SF Giants, turn the page


Long Time Member
The old thread was getting stale. Time for a change, time to turn the page!!

The Giants Win again today!! How about that?

Belt? was he the missing link? He earned his beans and steak today!

Who's at second?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Really need that win. I still think we need a true lead off to bump posey down to the 4 spot but belt is a breathe of fresh air for sure. Hopefully pagan is for sure back after the break if not hard to say what will happen.

Who's at second I don't know. But I hate platoons. Adrianza is doing well in fresno maybe he can come back and catch fire?

Kind of a let down seeing oakland grab both of of the cubs starters that hurt.

Should be fun to see what kind of deal sabean comes up with.
Don't expect much..they won't spend
the money and won't get rid of top minor
I do not see them dealing with anyone except
Good job on the change of pages Sage, we needed it. I thought Panik looked good today and I think Belt has been a shot in the arm. Let's hope they keep it up.
Nice win today with no Sandoval or posey.

Panik nice game but I'm struggling with him batting up in the order over Crawford. I know in always negative just me

Bochy is a good manager but for an old schooler like me sometimes he makes me scratch my head
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-14 AT 07:26AM (MST)[p]I sure love that 100% Pence guy! He has no ego hang ups. He'll be a lead off hitter, just ask him! He's as tough as they come.

A great team needs everybody, but depends on nobody. We'll see what this team is made of!


Don't expect much..they won't spend
the money and won't get rid of top minor
I do not see them dealing with anyone except
Just saw arroyo is going to have tommy john surgery

Dodged a bullet there by getting Hudson instead
I didn't like what I saw from Bochy and many of the players last night. The home plate ump seemed to give Gray the corners and the low strike and squeezed Mad Bum several time. But the teams focus was on the ump and not beating the A's. That's a bad sign.
It's hard to not swing at them bad pitches when you don't know what a bad pitch is.

When we get through this, we'll be that much stronger:)

Guys, we haven't even hit the All-Star break yet, and the Giants, for all their recent woes, are still atop the NL West. It is a long season, and they weren't as good as people thought when they had the best record in baseball, and they are not as bad as people think now.

They have about 1/2 of the season remaining, Scutaro is expected back soon and so is Pagan. It should be a very interesting second half and stretch run in August & September. And that is all any of us can ask for, to have the Giants in contention heading into the fall.
Too bad hicks is likely to be looking for a job by Monday but that's business.

Hopefully Marco is right thought it curious he didn't play defense last night in fresno so we will see what's up.

I still want to see them go after ichiro
I'm leaving on a 3 week trip today. When I return I expect you guys to have a 5 game lead. Go Giant's.
Looks like the "Freak" show is back. Timmy is doing, what my be, the saving of the season until the rest of the team comes around!!
Nitis, my daughter has Hicks hat, from when he played for San Jac (Jacinto) and came to Grand Junction for the JUCO World Series.

Tis a tradition, that the fans mob the losers, when they are eliminated. They get shoes (that don't fit the kids), batting gloves (that are usually torn), a signed practice ball, sometimes a glove and etc. That is where she got the hat.

The tournament is sorta neat, in that, tis the first time that many of the stars are asked for their autograph.

When they were here, he was a pretty hot short-stop.
John 14:6
Timmy has as many wins as anybody on the staff. And has given up a run in only 1 of his last 4 starts? He looks better than the kid that won 2 Cy Youngs.

Morse has been making loud contact this week and Sandoval has looked better in the box. I see us starting to make some noise.

I wish, I wish, I wish Marco could be his old self. Just don't think a 39 year old guy can overcome a back injury during the long, tenious MLB season. Not sure if Pagan can either but he's younger and his injury shouldn't threaten his career like Scutaro's has..
With Larrbo off in exotic lands on Vacation, i think we now have a chance. I don't mind throwing my big buddy under the bus, especially when he's outa town! :)

Yeah, looks to me like we are playing better baseball. This team seemed to have gotten away from their roles. Speed guys were hitting fly balls and power guys kept hitting grounders. Lots of small things, nothing too major in themselves but added up, it has cost us a fairly long "hic-up" as Bochy likes to say.

