I think they got a commissioners tag last year. Probably get another this year. Hey SFW, if you want to help improve hunting in WY, here's a suggestion. Why not take a bunch of yer political clout and have some legislators draft a bill whereby half of all monies raised from governor and commisioners tags goes back to the G&F specifically for habitat aquisition and improvement and the other half goes to the non profit organization who got the tag at the expense of us hunters. Sounds like a great idea don't you think...
Id rather see more wolves in WY than SFW and a tag grab and I think wolves are the worst thing that ever happened to the great state of Wyoming!!
It appears the Wyoming Wildlife Foundation has grabbed all the tags:


Interesting to see who the Board of Directors are for them:


* John Andrikopoulos
Cattle Rancher - Sublette County
Daniel, WY
Term: June 2010 - June 2013
* John Baughman
Retired Director - Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Retired Executive Director - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Cody, WY
Term: September 2010 - September 2013
* Terry Cleveland
Retired Director - Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Casper, WY
Term: April, 2009 - April 2012
* Hal Corbett
Attorney ? Lonabaugh & Riggs, Sheridan, WY
Term: November, 2009 ? November, 2012
* W. Grant Gregory
Chairman-Gregory & Hoenemeyer, Inc.
Greenwich, CT
Term: March 2009 ? March, 2012
* Dave Lockman
Consultant, Wildlife Mgmt. Services
Cheyenne, WY
Term: December, 2011 ? December, 2014
* Jerry Galles,
Casper businessman
Term: June 2011 - June 2014
* Robert "Bob" Model
Cody, WY
Term: September 2010 - September 2013
* Jim Muench
Retired Director of Marketing - John Deere Credit Urbandale, IA
Term: June 2010 - June 2013
* J. Michael Powers
Owner ? Powers Products, Cheyenne, WY
Term: March, 2009 ? March, 2012
* Charles Schneebeck
Educator/Biologist ? Jackson, WY
Term: January, 2009 ? January, 2012
* Wayne Sheets
Director of Endowments ? NRA Foundation,
Fairfax, VA
Term: March, 2009 ? March, 2012
* ##### Staiger
Owner ? Alta Enterprises, Alta, WY
Term: January, 2009 ? January, 2012
* Randy Teeuwen
EnCana Oil & Gas, USA, Inc.
Term: January, 2010 - January 2013

Directors Emeritus

* Donald M. Kendall
Co-Founder ? Pepsi-Co, Purchase, NY

Ex-Officio Directors

* Wyoming Game and Fish Director
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission President
The organizations that auction off tags up here get 10% and there darn happy with that. At 50% it becomes more about making money than helping the game dept.
Only 20? I'm sure Don has a number more like 500 in mind. Curious if they do their Arizona midnight rape method or what.
Yes, only 20, but that's just the Governor's tags, which bring in the bigger money. There's (I believe) 7 commissioner tags for each commissioner, and there is 7 commissioners. So, 69 tags were awarded last each year, and SFW had 2 commissioner tags. SFW was awarded 2.89% of available tags, or 4% of available commissioner tags, or 0% of available Governor tags.

I attempted to find RMEF, MDF, and Game Warden Association percentages on Commissioner Tags, but with the new website I can't find them. Due to the new website, I could not confirm there were only 7 tags per commissioner. There could be more, but I doubt there could be less. I only have a few minutes this morning. I will try to get back to those percentages to show where the tags are being awarded.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-12 AT 07:49AM (MST)[p]I looked up the tags given out for 2011. Each Commissioner got 8 and they were then spread out amongst a number of large and small organizations. I've know about the Wyoming Wildlife Foundation for a long time and I think it's a decent organization with some good people that are involved with it. I really don't think they "grabbed" anything because of the way it's set up in Wyoming. It could be that with some big name ex F&G employees in the leadership roles that they would have a better shot at getting the tags though. I have never heard a negative thing said about their organization or the way they actually raffle off the tags. I get tickets from them every year and IMHO it's all on the up and up.
Here is the link for last years Commissioner tags that you were having trouble finding. It looks to me like they were spread out amongst a lot of worthy organizations with no real favoritism shown:

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-12 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]I believe 69 would place Wyoming 2nd in the nation for wealth tags, behind only Utah at like 550. Does WYG&F require accountability?

