Shanahan Fired!!!


Long Time Member
Word is Shanahan just got canned from the Broncos. never thought i'd see that day given his close ties to Bowlen. Wow!
No way!!
They should have fired the defensive coordinator, not Mike!!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]Ooops, sorry. I didn't realize this was about football. My bad.

>Watch the Raiders pick him up!!

I was wondering about that too but Al Davis dicked him on the way out the door much like he did Lane Kiffen this year.

I cant believe they clipped Shanahan, he is a class act and I thought had earned the right to try and turn this team around

Stay classy Utah!
Al Davis is not smart enough to hire Shanahan. Bowlen was dumb enough to fire him.

Shanahan always made a competetive team out of what he had. I like the guy.
Your right, good post.
This is not only a slap in his face, but all the fans as well and the whole city of Denver.

I will always be a loyal Donkey fan, but the Bronco's will never be the same without seeing Mike's face on the side lines.

Who's up for the task....those are some mighty big shoes to fill!!

I thought Shanahan did a pretty good job with the team he had this season, it won't take long for him to find another job. Who do you think the Broncos are looking for as a new head coach, Cower, Spagnolo?
I am a DIE HARD Bronco Fan for LIFE...and I have always liked Shanny as a coach...But I think this was a good move. Mike was getting bored, he was not doing things he used to do, the team has become AVERAGE at best and the Draft has been THE WORST for this team.

I hear Rumor that Bill Cower is the leading candidate for job....I am thinking that would be AWESOME!!!!!

As for Mike going to the Raiders......NOT FOR $500 Million a year would he go work for Al Davis!!!!!!! He will coach again for sure and be successful and make whatever team he goes to better........BUT it was time for Denver to move on..
I agree it was time for Shanahan to go. It will be very weird seeing someone other than Shanahan on the sidelines but I think it will be good for both sides. Shanahan will not be out of a job for long.

As for the Broncos I hope they bring in a defensive minded coach. It would be sweet to have the "Orange Crush" back for a change. Go Broncos!

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
Cowher in Denver would be EPIC! I liked Shannahan - he was good people, but you can't lose your way out of the playoffs like that and expect to stay around too long. It is time to move on. Lets's hope it is a good one! I am really stoked about the Cowher rumor - he oficially is out of the running for the Jets job now so, lets see how it goes!

I'll bet Shannhan lands in Cleveland or KC - I don't see Edwards lasting too much longer there. I don't think he would take a dog team though. We'll see!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Minnesota sure could use him, Man just think what he could do with that team.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Cowher would be the only guy better than Shanahan. Those two are always competetive, but Cowher might have an edge? All his Steelers took off on him every year and he still made winners out of them.

I think I would have preferred Shanahan to stay though. I do like the guy.
i think Shanny will sit out a year then take the Cowboys job the following year. Phillips ain't going to last. Cowboys would be a great fit for him and he thinks highly of Jerry Jones and the way he runs the operation
And I as a Cowboy fan would be happy to see him there. I think Wade Phillips has the brains, he's just a little soft in the discipline area. IF Shanahan ends up in Dallas, bet number 81 is packin his stuff. mtmuley

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