As is, we are in this thing and our competition is not doing much better. I see lots of room for our team to improve.

Sabean says, "our team obviously needs help". Then in the next sentence he says, "they need to help themselves first" ...before they can expect help from him.

Right now, i believe that we have 4-5 guys that have some potential but should not be playing at all on this team. When you look at the better Teams in the game, there are strong bench guys ready and willing to step in and nothing lost. These guys others have might be second string guys but they could be first string guys on other teams. We don't have that, not even close to that. Our weak bench has been providing less than quality play from guys that just are not ready or good enough, and, it's not the Players fault!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Nice power surge the last 2 games, plus MadBum got back to back wins.

Our rotation is looking up. Madbum, OldMan and Timmy are front line starters based on their performance so far. Cain as our #4? Compare Vogey to other #5s and I think he gets the nod over most.

I love Pence's hustle/effort BUT he is hitting the weakest .290 in the league, power is gone.

Morse, Posey and Panda are all 3 looking like they are about to get hot.

The wildcards are Belt, can he get consistent? And Pagan, can he get healthy?

I think Pagan is the key to just making/missing the playoffs, or taking the division and having a valid chance at winning the WS. Healthy Pagan, the Giants will be a force throughout the season and playoffs.
Well the giants didn't get healthy over the break now Scutaro is dinged up and pagan isn't any closer to ready

Must trade for an outfielder and I'll say it again I want Ichiro he can hit lead off or 2 and anchor centerfield

As for the ugly talk I'm not sure I am willing to make room on the 40 man for him he could very well catch fire but he also could do nothing and I woul rather let Panik grow but let Crawford bat 2nd

Pitching Cain is our wildcard. Even vogelsong has been steady so at least if they get in they have a good rotation

It's going to be a fun ride
I'm going to take Liberties here, don't often go against what our Manager does or does not do. This time though, a couple glaring situations came up in the later innings that disturbed me to the point of wondering what is going on.

Yesterday Huddy pitched a great game but his recent history says that he can only go so far before things aren't so good. Seventh or eighth inning, we had guys on first and third, one out, and Bochy lets Huddy hit... into a double play to end the inning. This did not effect the outcome of the game but Huddy came out after pitching to the very next batter anyway. I don't think that Huddy should have been allowed to bat in that time and place in the game.

Today, Timmy, soak and wet from his near 100 pitches in a game that he was just getting by in, not his best or even close to his best stuff and Boch allowed him to hit in the seventh. Again, i thought Timmy was done and was surprised to see him at bat. The announcer analyst said that Bochy must have thought that Timmy "deserved" the at bat. Excuse me? Are we not trying to Win? Are we afraid of our Bull Pen? Not sure what Bochy was thinking or if he even was thinking. The very next Marlin batter doubles, advances on a sacrifice, and scores on a wild pitch. Timmy should not have been in the game at that point and if it costs the Giants the game because he was, It's on Bochy.

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
No disrespect but I got Bochys back this time. Hudson had under 80 pitches and was throwing well with a lead

Today he was playing with a very thin bench but I guess he could have used Bumgardner
Nitis, yes, he had under 80 pitches but he was dog tired, anyone could see that, and leads have been known to be not good enough. The fact that he only faced one more batter after he hit into the double play means that Bochy knew he was tired and about done as well.

As far as today, the Giants only used 8 regular position players during the whole game. Thin bench or not, there were plenty of pinch hitter opportunities besides madBum. If you just like to be contrary, i can understand that but when you say stupid stuff to argue against my observations, you lose credibility and with this being not the first or second time, you have lost mine.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Not trying to go there but

Belt was unavailable and I am pretty sure he had no intentions of using Crawford at all today either now I didn't watch today's game very closely and was very surprised when I saw that the wild pitch was #108. Eek. Yeah he could have used Adrianza but hard saying what goes through skips mind yes he also had Panik and Colvin both leftys

You have to admit i am usually overly critical of Bochy.