I find it nice that the AZSFW makes absolutely no mention of their tag grab attempt in Arizona on their website. Plenty of legislative articles, including taking credit for the wolf delisting which they tried to stop so they could keep the donations flowing, but nothing on tag grabbing:

Many of those tags are raffled off.Also,you can only hunt Wy with those tags during the same hunting seasons everyone else hunts.Also,many of those tags are donated to other charitable organizations that have nothing to do with hunting.So I would hardly call them "wealth" tags.Comm tags typically go for around S7500.I could probably buy one if I wanted to,and I am anything but wealthy.
Yep; I see nothing wrong at all with the way those tags are handled and the accountability thta's set up to eilminate the debacle like we are talking about in Utah!!!
Actually there are a few more licenses available than you have mentioned.

There are 20 Governor's licenses available. No more than 5 can be for big horn sheep and no more than 5 can be for moose.

Each G&F Commissioner can issue up to 8 licenses, with as many as up to 80 licenses being available.

In addition, up to 80 antelope licenses can be issued specific to the One Shot Antelope hunt.

Up to 25 deer licenses can be issued specific to the gunpowder and buckskin hunts.

There are up to another 30 antelope licenses which can be issued to by non-profit organizations to provide hunting opportunities to individuals with disabilities.

If you are doing the math, that means a total of up to 235 licenses may be issued in Wyoming.

And finally, the Commission can now issue an any number of deer, elk, antelope or turkey license to persons 20 years of age or younger with life threatening illnesses.

All of this, with the exception of the last one, were in place before WY SFW ever started.

WY SFW & the Wool Growers Association were instrumental in getting this legislation passed. Initially, there was a restriction in the number of licenses available but that number was recently removed.

As a clarification, some of you may know that I have a son which was once threatened with a life threatening illness. Before he was diagnosed, I learned about Catch A Dream. They sent my son to Missouri to hunt white-tailed deer. My son has never received a license under this program.
Hey Triple BB,

WY SFW already helped establish the Wyoming Wildlife & Natural Resource Trust. This has enabled the state to partner with numerous non-profits and millions of dollars have been put to conservation efforts. If WY SFW accomplishes nothing more we can at least know that a lasting legacy exists.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]>Hey Triple BB,
>WY SFW already helped establish the
>Wyoming Wildlife & Natural Resource
>Trust. This has enabled
>the state to partner with
>numerous non-profits and millions of
>dollars have been put to
>conservation efforts. If WY
>SFW accomplishes nothing more we
>can at least know that
>a lasting legacy exists.

Smokestick, You should understand BB's state of Utah has been gang raped by SFW with their wealth/raffle tags. WY SFW may very well be honest, ethical and doing great. We in the hunting community sure hope this is true and they distance themselves from the Don Peay-to-Play strategy. However, with the name SFW attached to them, the rest of us will forever be suspicious that Don is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to pounce on the primo public land tags, ESPECIALLY with so many sheep in Wyoming! The UT SFW top dogs love their sheep tags, you know. AZ SFW was set up the same way as WY, and look what they just tried to do.

With regard to your other stats, I certainly would not consider youth & handicap tags in the same category as the governors/commissioner/auction tags. Every state sets these aside for the benefit of the public. Totally different thing.

What are One Shot Antelope hunts?

What are gunpowder and buckskin hunts?

I Googled these but could not get clear information as to if these are primo tags allowing anyone with cash to cut in line.
This statement by ZIM is the big kicker: "WY SFW may very well be honest, ethical and doing great. We in the hunting community sure hope this is true and they distance themselves from the Don Peay-to-Play strategy. However, with the name SFW attached to them, the rest of us will forever be suspicious that Don is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to pounce on the primo public land tags, ESPECIALLY with so many sheep in Wyoming!"

Just taking a Wyoming tag(s)to the Utah SFW Expo next month for the auction may not sit right with many because IMHO it really makes it look like there definitely is a close connection even though they are suppose to be autonomous!

I understand some of the criticism of SFW; however, a lot of the things being said are partially true.

I mentioned all of the licenses that have been set up for specific purposes. I did not mention all of the reduced price licenses or other licenses available to veterans, or longtime residents. My point is that while people on MM vilify SFW for anything and everything it appears as though they are either singling out SFW, simply ignorant of all of the other groups which derive the specific benefits of "set aside" licenses yet I do not see any of these organizations being criticized as I do SFW.

Wyoming and SFW found a different funding mechanism than Utah has and I am proud of that; however, I will not throw stones at Utah's very successful program. They have done millions of dollars worth of habitat projects with the money raised from their program. I do not know what prompted AZ to take the actions they did, nor the manner in which things transpired. I simply gets old being criticized simply for being associated with other states and the decisions they have made. Don Peay is a lot of things, but he is far better than anyone from the environmental community. He does get things done and that is what SFW is about, in my opinion.

