indian diplomat, was a cancer researcher. Her younger sister, Maya, later became a public policy advocate. After studying political science and economics (B.A., 1986) at Howard University, Kamala earned a law degree (1989) from Hastings College.

She subsequently worked as a deputy district attorney (1990–98) in Oakland,
Those rappers music did not come out until 1991 and 1993. If she listened to their music, as she admitted to doing, she was employed as a deputy District Attorney as stated above in a brief part of her bio. She only admitted to smoking in college, but slipped up by admitting whose music she liked to listen too while smoking a joint and that put her using marijuana while working for the district attorney's office and sending many to jail and prison for the same thing she was doing.

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