I wasn't necessarily trying to be critical but maybe trying to talk out loud to come up with what may have been in play when it comes to the moves made or not made. It's hard to tell what's going through the managers head. Trust me I know you are constantly running different scenarios in your head and hindsight is always 20/20

Sorry you don't respect my observation. Never said you were wrong and if I did I am sorry that's not why I am on here. None of our chatter makes a damn anyway it's just fun chatter
I'm not taking sides at all, but I agree with Joey on yesterday's game. I thought Timmy was sucking air, on his last leg. It seemed to me like Bochy was trying to get Timmy a "W" and ended up giving the Marlins momentum. But then I hold my breath every time Timmy throws a pitch with a runner on 3rd anyway:)

After Timmy gave up the lead off double, he should have been pulled, but by then Bochy was committed, and ended up making his second mistake, IMO.

Busy day for the giants

First Cain to the DL and word is he is considering arthroscopic surgery sooner or later that's not good news

Singed Uggla for basically a ten day minor league tryout. He will report to fresno and has a player option where he can bail after August 1. Hey why not might just need a change of scene it's worked before. I don't think it's the answer but I'm willing to let him prove me wrong

So about 10 days for Sabean to decide what prospects he can or can't live without. Don't think we are willing to part with what it would take to land David Price but I have no doubt he will come up with something
"Uggla was hitting .162/.241/.231 with two home runs and 10 RBIs on the season...."

He should feel right at home with our anemic offense :) Sorry, but nothing makes a fan more grumpy than no offense.

I appreciate your input nits. You seem to be up on all the latest news.

Wild one this evening but a good win none the less

Interesting twist from accross the bay Tommy Milone requested a trade since being optioned to aaa sacramento due to the acquisition of the two starters from the cubs

Giants need to trade for him guaranteed bay bridge series part two remember they traded Molina to Texas and faced him in the series. Haha far fetched yes but it's a viable trade partner
Come on Bum give 7+ tonight your pen needs it after that marathon

Great win but dang those guys were gassed
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-14 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]During last nights game, we were behind at times but i again had the old faith that we were going to come back and win. Posey hit that HR in the 9th, didn't surprise me, in fact i was expecting as mush or something similar. That the game took so long to win, i wouldn't have thought that. I liked the fact that i felt we would come back and win, we got away from that for awhile there during the skid.

Possibilities, the Giants bring someone up to replace Kontos who did a good job but must be spent. Maybe another fresh arm could be brought in temp like for Panic if his ankle is too sore to play. These would be temporary pitching moves for a couple or few games only.

Edit: Bochy interview; http://www.csnbayarea.com/video_con...how-lincecum-was-available-if-needed-huge-win

He thinks we might not need temp help in the pen. With MadBum going today for his 12th win, maybe not.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-14 AT 01:22PM (MST)[p]I was thinking they might do something as well but just the logistics of when last night finished and getting someone from fresno to Philly could be tough but not impossible

But realistically only Kontos and Affeldt will be off limits today

Panik may have injured himself back to fresno if Adrianza steps up the next few days.

An interesting trade rumor I saw was possibly acquiring Bartolo Colon

And for what it's worth pence home run was a shot but Busters was more impressive to me that was a good pitch he hit
Exactly what the doctor ordered tonight!

Saw another rumor that there was in depth talks with Tampa for both Price and zobrist. But included Crick and Susac.

Uggla 1-4 with an RBI tonight in Albuquerque for fresno.

I know it's asking for the moon and stars but Price would bring an almost unfair balance to the rotation two dominant lefties
Hey guys, not a big baseball fan myself but wanted to put this out there.

A coworkers son has been a very sick kid for most of his young life, he recently had a kidney transplant and is doing well but not out of the woods.

Well he is throwing the opening pitch tonight at the Giants/Dodgers game! Very cool for him! So tune in and root for Trent!


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-14 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-14 AT 12:36?PM (MST)

Bill, How cool is that!! He must be a heck of a Giants Fan, thanks for the Heads up!!