I don't know a lot about the One Shot Antelope Hunt, but I do know that it is a celebrity event with several Governors participating as well as others. I believe their focus has been on water development to help antelope. They are out of Lander, WY. This is not a criticism of them or their organization simply pointing out that they do get set aside licenses for their purposes. They are based out of Lander, WY. People are paired in teams of 2, and each member is allowed one shot. I believe they time the event and whichever team is able to fill both tags, using one shot each in the shortest amount of time is declared the winner of the event. That is about the extent of my knowledge of the One Shot event. Others will no doubt know more about it and can/will correct me if I am wrong.

I really do not know anything about the gunpowder or Buckskin Hunt. I assume it has something to do with either a local rendezvous or traditional black-powder hunting.

Hopefully, that helps answer your questions. Wyoming's Wildlife & Natural Resource Trust has enabled Wyoming to complete millions of dollars of habitat and conservation projects. Each state is faced with unique challenges and will find solutions that work for them. Having not been in the loop with AZ, I will not comment on anything they have done other than to say at least they are attempting to find a solution for a very real and grave threat to hunting in their state. The extreme environmentalists are coming after them now in an attempt to punish them for speaking out against wolves being foisted on the states.

So what you are doing is condemning WY SFW because our model is based upon the model they developed? Seems like guilt by association.

It does cost money to have representation. You can either pay-to-play or watch the opposition walk all over you.

As I have said before where has anything been done which has caused harm to anyone in Wyoming by WY SFW? There has been nothing! I get criticized because WY SFW is attempting to find solutions to difficult problems. Like I have said before, keep throwing stones, I will keep trying to find solutions which enable Wyoming's Sportsmen to have a Voice in our state. Those that agree with our efforts will support them, those that don't can question why we do not listen to them as they do everything possible to undermine our efforts rather than helping find solutions. Truly amazing!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 08:24AM (MST)[p]Smokestick,

We have all heard the rhetoric from SFW for 10 years. I am speaking in general here because these groups are independent in some manner, defitely not all! Doing SOME good is not enough. I was on the board of the largest conservation org in my state and we got things done with complete transparency, ethics & honesty.

The big issue we plain folk have is any group taking public land tags out of the general draw, auctioning these off with zero accountability, and positioning legislators who propose 332 tag rapes labeled as "emergency" with zero public debate nor Game & Fish Commission approval. Call us crazy.

"Each state is faced with unique challenges and will find solutions that work for them. Having not been in the loop with AZ, I will not comment on anything they have done other than to say at least they are attempting to find a solution for a very real and grave threat to hunting in their state. The extreme environmentalists are coming after them now in an attempt to punish them for speaking out against wolves being foisted on the states."

Oh my god this sounds like something out of DP's doctrine. Sorry, but there is absolutely no excuse for what SFW tried to do in Arizona......a midnight rape. There is no such "unique challenge" that could possibly justify that. And there is no excuse for what DP did in the wolf fiasco. Trying to stop the wolf rider because it would jeopardize their donations.

Just hope WY SFW keeps DP at a safe distance but I certainly wouldn't bet the ranch on that!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 10:48AM (MST)[p]With regard to the number of tags WY issues that violate the the North American Wildlife Conservation Model I'd only count 90 right now, not 235. B&B seems legit. Looks like the other program only issued about 20 lope tags last year. Can't tell for sure if those are straight up bought by line cutters but I'll count them.
WY SFW showed their hand on the corner jumping issue. That tells me what I need to know about them.
SFW in general is all for the "hunter/sportsman" as long as he/she knows their place in the pecking order.
The decision was made to take the ticket to the EXPO not because there is a tie between Utah and Wyoming but because there will be much more money in the room at the EXPO. The goal is to raise as much money as we can from this tag that can be used in Wyoming for Wyoming projects. Previous experience has shown that the tag should bring an extra $4000 in this venue.
You guys that are throwing a fit about the Governor's and Commissioner?s' big game licenses in Wyoming are way off base.

First off, these licenses are IN ADDITION to the regional or area specific quota. None of these tags are "at the expense" of the hunting public. They DO NOT take away from the license pool. No non-profit gets these licenses ?at the expense of us hunters.?

