
I have read through sooooooo many posts lately about the SFW, I just had a few thoughts about them, and what you guys think...

I understand that Don is stating how the "SFW" is going to basically take control of the declining deer situation and magically turn it around. My thoughts are this, are they sooo powerful in Utah that they can make those comments? Did they decide that they were running the wildlife board? Now I appreciate the fact that they want to do something, but I dont think they should be so big headed about it.

IMO if they, (and the rest of us) really want to do something, we need to look past the SFW, the DWR, and the wildlife board and go to the root cause. When it really really comes down to it, our state goverment, and Mr. Herbert really need to be held accountable for whats going on.

Speaking in monetary terms, and lets face it thats all our state legislators speak, The hunting and fishing industry is a HUGE asset to the state given the amount of tax money that it generates every year. If our state legislators knew that the sportsmen were absolutely fed up with the B.S. going on and maybe, just maybe there would be no revenue from tags next year to increase profits into the general fund that they would stand right up and listen. If we really really want to change our deer heard situation we need to either flood the governer with calls and letters, not just from sfw but ALL of us, or we need to vote somebody in that can say that it is part of his or hers agenda to change the situation. And as for our state legislators? well there in the same boat, they dont put it on their agenda.... vote em out! Next thing we need to fight is putting all the money generated from tags etc into the general fund. Its wrong and you and I know it.

As for the SFW, I have dirt on you guys, thank god for the FOIA (freedom of Information Act)I have your finacials, tax statements, money allotments, letters to the state asking for grants to fund your advertising costs for the sportsmans expo, your letter to the state applying for the 200 tags along with the Mule Deer Foundation, and a whole bunch of stuff that I am sure they would crap if I had. The heads of that organization are pretty messed up including you DON! If you guys really want to help, then do it for the right reasons, not for money, tags, etc. Do if for the people and the right to hunt.
+1 OTH....

To the original poster, If you have this information, share it on this open form...

simply stating that you have dirt on someone and not showing anything is like those tards posting stories with out pictures!! Not that anyone would call anyone else a liar, its just easier to believe it IF we can see it.

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
Ya post the crap up!

Hey Hopper, I'm not really sure where I stand with SFW, but why do you do the work you do??? Do you do it for the betterment of your company or for charity, or do you do it for the money??? If you knew a way to make more money at your job, you'd do it!!! If you could get money from the state or government you'd do it!!! It's getting real old calling out organizations that make money. What are they supposed to run on? Why don't you go "occupy" SFW because you sound like those jobless whining hippies!
If you have dirt on them...do something with it!

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Not sure how to upload a PDF file and how much it will let me upload???

and Horsecreek, never once have I singled anyone personally out other than Don so be carefull what ya say bud. And as for jobless? Usually jobless for the months of September through November, but I still get a salary check in the mail. Dont paint a picture of a person till you get to know em.

Pretty easy to say stuff like that behind a computer so relax.

What I am upset about is something I did not make clear and I apologize for that.

YES i disagree with what the agenda of the SFW is, I think they had some excellent ideas when they got started, but I think they have worn out their welcome with some of the things they are trying to accomplish and that they SEEM to me as very arrogant in their approach with anything they are involved with.

What I meant was that we shouldent ever had to come to the point of having the SFW decide that THEY are the ones thats going to restore the deer heards. If it is to that point, I think that ALL sportsmen, SFW, MDF, or any other org, AND the general public take it to the state, not the DWR, but the people who control the money. The state legislators, Governer Herbert. Those are the people who need a wake up call, they need to hear from us that we want change. And I think, (maybe I am wrong) that if enough people call, write letters, complain that their could be some changes made at a higher level. With elections coming up I think it would be a GREAT time to let our governer and and anybody running for office know that this is a major issue.

Sorry for the confusion
Hopper, sorry I came across so rude. I really wasn't meaning to single you out. My point I wanted to make, Is they (sfw) are a business, they need revenue. No one wants to hear that, especially the guy that can't afford to buy a hunt.

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LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-12 AT 08:51AM (MST)[p]Hopper,

Everything that you say you have is no suprise to me. It's no big deal. I don't agree with all that SFW does. They have a record of getting things done for hunting and sportsmen. If they can make a difference and try to get our deer herd back, so we can have a future of deer hunting for our kids, I say good luck to SFW.