I think we got to get Eelgrass out there to throw the first one of these days. read; "one of these days" = "never gonna happen" :) ...but that too would be awesome!!

I read where the Dodgers stacked their deck of Pitchers after the All-Star break so we would face their three best in this series. Why not? They must be pretty tired of us owning them, beating their A$$!!!

edit; notice who's batting in the 7th hole tonight...

1. Hunter Pence (R) RF
2. Gregor Blanco (L) CF
3. Buster Posey (R) 1B
4. Pablo Sandoval (S) 3B
5. Michael Morse (R) LF
6. Brandon Crawford (L) SS
7. Dan Uggla (R) 2B
8. Hector Sanchez (S) C
9. RHP -- Tim Lincecum

Go Giants!!

"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Ok dodgers got it tonight

Nuf said Puig god for you

My gripe of the day Uggla being issued #22. That should have long ago retired only one 22 in my eyes and that's Nuschler

And wow Nick Noonan must have really fell in the doghouse. Abreu opted out and was on no roster and he got picked over Noonan who was on the 40

If Hector does have a concussion now another player has to be dropped from the 40 to make room for a catcher either Susac or Quiroz
Giants acquire Jake Peavy and my guess he starts on Sunday against the Dodgers.

gave up hembree and Escobar also making room on the 40 for a catcher with the trade.
: SF Giants, turn the page

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-14 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]Hand me downs! More hand me downs! The Giants seem to get the most from some of these guys though this time we gave pretty good to get Peavy. He can't do much worse than he already has...

"Peavy, 33, was 1-9 with a 4.72 ERA in 20 starts for the Red Sox, and also led the American League with 20 home runs allowed. His 1.43 WHIP is the highest of his career and his 2.17 strikeout/walk ratio is the lowest since he was a 22-year-old rookie in 2003."

Seems like the Giants are banking on his record and reputation of Pitching the Dodgers tough back when he was a Padra. Though i wish him well, as i do Uggla, Susac, and/or whoever other hand me down or rookie guys we might bring in. I was really, really hoping that we could somehow land David Price!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: : SF Giants, turn the page

Price came with too high of a price! After listening to gm Sabean get interviewed the other night he sounded defeated but was adimant about not over paying for anything

Also now Tampa has won a few and are climbing back into a race.

At least they did something. It w as fairly apparent that Hembree was no longer in their plans. He got a look last fall and while he was good he didn't show anywhere near the velocity he was supposed to bring. Had they wanted him he would have been up at some point already this season.

2nd base is just flat out cursed. They brought up Abreu who wasn't even on Fresnos roster cause he had opted out of his contract! That is total desperation! Too bad the couldn't have hog tied Utley in Philly and brought him back with them.

Pretty excited to see Susac highly touted prospect
RE: : SF Giants, turn the page


i know what the going rate for Price is and i know the Giants didn't want to pay it. Still, i was hoping that "something" could be done.

I'm extremely tired of you criticizing and correcting my posts to the point that i'm now asking you to not comment on them at all.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
RE: : SF Giants, turn the page

hey bud that is just my observation and since I already lost credibility in your eyes who gives darn

You think they gave up too much for Peavey and I don't
RE: : SF Giants, turn the page

On another note

Big game all the way around tonight especially for Vogelsong to see how he bounces back from his last outing. And can they get Puig out holy cow was he dialed in last night.
It kind of hurts my pride, but I'm at the point where maybe we ought to walk Puig intentionally, or at least unintentionally intentionally. (depending on the situation).

Or maybe I just get pissed when he beats us:)

>It kind of hurts my pride,
>but I'm at the point
>where maybe we ought to
>walk Puig intentionally, or at
>least unintentionally intentionally. (depending on
>the situation).
>Or maybe I just get pissed
>when he beats us:)

Dude is something special when he is on.

Someone was talking about how if he had grown up in someplace other than Cuba they were speculating what other sports he could have played.