The Governor's complimentary big game licenses (20 total, 5 each for sheep and moose, the remainder for elk/deer/antelope) can be given to any organization or individual that the Governor sees fit, for any purpose. These transferable licenses are given to the Governor annually by statute.

In 2003, former Governor Fruedenthal turned all of his complimentary licenses over to create revenue for Wyoming wildlife conservation, either through habitat or access acquisition, education/research, or habitat improvement. This initiative continues to be supported by Governor Matt Mead.

The organizations that market the licenses (RMEF, MDF, FNAWS, etc.) can only retain 10% of the revenues generated, the remainder to be remanded to the Wyoming Governor's Big Game License Coalition, which in turn distributes the funds to various applicants in the form of grants. The fund is administered by ?Wyoming Wildlife ? The Foundation?. Therefore, the Wyoming Wildlife Foundation has not ?grabbed all the tags?.

Similarly, the commissioners? complimentary licenses are given to commissioners, BY STATUTE, to be transferred as they see fit. The vast majority of organizations that receive and market these licenses in turn put the money on the ground in Wyoming, some wildlife related, some not. A sample of the 2011 recipients includes: RMEF, Laramie Peak Chapter; Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation; Wyoming State 4-H Foundation; NWTF, Wyoming State Chapter; SFW, Wyoming Chapter; Niobrara County 4-H Shooting Sports; Hunts for Heroes, etc.

In reference to the One Shot Antelope Hunt, this is a contest in which the proceeds are utilized by the ?Water for Wildlife? organization, which awards grants to develop water sources for wildlife throughout the state of Wyoming, again putting the money on the ground for the specific benefit of Wyoming?s wildlife, and ultimately the general hunting public in Wyoming.

I am in no way affiliated with SFW or BGF. I can, however, personally attest that the money generated from these permits does much more for the average Wyoming citizen and public lands sportsman than many here appear to appreciate. When I see things like ?I believe 69 would place Wyoming 2nd in the nation for wealth tags, behind only Utah at like 550. Does WYG&F require accountability?? and ?with regard to the number of tags WY issues that violate the the North American Wildlife Conservation Model I'd only count 90 right now?can't tell for sure if those are straight up bought by line cutters but I'll count them? I can only shake my head. Zim, this system, as is, works for Wyoming and Wyoming?s wildlife and habitat.

Regardless of your feelings about SFW in Wyoming or elsewhere, some of you need to take the time to educate yourselves about these other programs.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]And I think you need to really read and digest 95% of the posts that have been made on this thread because, overall, there have been very few negative comments on the way Wyoming does their tags and nobody has said that any have been stolen from the Res or NR pools!
Actually it was specifically stated that "non profits get tags at the expense of us hunters." Go back and read triple bbs post.

I have read 100% of the posts. A good many of them are uninformed at best, and outright horse crap at worst. Although I strongly disagree with sfw's stance on many issues, at least Mr. Warff has offered up some real information about thr governors and commisioners license allocations.
I beg your pardon, as I missed that comment as meaning tag grab, but I guess it would! Although I have had my diofferences with Smokestick, I'm in full agreement with you on your last statement.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]SouthernWy - Absolutely none of my posts claim WY mismanages their wealth tags. I have no idea, but I'll take your word for it there is accountability, and the funds are spent responsibly. 90/10 is a good split. I would be interested to know if SFW is accountable for that one WY tag that will be auctioned at the SLC Expo.

Personally, I do disagree with you on your claim "these licenses are IN ADDITION to the regional or area specific quota. None of these tags are at the expense of the hunting public. They DO NOT take away from the license pool." That is totally 100% rediculous logic. Every unit is managed for a carrying capacity, and WYG&F determines the total harvest goal each year. According to the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation, they ALL belong to the public. It does not say "They all belong to the public except 90 governor/Commissioner/wealth/raffle which should be set aside for the wealthy. If it does, please locate that sentence, would you?

If your logic is correct, where exactly do you draw the line? If there are say 10,000 tags in the state. If 9,000 of these were auctioned, would that be in accordance with the NAMWC? 5,000? 1,000? 500? 150? Which of these numbers in your opinion does not violate the NAMWC? What does SFW think that number is?

I'm glad to hear if WY must have 90 wealth tags, they at least spend the money approprately.

