sfw meeting ideas



I am very concerned with the way the predators are being managed and Don tells the f&g to jump they ask how high? Over the last 5 to 10 years Don has been after the cougars in Utah one example is the Nebo west face unit this year they want to take 17 lions off this unit I can almost gurantee that they will not kill more than 7 or 8 meaning there is probably only a dozen or so cats unit wide he is acting like the f&g kill everything or is it the f&g acting like him? I know the sfw at one time was giving a bounty on the cascade and timp units for cats? It has been said that the cats were the #1 reason for our deer herd declines well he has killed all the cats off and guess what no more deer as result. So what does he do he calls on all of us hunters to kill more coyotes (which i think is a good thing) and now lets increase the # of bear tags because their population trend is increasing? WTF? You know I also can fix a car by throwing parts at it but honestly putting a rear end in one does not fix the motor! Why cant we find out what the problem really is instead of guessing and making everything else suffer in the meantime? I have talked with my gramps several times and he has always said when the deer herds were good there were cats everywhere we have killed the cats and the herds are still limited. we have doe tags every year lets transplant them instead of kill them? better yet why dont we lower the # of deer tags 96,000 per year come on do u really think there are that many deer? And i understand everyone wants the oppurtunity to hunt each year but why cant we do what is best for the wildlife instead of what is best for everyones pocketbook?
The biggest problem with the deer herds right now is ELK, I know most of you don't want to here this but it is true. The deer are not coming back because the elk are EVERYWHERE and now some people want more.

YOu wanna fix the deer? Don't kill the Bears and Lions, KILL the damn elk.

BUt that won't happen because elk are a cash cow with conservation permits. Infact that is why they want to kill less so there will be more big bulls.

Wake up Utah, if you want deer you need to focus on their biggest predator........ ELK

Elk and deer do "fight" over winter food supplies. Cats have a much greater impact on deer populations than normal elk numbers.....Utah (nor we here in Idaho) have such huge numbers of elk that they have as much of an impact as predation.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Why does Colorado have so many elk and the most deer of any state? If it is indeed elk that are limiting the number of deer?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 01:24PM (MST)[p]Not that I know what I am talking about... But here is my thought.

I think the 96,000 permits is ridiculous. I say that everyone makes a sacrifice for the next few years and they cut that number to half, charge double so they still get the revenue, and limit each person to hunt two of the next four years. After four years of sacrifice, and only half the hunting presure, I think the deer would be much better off.

Personally, I would be more than willing to only hunt two of the next four years if it meant better hunt quality and less hunting pressure, thats just me though.

I think you missed on this one. Although elk are part of the problem they are not the mislink on mule deer herd recovery. I feel in Utah's sistuation other predator's ie Coyotes are a bigger problem.

True elk have an impact on mule deer. But the impact is fare greater when ranges conditions are poor. Mother nature has been very kind to us the past few years and we have created alot of new habitat both summer and winter range.

If elk are the answer to the Million Dollar question. Why does Colorado have 250,000 plus elk and still have some of the best Mule deer hunting in the west?
I dont buy into the argument that they inhabit different parts of the state. A majority of the best deer hunting units are on the west slopes. Unless I am wrong that is where the largest population of elk is also.

Take for instance unit 21 one of Colorado's top deer units. Sits right next to the Book Cliffs hold a fair number of elk still produces big deer.

Another example would be Deseret Land & Livestock lots of elk and they have better than average deer hunting.

I dont disagree that elk impact deer, but I do not think they are Mule Deers number one Predator. As long as range conditions are good it can support both within reason.

Troy Justensen

I thought it was over hunting and loss of habitat????

There must have been a lot of deer here back in the 80's LOL

Remember, there were not that many elk back then!!
I spend quite a bit of time on the Panguitch Lake unit in Southern Utah. I am not finding what your saying of the elk vs. deer... There is ample habitat for both. I am not sure what your wanting? 25 400 inch bulls running around and 30 200 inch deer on the same mountain? It won't happen... Never, no matter if you take out one species or the other... I think you should be happy that we have the opportunity to have 4-5 units that produce huge bulls, and 4-5 units that produce huge deer...

Hoyt Katera XL
Spot Hogg Seven Deadly Pin
Fuse Acculaunch
Fuse Satori
G5 Matreo Strings
"I don't miss, I just don't hit him on purpose"
Deserets deer numbers haven't come back to any where near pre 92-93 winter kill! There hasn't been a doe hunt in 6 or 7 years and the deer numbers still haven't come back even close to pre 92-93. I don't know if Deseret is the best example to put forward, from what I've seen deer numbers have struggled under the impact of so many elk.
I kinds like Big-dd's idea.

Make the whole 100 thousand deer tags sold every year go away.......far away. Most, but certainly not all, hunters would be willing to help manage for bigger deer by sitting out about half the time or more. 33000 hunters every year would have a QUALITY hunt even if they didn't drop the hammer or slip the string.