"You think they gave up too much for Peavey and I don't"

Why lie? I never said that! They gave up plenty but i never said that gave up too much. So now you lie to discredit me? I've suspected for sometime that you are a A-hole, now i know for a fact!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
"The Giants seem to get the most from some of these guys though this time we gave pretty good to get Peavy."

you're right I guess I read to much into this whatever bud

now I am an not only uncredible but also a liar it gets better every day

Get over yourself and lets chatter about meaningless baseball things that none of us have any control over

IF you want to be the only one to talk go start a blog
Start a blog? I started this one years ago! Funny how we been getting by great as Giants fans and friends all this time without you here, your expert contradictions, corrections, and misquoted statements. Here's another news flash for you. You are not the only one who reads everything that they can get on the SF Giants daily.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Ok so had to listen to the game on the radio.

Pretty sure Kershaw was just that good tonight but was it more him or more giants anemic offense? Only two hits to 7 strikeouts very anxious hitters?

Looking forward to a good debut for Peavy.
OK boys no arguing between fans just get the dust pan I have been readying all these post about the giants and I feel very very lucky to b this close to guys because we are winning just on pitching GO BLUE
>OK boys no arguing between fans
>just get the dust pan
>I have been readying all
>these post about the giants
>and I feel very very
>lucky to b this close
>to guys because we are
>winning just on pitching GO

Yeah pitching and straight up wearing out the right center power alley
I'm sitting over here where I can't watch or listen to the games and I see that Peavy is pitching for the Giant's. Wow. A lot of things have changed since I left on my trip. Hope we back even with the Dodger's before I get home on Saturday.
I'm not worried yet

Dodgers are full strength and hitting on all cylinders

Giants have 1/3 of their starting line comprised of a borderline 5th outfielder a washed out 2nd baseman and an unproven rookie with nothing better behind them.

If they can get healthy they may be just fine. And give the dodgers time they may just implode.
larrbo, can you come home right away? I need you.:)

Oh boy this isn't going well

One thing no one will mention going back to the dodger series is the giants had to play 4 in Philly which included a Thursday matinee while the dodgers were resting in SF. Then the dodgers get another day off Monday!!!

Must get Pagan back this lineup is so incomplete. The only ones who are hitting are too slow with not enough bats to drive them in.
I'm not going to stop going to games in the city.
Levi stadium is a cluster fudge took a hour and 45 minute
to park at new stadium from Gilroy. .we will see if its worth 4500 .
Eel, I will be home Saturday afternoon late....with what I'm seeing on the internet I might be afraid to watch. Go Giant's.
>BLa BLa BLa we haven't even
>stated hitting on all cylinders
I thought giants played pretty well today.
Well even though the giants didn't make a splash today at the trade deadline doesn't mean they haven't been busy

Pagan played 5 innings and went 2-3 with two doubles in the Arizona rookie league tonight

First round pick Tyler Bedee made his giants debut there as well

Tyler Colvin optioned back to fresno and Uggla hasn't decided if he will take the option to fresno or ask for release but will need to be decided on first thing tomorrow morning

My bet is Cain will be moved to the 69 day DL ending his season to clear a spot on the 40 for one of the two AA kids possibly getting the call tomorrow Duffy and Parker

Belt due back anytime now

One thing unlearned first thing this morning is billy beane has stones the size of bowling balls. What a move

Also on the Price deal sure didn't seem as though they got as much in return as one would have thought. Maybe price didn't want to pitch in the NL?
My other thought tonight as we hear Bochy talking about playing Buster more at first here down the stretch to keep him more fresh. So now Belt is set to come back so what gives?

Why didn't he get more games at first while belt was on the DL with the busted hand. Sure it was June but games are games and he would be more fresh now.

Of course the talking heads talk about his average being higher when he plays first ok I'll buy that. But if and it's a big if Belt comes back 100% and hits the ground running even close to where he was before he busted his hand how do you keep him out of the lineup?

And please keep Crawford in the two spot much more comfortable there I think.

Here we go two months to go

I did hear that as a tribute to him not being on the flight to New York the rest of the team left a seat open for him. Row E seat 4

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