
Im just wondering if this is a good oraganization to join or not? i looked at the web site, it looks like a good one to join, just curious on what others might have to say about it
If you are really clueless and not just stirring the pot, do a search on these forums. Enough opinions, both pro and con, have been aired over the years to keep you busy reading for years.
Good luck,
just hunt,

This is a joke..............right?

In case it's not............If you'd like to learn about SFW you can pick p a LOT by searching the archives, especially on the Utah and Arizona pages.


Have you really missed all the back and forth?

If you poop your pants does it stink/feel good?

SFW is like poop in your pants!

Are people really still this clueless?

well thats why i only have 40 post cuz when threads get into a pissin match i quit reading them and usually just keep my comments to myself, and i have research it a bit, but i will look in the archive and see what has been said, not trying to stir the pot or anything, just looking for some insight
They aren't all bad ......or all good ! ;-) Politician.....I think all of us here feel the same...can't live with them can't live without them !
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-12 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]so i looked at some archive threads, i can see pros and cons for sure, looks like i can agree with BIGJOHNT, its hard telling what is for real and what is made up B.S. without haveing hard factual evidence. im not in the organisation, so i reckon i'll probably just stay that way, (i dunno tho maybe if i join i can get an expo tag. LOL im just kidding)
>Just out of curiosity, what is
>your motivation to join a
>conservation organization-any of them?

well it would have to be to help perserve wildlife and habitat for myself, other hunters, and futer hunters for many years to come, making sure that my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, etc. grandchildren hunted the same land i was able to,
Once I get out of my PETA meeting tonight and call OBAMA and thank him for all the hard work he has done for us, and call Don and thank him for helping our Deer hurds! I am joining the tree huggers of America and am going to sell all my Guns and move to San Fransico to join my new friends! FSW
Yeah, kinda figured you had those things in mind. Sorry, I could have worded my question differently. Folks who have those ideals in mind usually join an org to do specific things, like donate money for the cause, dig in and get thier hands dirty with service projects, join up to volunteer for other various org duties, etc. A lot of the habitat work ends up getting contracted out, with not a whole lot to be done by the general hunter/fisherman, so that might play into your thinking as well.

Guess it all depends on what effort you want to put forth to help insure your ideals. Do some research on the various orgs and go with what best fits your needs. Best of luck to you! You might want to check out the link at the bottom of my post as well, couldn't hurt! ;-)

Justhunt, you won't have to worry about you great grand kids. If sfw has their way it will be European kings hunting for your just plain kids. So your only concern will be make sure your kids are multi millionaires and theyll have places to hunt here. See my post in arizona forum on 85% auction tags.
If you want to preserve hunting for the average joe SFW is not the organization for you. United Wildlife Cooperative is a fairly new organization that focuses on service projects and improving the situation for the average guy. Right now it's free to join and you can donate as little or as much as you want. They also encourage participation in every way they can so you're not just paying dues and sitting around. You will get info on how to personally help, which is big for me because I don't have a lot of spare $$.
>I'm not familiar with this SFW.
>Wish I could give you
>some insight.....
>Tony Abbott

haha :)
Nice anwser Tony. "well thats why i only have 40 post cuz when threads get into a pissin match i quit reading them and usually just keep my comments to myself, and i have research it a bit, but i will look in the archive and see what has been said, not trying to stir the pot or anything, just looking for some insight"
JUSTHUNT quit being a sissy and stay in the fight and find out some of this stuff from being there and done that.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
A lot of the people posting here have been there and done that. I was never a member of SFW (thank goodness), but I have seen the results of their dirty politics. I have been to one of their Board meetings and heard Don say that they were in favor of eliminating all general season elk hunting in Utah. It is no secret that they are a special interest group that fights for outfitters and wealthy hunters, NOT the average joe. I have nothing against people having special interests, nor do I oppose them lobbying in favor of those interests. I do have a problem with them trying to enforce their interests on everyone though. And I'm most certainly opposed to wildlife law being changed because of personal favors.

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