SF56, transfer of public lands


Long Time Member
The ignorance at the legislature is now in full swing.

SF56 has been introduced, asking for an appropriation of $100,000 to study the feasibility of transferring public lands to the State of Wyoming:


This article was also recently in the CST:


Time to start writing emails and making phone calls to the committee pushing this bill.


A few things to consider if contacting them:

1. They are wasting $100,000 of your tax dollars to meet and have lunch studying this transfer. That money could be spent on more important things like funding the WWNRT, GF, etc.

2. The State of Wyoming has a terrible track record of peddling State lands. Of the 4.2 million acres they were granted at Statehood, 700,000 have been sold, nearly 1/4 of YOUR lands. Sportsmen have lost access to enough State land already.

3. Recreation is heavily restricted on State lands, no campfires, no camping, etc. on State lands.

4. Management costs to the State of Wyoming would force them to sell a majority of any acquired lands.

5. Look into how "well" the State lands in Wyoming are currently managed.

6. State lands are mandated, by statute, to be managed to maximize profit for the State School Trust. Recreation, hunting, fishing, camping, is NOT going to be a consideration if these lands are transferred while profits are maximized.

Let those on the committee know that Sportsmen value their public lands and wildlife.
Utah in their infinite "wisdom" is trying to do the same thing.

I cannot see a single reason why a reasonable citizen would want the State to "control" (read: sell or mismanage) more public land! It's totally against what sportsmen stand for.

Good luck in your fight in Wyoming. We need to all get involved and not bank on just a few guys to take action.

What amazes me about this issue is the lack of, at least at this time, attention many are paying to this.

We can discuss PP, license allocation, high tech hunting or scouting with drones, but all of those combined, IMO pose no greater threat to sportsman AND wildlife, than the transfer of Federal land to the states.
>What amazes me about this issue
>is the lack of, at
>least at this time, attention
>many are paying to this.
>We can discuss PP, license allocation,
>high tech hunting or scouting
>with drones, but all of
>those combined, IMO pose no
>greater threat to sportsman AND
>wildlife, than the transfer of
>Federal land to the states.

This is the biggest threat throughout the West. Maybe most guys think there's no way it can really happen so they're sitting on their hands and letting others do the lifting!
I think Zeke has it right. Most don't see it happening so they are not as concerned. I think most feel that Wyo may spend $100K to study it but in the end will loose the fight so they wont get too worried about it. I personally see that as the most likely outcome. I can say that I attended a legislative reception last week and every rep I spoke with, 100% of them, asked me how I felt about the State taking control of fed land. Regardless of how the general population of residents feel about it, this issue is on the legislatures radar screen big time.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-15 AT 01:48PM (MST)[p]Guys,

You all have it right, this is the largest issue that could impact Wyoming Sportsmen than all the rest of the items we discuss/debate....combined.

Even though I also believe that the likelihood of land transfers happening is extremely remote, its a great way to unite sportsmen around an issue most everyone can agree on.

Like the fear of flying because of the THOUGHT that your plane might crash, the THOUGHT, of what could happen if a transfer should happen, is enough to scare the daylights out of all of us.

I think its high time that these dimwits that come up with this crap, and support it, should be exposed and put on notice. That notice should read, "continue with this transfer, continue kicking sportsmen and public lands around, and you can expect your next check to come from unemployement division"...

This IS the battle line for the future of public lands, wildlife, and hunting.

As I so eloquently stated in a meeting earlier this year, "without public lands, we're all f#$$ed"...
Are you guys not upset with the federal government?????? Monuments, wilderness, introduce wolves, grizzlies. Not like feds have done a good job.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-15 AT 05:15PM (MST)[p]goforbroke,

Good question regarding being happy with Federal management.

I'm not always happy with decisions made and management plans by the Federal Government.

I am happy that some Federal lands are in designated Wilderness and National Monuments.

But, I'll ask you, how much public access, how many public hunting opportunities do you have on the 700,000+ acres that the State of Wyoming has sold since Statehood?

Also, now that those lands are in the hands of private landowners, how much influence do you have on decisions that are made on those private lands (for things like hunting, fishing, camping, wildlife, etc. etc. etc.).

The great thing about Federal lands staying in the hands, we at least have a chance to influence/guide management decisions made on Federal lands. Once those lands are in private ownership, we have NO influence over anything.