Really just started this thread to bring attention to AZSFW and alert some residents. SFW sure as **** ain't gonna be coming on the WY forum advertising what they did in AZ.
Zim, wildlife population management is not the exact science that would require that any given big game hunting unit could not absorb the loss of several male animals over and above the quota set by the WGFD. The males that we kill are after all, surplus animals, not esential for the continued survival or expansion of the population. At the current number, these tags are statistically insignificant to the overall populations and their long term health. What is exponentially more important is the health and improvement of the habitat used by the animals, which is exactly what the majority of these tags (and ALL of the Governor's tags) results in. It is a fact, that the use of a governor's or commisioners' license in a specific unit does not alter the quota available to the resident and non-resident public.

Actually, according to law, the wildlife in Wyoming does not belong to the public at large, it is held in trust specifically by the state of Wyoming, to be managed as the state sees fit. Wyoming has made the choice, by law, that these licenses are given to the governor and Game and Fish commisioners, in order to be distributed as they wish. So,to answer your question, I believe that the current number of special licenses, whether you call it 90 or 235, is appropriate for the State of Wyoming, and in accordance with the North American model. I have no idea what SFW thinks that number is, as I stated earlier, I have, nor have had, any affiliation with the group.

As stated above, it is hard to call these "wealth" tags. Believe me, if I could save up enough to afford it, they ain't reserved for the wealthy. I think that if you really put some research into these tags, you would see that they are far from the Utah model and the evil that you are making them out to be. These aren't new, they've been around for decades, and more recently have actually been corralled towards putting more of the funds that are generated specifically towards wildlife conservation.

I'm well aware of SFW's actions in Arizona, Alaska, and more generally, in Utah. It is some of the reason why I will not support the organization.
>Actually it was specifically stated that
>"non profits get tags at
>the expense of us hunters."
> Go back and read
>triple bbs post.
>I have read 100% of the
>posts. A good many
>of them are uninformed at
>best, and outright horse crap
>at worst.

I was speaking with one of the biologists at the G&F about this several years ago and he said in the area's where they give out few tags in some of sheep and moose areas, if the expected harvest quota is exceeded in a particular year because they have commissioner tag holders hunt those areas, they will sometimes decrease available tags the following year. So at whose expense is this? Can't tell me the same thing doesn't happen in some of these elk or deer areas given the numbers of tags they give away...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]Zim,

You should listen to SouthernWY, he's absolutely right.

The tags in Wyoming do not count against the quota, some can be used (Governors tags) for any unit in the state. Others are good for a specific unit (Commissioner tags) and species that is identified by the tag recipient.

These tags are additional tags, as tag quotas are set prior to many of these even being issued. How can they "take" a tag from any specific pool when they dont even know where the tag recipients are even going to hunt?

Its the same way in Montana and I believe Colorado as well.

The only state I know of that has unit specific Gov./Commission tags is Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-12 AT 11:28PM (MST)[p]An auction tag is an auction tag. You can call them whatever you want. People will justify them however they want to make themselves feel good, and not guilty, for selling them to the wealthy.

"Actually, according to law, the wildlife in Wyoming does not belong to the public at large, it is held in trust specifically by the state of Wyoming, to be managed as the state sees fit. Wyoming has made the choice, by law, that these licenses are given to the governor and Game and Fish commisioners, in order to be distributed as they wish. So,to answer your question, I believe that the current number of special licenses, whether you call it 90 or 235, is appropriate for the State of Wyoming, and in accordance with the North American model. I have no idea what SFW thinks that number is, as I stated earlier, I have, nor have had, any affiliation with the group."

This would be the ultimate in making yourself feel good about them. You can make a "law" about anything. Anyone who reads the complete North American Model for Wildlife Conservation can use common sense to see auction tags don't fit the bill......but whatever makes you feel good.
Just a footnote here,fellas.Due to many of these comm tags being used used in LQ units with low tag numbers,G&F instituted a new regulation last year(I believe)stating that comm tags can no longer be used in a unit with 25 or fewer tags.
I have heard that this was talked about but I don't know if has been implemented yet. Trying to find that information out now. I think it is a good idea to keep prime LQ areas from taking too much pressure.
I wonder if that has gone through if it will affect the prices that people bid on the tags that are auctioned. It would seem that they would go for less money if someone couldn't hunt in what they felt was the best area with the tag. Anyone have any thoughts about that?
Zim, you got me man.

You're right, when I see the wildlife conservation and habitat improvement that we all enjoy from these tags I feel damn good, and not the least bit guilty. Every prescribed burn, every sheep re-introduction, every population study. But don't worry dude, resident or non-resident, you can feel free to enjoy the benefits to Wyoming's wildlife. You're welcome.

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