She Safari


Long Time Member
Watched a show this morning about Pam Zaitz, the founder of the "She Safari" womens hunting clothing.
She's a trooper.

I've always had a thing for them size 5 bruenettes....[/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
I'm with YD on this one!!:9

LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-08 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]Now before you go throwing hate posts this way, i know girls that hunt, think about other things, like stand location, and wind direction, and scent control. but i couldn't help but imagine what the conversation in the 3rd pic was

" I just picked up three new dresses, and matching shoes, on sale the other day..."
"yeah, and this one is just the perfect shade of mauve, it'll look really good for our girls night out this weekend"
"Did i tell you your hair looks, so cute? Who cut it?"
"Leon, down at The Mane Factory, He put in some new highlights too! I just love it"


More like this, Tag....

"Hey, didn't you sleep with Rackmaster last night?"

"Oh yes. What a mistake! Smallest.Penis.Ever! And he was really freaky too. Wanted me to do things I've never even HEARD of. I don't think normal people really DO stuff like that!"

"Oh that's too bad. He seemed like such a good genetic pick, too. Large feet, big hands. Sorry to hear that. Gonna leave that notch in the bedpost or forget it?"

"Nah, I'll notch it. It's going on the "MISTAKE" bedpost though. File that one under "NEVER AGAIN!"

"By the way, you look really great this morning. Your hair looks awesome. Did you start using that new straightening iron I gave you?"

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