We also have an opportunity to take our families camping on Federal lands, not so with State lands. We cant even start a fuggin' campfire to roast a marshmallow on State lands.

I would rather keep the lands in question Federal, keep the access we have, keep the influence we have, keep the opportunities we have,...than to have all those things off-limits to us.

The end goal of this land transfer is to privatize and sell off the public domain...period.
It hurts a lot to agree with Buzz but on this but his post is spot on. As we all know as NR's the Wyoming legislature doesn't care and shouldn't care about our opinions, good luck in your fight you 're right on this one.

You bring up another very good point, thank you.

If these lands are transferred to the State of Wyoming, as a NR of Wyoming you will have NO voice in how those lands are managed.

With these lands in Federal ownership, as a United States Citizen, your voice on Federal Land Management plans and decisions is equal to mine.

That's a great deal and a very good stop-gap for stupid decisions made by the good-old-boy State Legislature.
Yep! Like I said on this you are correct on all points you have stated. I'll be a Wyoming resident in 3 years and that may change my perspective on some legislative points but on this one there is no debate as a resident or NR it's bad for us all.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-15 AT 04:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-15 AT 04:29?AM (MST)

Thanks For the Info. This is Very important. I will be passing this info to Several people. Most dont hear about this,
Constantly having this stuff coming up depresses me, I will say things, but the representative from our area is Marti Halverson, she is a real piece of work, we may as well send our thoughts to Vladimir Putin.
Why people vote for that tool is beyond me...at least she's off the TRW committee. Good riddance.
Same issue here in Idaho and in general we agree that our State would not serve the interest of sportsmen.

Few MM'ers want to see less access to Wy public lands for any reason.

Regards and good luck.
If the state get a hold of that land ever time they need a little cash the sell off another chuck of land you will never get to hunt or fish again.

Yes Buzz is 100% right on The "watch out they will sell it by the truck load if they get it".
Now if it just WILDERNESS land that I can't hunt anyways. I guess I wouldn't have a voice/vote on it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thank you Buzz for pointing out this important topic. I personally do not hunt but am an avid hiker and public lands backpacker. Did you know that no one is allowed to camp overnight on State Lands? Did you know that there is a fee to use State Campgrounds.

I was driving through Wind River Canyon and we needed to stop the car to get our lunches in the back. We pulled into a dirt pullout by the dam where there were some massive power lines--not exactly a camping spot!--just in order to grab the food and be on our way. Within 5 minutes two state officers pulled over and were ready to give us tickets because we did not have a sticker on our car indicating we had paid to camp! It was only because my friend was a pastor who said he had his sticker on his other car--one needs a sticker for each car--that they were willing to let us go.

In contrast, I live next to Forest and I can pull-out and camp anywhere I like for free except in of course the maintained campgrounds.

This insidious idea of the Sagebrush Rebellion and states taking back Federal Lands is a ploy for more oil/gas development. Once the states realize they cannot manage these lands, then do you know what? They will start selling them off. And to whom? The rich, the powerful, and the foreigners i.e. Chinese, Saudis etc.

This is not just a hunting/fishermen issue. This is an issue for all of us who cherish our public lands, as well as for our children!
Justine, T1he sagebrush rebellion, It's also supported and was started by a bunch of public lands ranchers and rural government haters. Not by coincidence the same ones who use their political influence to keep huntable wildlife numbers either nonexistent or at low levels.

This stuff has been on the burner for years, and the whole movement is now emboldened by the recent landslide election.

The real power players are smart enough to play this carefully, so watch for public land transfers and sales thrown in with big bills, especially ones the president is reluctant to veto.
Im afraid it's going to get ugly over the next few years.
Just heard that this passed out of the original Committee yesterday and was sent to the Appropriations Committee.
>Keep in mind that state land
>in Wyoming is not considered
>public land...

The state. That's why it's state trust land, ceaded to the individual states to hold in trust to generate income for schools. Nothing about multiple use in state trust lands, only making money. Unrestricted public access doesn't generally generate income, that's just one little problem with transferring surface ownership to individual states.

No disrespect, but you have to know this already, you seem to be fairly well versed in natural resource and land management issues?
>Who is the state of Wyoming?
>Got a constitution handy?

