SFW Meetings - Time and Place


Long Time Member
There are several threads that contain posts regarding the upcoming question and answer meetings with Don Peay. I thought it would be helpful have one thread where we can post information regarding the meetings.

I noticed in Don's latest post in the "Support Instead of Complaining" thread he states that he assigned me to "schedule the meetings on April 6 and 7 to avoid conflicting with RAC meetings. I am not sure why I was tasked with this--I guess that is what I get for opening my mouth. Fair enough, I am happy to help publicize the time and place of the meetings if Don truly show up and answer tough questions from the general public.

We need some help pinning down locations for the two meetings. Don would like to meet in SLC on April 6th and then somehwere in Utah County on April 7th. I personally don't have any connections to a location that could accomodate a large crowd. Grizzmoose previously volunteered to find suitable locations. Grizz, how is that coming along? If anyone has any ideas as to where to hold the meetings, please foward them along to grizzmoose.

As far as format, Don would like to present a 45 minute power point presentation with the remainder of the time left open for questions from the public. I would hope that both sides will be respectful, professional and truthful.

On a personal note, I would hope that Don would answer/address the following four issues:

First, why won't SFW provide a detailed and transparent accounting to the public? The RMEF posts its tax returns and audited financial statements on its website: (http://www.rmef.org/Footer/Financial/Financial.htm). I believe all non-profit, conservation organizations have an ethical obligation to provide this information. After all, these are non-profit, tax-free entities that seek donations from sportsmen like me, and more importantly, have been entrusted with a permits taken from the public draw to raise money on behalf Utah?s wildlife. As such, I believe that conservation groups are stewards of a public resource and have an ethical obligation to disclose exactly how those funds are being used. I would hope that the State of Utah is performing regular, in-depth audits of those funds. But I have little faith that there is any real oversight. If everything is on the up and up, then why not open up the books? This would resolve the cloud of uncertainty that has been hanging over SFW and would lead to additional participation from concerned sportsmen like me. The reason I believe this information is not released is because the average sportsman would be disappointed if they knew the amount of money that is spent on salaries, consulting fees, administrative costs, etc., and never actually hits the ground. I hope I am wrong but we will never know until this information is released.

Second, on a related note, what percent of money raised by SFW is actually spent on conservation? According to SFH?s 2007 tax return (which is not posted on SFW?s website), only 13.5% of total revenue went directly to conservation projects. In fact, more money was spent on ?consulting fees? than actual conservation projects. The numbers are summarized below:

Total Revenue - $3,363,380


ADVERTISING - $109,079
BANK CHARGE - $20,379
GROUSE STUDY - $30,000
INSURANCE - $2,827
MISC - $148,968
PROGRAM EXPENSES (fund-raising?) - $885,870
RENT - $9,720
TAGS - $429,955
Total - $3,068,613


Now, I am not an accountant but I certainly hope that more than 13.5% of total revenue raised by SFW actually goes toward wildlife. No doubt, there is more to the story than what is shown on a tax return. However, nobody from SFW is willing to step forward and explain these numbers.

Third, why won't SFW release the numbers relating to the Hunting Expo? People have been asking for some time to know how many people applied for each specific hunt. If we had these numbers, we could easily calculate what the drawing odds were in prior years for a given tag. We could also figure out exactly how much money each tag is actually generating for ?conservation.? The convention tags are public resources that have been entrusted to SFW and MDF. Plus, in the beginning, SFW promised these numbers would be made public. I guess what I am saying is a little transparency would go a long way toward restoring people?s faith in SFW.

