SF 49ers


Long Time Member
I know, I know, It's hunting season BUT I've been waiting a long time for them to be respectible again although I still wear my Red and Gold every year, all season.

Detriot has been getting so much press, you'd think they'd gone 16-0 already. When we beat them this Sunday, in Detriot, they have at least give the 9ers honorable mention when they talk about the best teams in the NFC.

Actually changed my hunting plans so I can catch the 10:00 AM game. Chukar Sat for the kali opener, and an afternoon quail hunt Sunday after the game.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-11 AT 11:52PM (MST)[p]Not sure if they should be considered one of the better teams in the NFC but I will be up there December 19th, Monday Night Football, to see my Steelers put a whoopin' on em!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Niners by 10 over the Pittsburgh weenies!

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
When I first became a 9er fan, Y.A. Tittle was throwing the "Alley Oop" pass to R.C. Owens in Kezar Stadium!
A fan my entire life.
I dont car to watch the game but I am gona be up 395 looking for quail and chuckar my self with my kids on sunday,do you head up north or down south from susanville.
Hey CaliHNTR- Did you say the Niners like 10 inch Steeler weenies? LOL

Steelers 24
Niners 17

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>Hey CaliHNTR- Did you say the
>Niners like 10 inch Steeler
>weenies? LOL
>Steelers 24
>Niners 17
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

Good one, game day will tell the tale. Niners 27, Weenies 17.

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
6X7, I hunt north and east of Susanville. Find water on a map in steep, desert country and you'll see chukar this year. 4 trips across the border this week and 4 limits. Yesterday hour and 40 minutes, today hour and 50. There are some very young birds. Most coveys only fly a couple of 100 yards this early in the season, this year less than most.

I've only chased a covey once in 4 hunts. That covey flushed wild on the first rise so I gave em a little pay back. Other than that, I've moved on to find another covey, even when they were chattering.

Wiz, you from Pittsburg?????????????

Pittsburg, New England, Green Bay fans irk me when they've never even been to the state their team is from. If they have some kind of link to the area, I'm all good with it. I was a 1968 Detroit Tigers fan when they went down to Bob Gibson and the Cardinals 0-3 and came back to win the Series BUT I had seen both Denny McLain and Micky Lolich pitch in Tiger stadium that year.

Nick, I only go back to the John Brodie, Frank Nunley and Jimmie Johnson era. Loved to watch us go 3 and out and Steve Spurrier would punt, flop and get a roughing the kicker call.

Steelers???? They won their second game yet?????????
C'Mon Man! They won their second game yet? 3-2 baby! I have been a Pittsburgh fan ever since I was a kid. The only thing I can think of is that I was born in '71 and as we all know, they were the team of the 70's with 4 Superbowls. Who knows, maybe as a kid I jumped on the bandwagon but 35 years later, I'm still with em. Been through the ringer just as all the other teams have but always stayed faithful.

I'm changing my prediction for Dec 19th....

Steelers 87
Niners 2

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
2? Really, who picks the number 2 when predicting a football score? You must be a Steelers fan!

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
Niners MIGHT get a saftey....

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!1
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
whinners Suck!
>whinners Suck!
>RAIDER PHAGS.............RIP AL...HA HA HA!


"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
chirp, chirp, chirp. ;-)

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
No one wants to reply to the goathumper? I mean roper, no I mean humper! Oh hell, you know what I mean! Hahaha

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
GO NINERS! 0-6 last year now 5-1 Really Singletary? Return to glory wheather you haters like it or not. The Lombardi trophy is coming home, So taste it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will see ......
The hopes are high!
for both!!
It makes sense that the goat-humper is a fudge-packer fan! :7

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
Hay Calibonelicker...
what with the name calling..trying to
hurt my girlly feeling? BIG MAN!!
All in good fun! Gotta love football season!

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
I'm actually impressed you admit to being a Miami fan! Times are tough for you this year. Now I feel bad! :7

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
it's been a great fall so far this year. I killed my first archery buck and I killed my biggest d6 buck ever. Plus the 49er's are better than the Cowgirls. Go 49er's
Good for the 49ers! I used to be a big fan back when i knew a few of their players and a bunch of guys throughout the league but got away from the game entirely after their glory years of Young, Montana, and Rice.

I still don't watch the game much, just do not have that much interest, but it's good to see my old Favorite Team doing so well. Keep it up men!!

With those grammar skills, I'd have to say he's a Raiders fan!

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
DANG, folks have feelings about the NFL, don't they??

And the 9ers are doing well. They did well early in 09 too. But this just feels different, like they really mean it.

and we've beaten teams with good records too!!!!

Thinking at 5-1, and 6 games against the NFC West, we should get at least 11 wins. But I'm predicting 12. That's usually good enough for home field until the NFC Championship game. Damn, it is cold in Green Bay in January.
so whos the hottest looking babe in this class?

I say 11 and 5..lose 1st round playoff to wildcard!
their divison is weak...still have Giants and AFC East and PITTSBURG ... Seahawks suck but play tuff and show up against the 9ers! What about the Lions? they choked over there 1st "BIG GAME" AND BAD CALLS!
After a bye week if they do not win big against the Browns I'd worry... Saints are starting to roll and Green Bay will roll over everyone and win it all!!
good luck!
11-5 and lose in the Wildcard. I would have taken that before the season, now, not so much.

