SFW ,how many more months do you need??


Long Time Member
Just visited the SFW website to check out all the open books that Don and the fellas told us all about. Guess he must still be busy crossing the t's and dotting the I's. I am sure it will there any day now!!
Just a bit more time. Then a bit more. What is being a bit overdue by a year or so really mean? State rules, s'mules. No one will dare draw a mark in the sand. Is way too cozy in those hallways. Hope Idaho is paying attention.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-10 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]What a joke it was after that dog & pony public meeting. There were many guys posting on here afterwards how satisfied they were with the answers they heard. I kept thinking to myself how stupid do these people have to be to be lead on by this scammer yet again! DP produced no open books then! Just cheap words, like my ex-wife to my kids after she ****-tanked her college degree to sit at home and watch Jerry Springer all day while I slaved.

Words are so freakin cheap. So many use them so to avoid earning an honest living.
I was one of those that attended the meeting and was willing to give them a chance to come through with their promises.

What a joke!

Well, they have made my mind up for me. I am not impressed at all with the lack of follow through on their comittments to the general sportsman.

This says a lot about the way this organization is managed and their willingness to be "Transparent" in their dealings.

Enough for me to not throw money their way.
I think the full curl society has their hands full right now helping Idaho pick which sheep permits to auction away. Also probably advising that former SFW pres on scouting his raffle sheep unit.

They will get to it as soon as SFW does.

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