The DWR will not ensure that we have deer to hunt is the future. We are limited on some things that can be done to help our deer herds.

There is no other group that I know of that are working harder to try to get our deer herd back, and solve some of the problems that can be solved. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. If nothing is done, our deer hunting will be like our pheasant hunting. Very limited to the average public hunter.
SFW has been active in your state for how long?

What have they done in the last 10 years for deer? I know, they admitted they havent done anything.


Don chases the latest cause and pulls at heart strings claiming to be the savior of that latest cause of the week.

Deer in Utah is the Pied Pipers latest cause.

Dont drink the kool-aid...
Apology accepted HorseCreek.

Actually they are set up as a non profit, not a business, thats the only way they are allowed to get the 200 expo tags with the mule deer foundation.

Lots and lots of hunts I cant afford to go on. Just like most of us in this state. But....isnt it better to enjoy the experiance with family and friends? IMO it isnt always about pullin the trigger.
You know what? I would love to head this up if I could get support! I would write the letter, maybe set up a petition for a ballot if I knew I could get the signatures. I could also set up meetings with the state legislators and bug the holy living Heck out of the Governor by calling and sending letters.

If anybody seriously would back me with this I would love to see what kinda response from the state I could get.

Buzz they are like the devil LIE LIE LIE and have done nothing!

You will get the guys saying they support cause S.F.W. are the only ones diong anything.

So my ? is what the #### exactly are they doing?

Don pay the next bernie M!!!!

I agree, but if enough of the people took the cause directly to the state we would not have to worry about them. Thats why I think we all need to take it to the state.

I have done a little research and it seems to me that every place that has a healthy population of animals and good sound management practices also has a state goverment that fully backs and supporst it. We do not have that in Utah IMO.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-12 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]Get it rolling hopper You will get enuf sapport people are sick of these a$$ clowns!!

Hopper Emailed me some stuff, if you want the $$ numbers (how much they brough in from the ntags and how much they spent on habitat), Shoot me a PM. Here are letters and what I could convert to fit the right format.









It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-12 AT 08:07PM (MST)[p]cantkillathing,

You need to change your name to cantreadathing...

If you were to read the letter I posted you would have read that it was both SFW and MDF

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
And if you read carefully on the application section, it said that the drawing will be held at the convention. My understanding is that the SFW uses an independant company to do random computer generated numbers and its not even done in the state. I am not 100% sure if thats the truth but I am damn sure that the drawing is not held at the convention.
>And if you read carefully on
>the application section, it said
>that the drawing will be
>held at the convention. My
>understanding is that the SFW
>uses an independant company to
>do random computer generated numbers
>and its not even done
>in the state. I am
>not 100% sure if thats
>the truth but I am
>damn sure that the drawing
>is not held at the

They do use an independent company for the draw. Im glad to know that they do. Some of you will remember that I organized a meeting with Don a while back. He brought his attorney, other members of his team, and the software engineer that built the draw system. Everyone who showed had an opportunity to ask whatever they wanted about SFW. Some questions were answered pretty openly, and others were a little more of a vague, political answer. We were invited to attend the draw procedure at the expo. Personally, I did not attend, but another member here did. It was held at the expo, and by his account, was totally legit. During the meeting we had with them, I personally was also satisfied that the draw process is completely on the up and up.

I did not leave the meeting as a firm supporter of SFW, nor did I leave as opposing the group either. What I did leave with was some personal experience with Don and their group. I would hope that any of you that choose to post in regards to SFW are doing so from personal, first hand experience rather than stating things like, "from what I understand" or "I heard". That happens a lot in here so tons of BS and utter speculation happens.

As far as you having a ton of crap on them that they would be shocked to hear you have. . . you are totally off base. All of the documents and sources you have are all public record and can be obtained by anyone upon request. SFW knows this. None of the letters, salary, or tax information is or has ever been secretive. All of this information was brought to the meeting and shared by SFW to the group.

Lastly, I just want to emphasize that I am not defending SFW in any way, shape or form. I just feel it is appropriate to clear up any misinformation that is being posted here. That being said, Im sure we will see 100 more SFW posts and conspiracy theories as the expo approaches, and then again after the draw is conducted.

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