We do have to see how they do against the better teams. A win on Thanksgiving over the Ravens would be SWEET.

Even though they lost Monday night, IMO Baltimore and Greenbay are the best 2 teams in football right now. Not counting the 9ers.
Two tickets and a parking pass for Sundays game against the Browns and something came up and I can't go.......the Browns are my team, so I purchased tickets on the visitors side 4 rows behind the Browns bench near the 30-35 yard line....face value $288.00 with the parking pass...willing to make a deal with respectful fans...if you're not respectful it'll ruin my chances for the same seats later...if you're interested let me know...tickets are in Yuba City

Good luck Tessimity, hope you get rid of those seats.

They've been off a long 2 weeks BUT can you say, "6-1?" I can. I even heard one of the "expert" football analyst recommend you take Cleveland's defense on your fantasy team this week. He didn't mention the 9ers, but he was thinking it. Guess he doen't remember the 48 we put up against Tampa Bay.

Maybe at 6-1 the national sports world will take notice. Probably not, but that'll keep em hungry.

GO 9ERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>so whos the hottest looking babe
>in this class?
>I say 11 and 5..lose 1st
>round playoff to wildcard!
>their divison is weak...still have Giants
>and AFC East and PITTSBURG
>... Seahawks suck but play
>tuff and show up against
>the 9ers! What about the
>Lions? they choked over there
>After a bye week if they
>do not win big against
>the Browns I'd worry... Saints
>are starting to roll and
>Green Bay will roll over
>everyone and win it all!!
>good luck!

Well, so much for the Saints on a roll, Giants almost lost to maybe the worst team in the league, Bye Bye Browns, My kids high school team could of beat the seagulls this week.

I'm only worried about the pack.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne

Went up the hill in about 6" of snow to cut 4 cedar posts.(didn't even get stuck) Got some good ones, 12"X12' with the bark falling off. Solid too.

THEN; I sat on the couch while the 9ers got another "ugly" win. During time outs I'd look outside and watch the deer feeding in the yard, light snowfall all day, colorful oak leaves still hanging. The Bloody Mary's were good too!!!!

7-1. Nothing else needs to be said EXCEPT at this time the Lightin Bolts are beating the Pack.
I was pretty busy today but heard that the 49'ers beat the NY Giants!! That was a tuff test, looks like they are for real!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Who ARE those guys?

I thought Alex Smith was way over rated and washed up. Looks like he is fitting in just fine.

Good luck 9er fans!

5 of the last 7 games are against the weak, weak west. But with Baltimore and Pittsburg thrown in there on Thanksgiving and Monday night, it'll still be interesting.

If we don't finish at least 13-3, we have let ourselves down. That doesn't count a win in either Baltimore or Pittsburg.

I'm guessing 14-2, and a bye in the first round. After what Green Bay did to the Vikings tonight, I don't think home field in the NFC Championship is realistic BUT Green Bay does have a tougher schedule.

Haven't missed this many huntin days to sit my arse down and watch football in years.

GO 9ERS!!!!!!!!!!
If we were going to lose another game, this was the one. We have excuses. Short week, travel, ect. Might be better for us in the long run.
They pitched a shutout today, but I sure hope the price ain't too steep! Losing Patrick Willis would be terrible, even if Grant did fill in nicely today!
Clinched the west to boot!
Just read a report that Willis has a low hamstring strain that they don't think is very serious. He will have an MRI tomorrow just to make sure....good news.
the NFC WEST is worst division in football in 25 years maybe ever!
get real!
goatroper, you are WRONG!!!!!!!!! The NFC West was worst just last year. So your 25 years statement is pure $hit!!!!!

What do you know anyways?????

Unless you have some personal methodlogy of figuring what is worst. If so, i'd like to hear it.
Niners are playing well....but Pittsburghs decimation of Cincinatti makes this a very, very, hyped game. Pitt plays Cleveland this weekend and they should dominate the Browns. Not sure who the Niners play. I have Monday Night Football Tix for Pittsburgh vs Niners. I can't wait. My buddy and I are both taking our boys...who of course are also Pittsburgh fans. Woodley and Polamalu will be back at full strength. Mendenhall is holding onto the ball, the Pitt receivers are just as good and FASTER than any other receiving core in the NFL. This should be a great game. I can't wait!!

Worlds Best ebayer
Great transaction, fast payment, A+++++
enjoy that game..... if 9ers were smart they would play 2nd string..but then again!!
(they can use it as an excuse why ...).
but what do I know?
just sports..
Goatroper said, "cricket noises......

Apparently, not near as much as you thought! Great game!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 06:39AM (MST)[p]big deal... they won!
against a limping QB...
I don't care so much about the 9'ers winning. As i said, i used to be a player at a fairly high level but gave up being a big fan of the game after a lot of the guys i knew and played with and against retired.