We over hunt the deer IMHO. The States do need their $$$$$$ so lets all sacrifice a little. Hunt every other or every third year and put a price on the tags that equals their true worth. I found the money to draw a nonres tag in Colorado.....well worth it for me and I work my azz off just like you other guys. Thank you Colorado.

We do need to help out a little with habitat and predator control too. This won't fix itself, we have to do our part.

What do you guys think?

Have to agree with Fishon which does not happen all that often. I have been huntng the Book cliffs all my Life. As the years have gone by it has become more elk less deer. Plus to many hunters with deer tags has not helped. You want the good ol days of deer hunting on the books, part of the equation has to be reduce the elk herd.
To have more deer, you need more does. Killing fewer bucks will help with quality, but not have a huge impact on quantity. We have to find a way increase our does. Not sure how to do that though. Habitat for sure. Don't know about the elk. Stopping people from building houses on winter range would definitely help.

We agree on this. Habitat decides how many animals a range can handle. Predators and hunters and highways and disease play a part as well. The winters killed out deer. That is pretty well known.

But now many many things play in the part of keeping them from recovering. But we refuse to look into and address one of them.

Troy we have been killing coyotes for years, we have been killing lions for years, we have been doing habitat for years, we have been cutting hunters out for years and all the while we have been growing more and bigger expanding elk herds.

Our deer HERDS are not better then they were 15 years ago. Yes there are some bigger bucks but that has nothing to do with killing coyotes, lions and doing habitat and everything to do with shutting down areas and limiting hunters.

Those are undeniable facts.

I did A LOT of homework when I ran the MDF on habitat and range and Colorado is completly different then Utah. Not only from actually winter range and summer range but also from precipitation and the effect of the human population.

The 2 states cannot be compared as there is nothing in common between them,

Deseret is also VERY different from the rest of the state. They MICRO manage a relativly small area and change permits yearly as well as feed when needed.

ALso you rarly see a massive buck or massive bull harvested on Deseret. Why is that? In fact name me one place in this world you kill big deer and big elk together consistantly. There is not one. Colorados elk when it comes to trophy size is a joke. Can't you see that elk and deer simply dont do well together even in a place where habitat and management is tightly controlled "Deseret". Sure there will always be a couple good bucks shot where there are elk, or a good bull in Colorado occaisionally, but that is just good fortune.

Troy it is the one thing this state, SFW, MDf and everyone is has failed to reealize, Acknowledge and do something about.

ELk effect and displace and out compete deer and I know this for a fact. I have seen the transformation over the last 15 years. LOng before I worked with SFW or MDF i saw the effect of elk and said it. I see elk on 10,000 foot ridges and desert floors. Places you NEVER saw elk and always saw deer. NOw there is no deer in those places and lots of elk. If elk and deer didnt compete then There wouldn't be an open bull kill every elk in site season on the Henry Mountains. But you guys want to preserve those massive bucks so you dont let elk thrive there.

You could kill every lion and coyote out there and it wont fix the deer herds in Utah until you get the elk under control.

When will the desire for 400" or 500" elk stop dictating our direction of deer managment. When will the greed of a few stop overshadowing the wants and needs of the majority? When will wildife and our opportunity to hunt rise back to the level of being more important then the feeling of entitlement a few have to want to shoot a 400" bull?

Troy we are past the point of having a problem with our deer herds and we are in a crisis situation. If the SFW and the Elk committee and the DWR increase age objectives of elk and MDF allows it, it will be one more nail in the coffin in deer,

I am very very tired of the "look what we have done" attitude and answer we always hear from SFW. Nothing has changed for our deer herds since SFW's inception other then we have half as many hunters and more limited entry deer units and less places for the average man to hunt with his family. ( so I guess that is worth it because now we kill a few big bucks a year).

SFW has done good NO QUESTION about it, but not when it comes to our deer and opportunity to hunt them. The numbers dont lie. There are more deer hunters in this state still then all the other hunters put together. There are more general deer tags in this state then all the other tags put together, why dont You, SFW, MDF, DWr and anyone else that say they care about deer address that rather then worrying about 500" elk, Killing animals on Antelope island, and creating an expo that is only padding the pockets of individuals instead of putting money into mule deer.

This is not personal, this is how the VAST majority of the sportsman in this state feel. Only 8,000 people applied for the expo tags according to Don's post. thats not even 10% of the deer hunters in this state. Wake up and see what is happening.

Our deer are declining and our elk are increasing, its the only variable YOU,SFW,MDF,DWR and the wildlife board has not and refuses to look into and address. Why is that?

I find it interesting.

Age is the biggest reason Deseret doesn't kill as many huge bucks, most of the biggest deer are killed as 3 and 4 year olds very few with the better genetics make it past 4. But that has nothing to do with deer numbers, Elk do!!!
Amen. we now have an elk herd that spends the entire year in the desert. In august I rode into a herd of 50 with eight bulls in it, the temp was over 100 degrees. They were slicked off like they had just been groomed. Used to hunt deer there, not anymore very few left, there just is not room for both I guess.

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