Finally, what happens to the money raised from Convention Permits? When I read through the relevant Utah Administrative Code provisions (http://wildlife.utah.gov/rules/R657-55.php), I did not see ANY requirement that ANY portion of funds raised from the sale of Convention Permits actually be used to benefit wildlife. Remember, I am talking about Convention Permits, not Conservation Permits, which have a statutory requirement that a certain percentage of the revenue actually be used for conservation. I certainly hope there is a statutory requirement located somewhere else that a certain percent of all funds raised by the sale of Convention Permits be used directly to benefit wildlife. However, I don't know why it would not be included in this section of the code. Once again, Convention Permits are a public resource and the funds derived from the sale of those permits should be carefully accounted for and used for actual conservation projects.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the upcoming meetings, please post them here. I certainly am not in charge of the meetings, as Don will be leading the discussion. However, we all have an interest in making sure that these meetings occur and that they are productive. There was talk of a similar meeting last April that never occurred. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-10 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]Don, also don't come to the meeting and brag about how much your spending on the dying sheep herds. Please come to meeting and address issues about improving general season deer habitat. This is what will benefit the majority of hunters.

LE units aren't the answer for our deer herds. We need better solutions that will benefit hunting families. We need to focus on more general season habitat. I know this doesn't make the SFW a lot of money and this is why it's not one of your major concerns. You are more involved in projects that will help make SFW more money for personal gains.

Please come to the meeting and explain why you chose to stab average joe hunters in the back by reducing the rifle hunt to 3-5 days. This was going against on the biological data that the DWR has collected concerning the 5 days versus 9 day hunt.

I know that you're a smart person, and you might know a little bit about biology so please present your data why fewer days equals fewer bucks killed. I mean surely you must have had more data than the DWR in order to win over the Wildlife Board.
The first four questions shouldn't need to be asked, WHY isn't this info on there website. The only other question I would add, that I would like to see in writing is the ammount of hunts, guided or just tags, fishing trips,etc that SWF gets thrown there way from groups lobbying SFW. I find it hard to believe that the leader of the SFW has hunted with Karl Malone nearly 40 times(out of his mouth). We all know Karl can afford all these paid hunts, how is Don Peay pulling that off? If the group or its leaders accept "gifts" like hunts/fishing aren't they then what a lot of us think they are, "Sportsman for the fabulously wealthy"? 13.5 % going to habitat is criminal, and if it is true then SFW should be done!
I have a place ready for the 25th of March. There is no conflict with RAC meetings that night. The building is at the U of U. I originally committed to find a place and put together an agenda for the night. I posted my email ([email protected]) for agenda suggestions and have received ONE message.

Don and others are now suggesting a different date and a different time. I dont want to sound negative, Im all for volunteering and helping out, but I cant keep changing venues and dates just because it doesnt meet someone's personal schedule.

I have been in contact with Don, and am awaiting his confirmation for the 25th at the U of U building. If everyone wants a different date and different venue, then someone else can schedule it. Sorry for the bad attitude, but I fulfilled my commitment and cant keep jumping at everyone's request.

If there is any sportsman that want Don to come down to the southern part of the state, It sounds like he has volunteered to head south also if we can find a venue. I am pretty sure I can get us a room at southern Utah University. If this interests people let me know...
Hoyt Katera XL
Spot Hogg Seven Deadly Pin
Fuse Acculaunch
Fuse Satori
G5 Matreo Strings
"I don't miss, I just don't hit him on purpose"
Yes we do. Ill give more details later, but for you can plan on it being at the U of U campus on the 25th of March. I believe we are planning for a 7pm start. Look for a new post with details coming soon.

Based upon grizzmoose's prior post, it looks like he has reserved a room at the U of U for March 25th. Grizzmoose is apparently waiting to hear back from Don regarding 3/25. Don has stated in his posts that he was considering April 6th and 7th to avoid any conflict with RAC meetings--even though there is no RAC meeting on 3/25. I personally am available on any of those days although I don't have personal access to any large conference rooms.

Don, can you meet in SLC on 3/25? Grizzmoose was kind enough to reserve a room at the U of U for that evening. Perhaps, you can hold a similar meeting in Utah County on April 6 or 7th.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
I would love to see a meeting in Southern Utah, SUU would be a great location if you can pull it off. If there is a meeting in the South I will be there, can't quite pull it off with work and family to get up North. Any thoughts to recording the meeting and placing it on the web, maybe even huntclips or someplace so that those that are very interested but can't make it can at least see the proceedings? Thanks to all those putting this together, I hope we get the answers we are looking for and the resolution that may need to follow.

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