SFW to shorten UT archery season

Careful, I think someones doing fly bys today. I also think I read about this on here already. Its a shame that a group can become so powerful that they think they can dictate the will of the people. I seriously doubt that would fly here in Montana, and I pray that it doesnt.
The bow hunters in Utah better step to the plate on this one or Don will have his way!
Those of us who are sick and tired of the current trends toward Utah's bowhunters and bowhunting in general are getting together to discuss options/ideas/future suggestions etc.. on 4-27-06 at 7:00pm at the Lee Kay Center. Please attend this meeting if you too want to see some changes.
6000 West 2100 South. I think there are signs on the 21st south freeway telling you when to exit. Hope to see you there.
You also need to put out a survey, much like the one Arizona did a month or so ago. They won. You'll be able to contact more hunters and get there opionions. Best of luck!
First they are trying to take tags away from everyday hunters, to hold their own draw at their "Super Banquet". And now they are trying to reduce the Archery Season.

Don has done some good things, but personally I am getting sick of SFW making all the management decisions in this state. The state has allowed them to much influence.
The Big Game board Minutes that they have on the other site are from last year and it was just a discussion. The southern Region wants to cut the pressure on the southern region. After reading the minutes I made a call and there are alot of Archery hunters that work with SFW. I am not a big suporter of SFW but I do like to get my facts straight before I post. There is a list of numbers that you can call on the SFW web page.
Easy fellers, That was a piece of discussion from last year. There is no grand sceam to shorten the archery season. Good luck to all in the draws. John Bair
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-06 AT 06:26PM (MST)[p] Bair, so from your post is it safe to assume that this did not come up at your RAC last night?? Or Don won't try to backdoor this through the WB Like he tried last fall??

Thanks Gordy
Hey John,

How are you man? After reading the minutes I believe it said it would be brought up again next year. I also read that you were against it personally and I thank you for that. I do believe there is cause for concern if Don is in favor of it we cannot just stand idly by. Have a great day.

Chad, I would never say that anyone should stand idle. If you are in favor of something, or opposed, I would lobby like crazy. SFW has no formal positions on any bucks and bulls issues at the present.
If I were you, I would have some chats with the southern and southeast region rac reps, and the wildlife board members, that is where the rubber meets the road.
All sportsmen should be organized in some way.
If we fix enough habitat, and grow the deer back all of these concerns will become less and less. Make bigger cake and every one gets all they can eat. Fight over a small cake and all anyone gets are crums. Thanks Chad.
John Bair
Hey Gordy, I you would show up to rac once in a while you would know that tuesday was antlerless numbers and that bucks and bulls are months away.
Thanks for letting me know of my public duties John
I appreciate it.

The antlerless RAC has nothing to do with anything. If I remember correctly didn't the antelope island hunt request start at a turkey rac?? Didn't the wildlife board meeting minutes show that the changes to the bowhunt were presented there and Don was shut down and told to run this back to the RAC process.

As far as growing a bigger pie that we can all eat from
well I along with the bowhunters in the state are still waiting for our piece of the pie to grow from the loss of AR-301.
It seems like the pie is growing for conservation groups for conventions and wealth tags at a good rate. What about for the bowhunters?? We were basically one breath from having 500 AR-301 tags a few years ago, it ended up at 300 +. With the other increases across the board can you honestly tell me that bowhunters in Utah have had a fair shake when it comes to

In the near future I am sure you will see all of me that you care to see.

Thanks Gordy
Looks like if it is an overcrowding problem with Southern Utah, it could be easily fixed by setting permit numbers as it was when they first started the deer hunting units...Archery was a part of the total numbers, and it was nice to hunt back then because you didn't see hundreds of hunters...
Why take away more opportunity????

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