I think a couple guys need some schooling on state lands and their allowed uses by both the resident owners and NRs, as long as applicable access and use laws are obeyed!
Why States try and screw over the public in favor of the few rich who will benefit from this bewilders me.

I can only think they want to take this land and sell it to generate revenue form property taxes. This is what we are currently fighting in Utah, hopefully the public of both States can fight and win these battles respectively electing officials who care about the public. Once it is gone, it is gone. I rarely hear of land going back to public once it becomes private.
HB 209 would require the federal government to transfer title of all public lands in Wyoming (excluding National Parks, Recreation Areas, National Monuments, National Historic Areas, designated wilderness areas, and Native American reservations), by the end of 2017. What's left are our National Forests and BLM lands, and the bill explicitly would allow the state to sell whatever of those lands it wanted to, once it has ownership.
CONTACT your state representatives and tell them why this is a terrible idea
Study on Transfer of Public Lands

SF 56 would allocate $100,000 to pay for a study on the transfer of public lands in Wyoming from the federal government to the state.

Another waste of our money. Contact your senator in WY and tell them to start real business and not vote this through
Similarly in CO, we have State Trust properties, who's purpose is to generate funds for Schools. Just last week Friday I looked into a State Trust land near where I hunt, and we called the Wildlife Office in that area. He said it is definitely leased out. Because of that, it is treated as private land and all rights belong to whomever paid the lease so the public cannot even set foot on the property. These leases are typically bought by people with $ and they often either lease it to outfitters or essentially want to prevent better access to Federal Property or their private property which borders the State Land, thus keeping the public out of property near there's. The specific property I was looking at makes access to a large area of National Forest almost impossible unless you can hike 5 miles over several dranages, thus making it virtually inaccessible for hunting. So once in State hands it's gone for good!!!
Exactly. In Wyoming you are not allowed to camp overnight on state lands. Other state lands such as state parks are all fee based use and patrolled and ticketed if you do not have a fee tag. Would we like to see that on our forest service lands? Right now you can camp anywhere you like w/out a fee except if you want a nice campground you pay a small fee for the upgrades.

WY would ultimately sell our public lands to the Chinese, to the richey riches and then there would be no hunting, hiking or fishing access. This is happening now with the ultra-rich blocking all access uses. In Cody area, we have had these billionaires require the FS to move an access road a few feet so it wouldn't cross their easement.

What are these dumb legislators thinking?
>What are these dumb legislators thinking?

Most likely they would consider how they might benefit.
True, but Residents can control who is representing them...and lets not forget who works for who.
>True, but Residents can control who
>is representing them...and lets not
>forget who works for who.

I agree Buzz, but it's frustrating to say the least!
What I just found out is that since WY became a state, it has sold off 1/4 of its state lands! This is the real motive behind these bills.
We do need to remember who works for who, however they in the legislature need to remember who they work for as well.

Through the years I have written numerous letters to state representatives in Wyoming on various natural resource and hunting issues. I am respectful, reasonably informed since Im a retired state wildlife biologist, and always take the time to thank them for listening. Im not a good old boy I guess because the responses i get range from a polite or cool thank you to downright hostile. One state rep in Johnson/Sheridan was so hostile that I wrote him right back to tell him he was out of line to talk to a constituent in that way. To only one letter did a representative have questions and request more information. Unfortunately she only lasted one term. Ive only written two detailed letters to game and fish commissioners and they never bothered to respond at all.

I can only surmise that individual hunters in Wyoming do not matter to those elected to our legislature.
The House version of the bill (209) passed the House today.

It is more scarey than the Senate version:

36-12-203. Transfer of public lands.

(a) On or before December 31, 2017, the United States

(i) Extinguish title to all public lands; and

(ii) Transfer title to public lands to the state
of Wyoming.
So is the idea that the Fed's would just hand them over? Seems like a silly idea.

Research says this is folly and is a new round of an old broken record where politicians make nice sound bites for their special interest friends and to show how they told Big Brother. What a waste of taxpayers money to even promote this in Wy and ID.
Any thinking soul should never be in favor of this sort of land transfer....unless they're thinking it will line their pockets and garner favor with their buddies.
Sportsmen will be one of the BIG losers if this ever comes to fruition!
And these political "leaders" think they're so clever.....
Yes not only the emphatic wording but they are allotting $100,000 to 'study' the idea. Idiotic! Legally they do not have a leg to stand on.

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