I'm just glad the steelers lost because of big mouth braggers, like goatroper, putting down a team that the thread is about, all his Shite talking, always putting it down like he knows it all and how much he knows about sports. I love seeing those kinda guys get theirs, always have!

Goatroper! Why you gotta be so mean?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Funny thing. I was at the game Monday night and we had several Steeler fans sitting around us. They were pretty cocky and load for most of the game. In fact they wanted to verbally spar with anyone wearing red that would take the bait. The funny thing is how quiet they were in the fourth quarter. We left with 9 minutes in the game remaining and looked at the depressed terrible towel people and smiled.

The Seahawks are hot, they always play us tough in Seattle, we are on a very short week again and we may have a let down after the Steeler victory.

This is one of the games I think we'll see what Harbaugh is really about. Can he get them up for this game with the short week. Bet they don't score 30+ points against us like they did last week.

This may be our toughest test all year to give up 100 yards to a running back or a rushing touchdown. But those things don't really matter, just a W!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND we overcame adversity.

Willis in the lineup and they don't score the rushing touchdown.

12-3 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our team in built for Lambeau Field in January. Bring on the Packers!!!!! Beat them in their own house. I hope it's 10 degrees and snowing. Let Rodgers thrown in that crap, or let Gore run in that stuff. Can't wait for the niners to turn Aldon loose against the Packers.

Our biggest test will be New Orleans in Frisco, if they get by their 1st round team. I'll be routing for the Falcons Monday night.

I am a little concerned about Harbaugh Bowl II. But on a neutral field and 2 weeks to prepare, we'll be fine.

GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THERE WAS A GAME TODAY? Thought the real game was Monday Night!!
Oh right that was the highlight of the SEAHAWKS giving the game away with that fumble! What is Seahawks record again and what division are they in??..oh right the worst one in 25 yrs!! the nfc west(what a joke)!
>the real game was Monday
>Oh right that was the highlight
>of the SEAHAWKS giving the
>game away with that fumble!
>What is Seahawks record again
>and what division are they
>in??..oh right the worst one
>in 25 yrs!! the nfc
>west(what a joke)!

Hey goatraper, you need to look at all the division standings, NFC West is not the worst. You are just a troll anyway, not sure why I even responded to your BS
>the real game was Monday
>Oh right that was the highlight
>of the SEAHAWKS giving the
>game away with that fumble!
>What is Seahawks record again
>and what division are they
>in??..oh right the worst one
>in 25 yrs!! the nfc
>west(what a joke)!
Everybody knows the NFC East is the toughest division in pro football; Giants, Cowboys, Eagles & Skins, right? Guess what?? Only one of those teams will have a record over .500 when the season is done.

And the 9ers beat three of those teams and went overtime with the fourth. They beat Philly and Washington in their own house.

IMO the Saints are scarier than the Packers.
So, as pretty much expected, the Saints handled Detroit last night. I had one of our regularly scheduled home poker game with the boys and didn't see much of the game on in the other room. I do though, feel we have a good shot at beating these guys! But then we'd maybe have to beat GB to get to the big dance.

A lot to ask for or just the way we're gonna do it?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage, I agree that we have a chance to beat them, but we can't get into a offensive track meet wtih the Saint's. I think we will need to be at least +2 in turnovers and put Bree's on his backside as many times as we can. I know we can stop the run but those guys can really move the ball through the air.

I gave my four tickets to my best customer for this game. I won't even be able to watch the game because we are flying to the Big Island next Saturday..Go Niners
Should be a great game i can't wait.
A couple keys for the niners are they must get pressure with there front 4 to allow 7 back in coverage and there line must give smith time to make his reads.
If that happens i think they have a pretty good chance to win.
Go Niners
Classic great defense versus great offense. IMO that's a push. So it's our offense against their defense. Don't laugh!!! I think Alex, Frank and the boys can do it. Maybe it's the Harbaugh factor but these guys come to play.

Like Larrbo and Oil said, need pressure on Brees. Remember the Aints are 5-3 away from their dome. 2 of those victories on the road were in someone elses dome. So they were an average 3-3 on grass. And they weren't going up against our defense in any of those 6 games.

Niners have been watering that grass since 10 minutes left in the 4th quarter of the Aints/Lions game.

IMO this will be our biggest test. Love to see the red hot Giants beat the Packers just so we can stay home but we're built for Lambeau Field in january. Just got to get by this Aints team.
"were built for Lambeau Field in January"!!
whats that mean?
Ok I just think SF is lucky this year pure luck...unless you know about how the game is really fixed and the NFL is really just some rich banking dudes(the richest)which move the money to make loosing team win because of profits(should be RAMS next year!!)..but I don't hate them just the plicks and plicketts who come out of the wood work..
anyway .............to be where SF today ...well, "luck"!!!
now let see what happends now!!!
I think Saints win big! SF look awful..
GB wins by 10.
Ah, oh, Hey there Overton! I tried out that logic with YD's usual predictions... on the NCS game, damn it if didn't work!:-(

Good luck though!

I can't believe guys come on here and talk blatant trash of the 9'ers! That's almost like picking on somebody cause their buck ain't big enough. Takes all kinds i guess!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

Reguardless of the outcome it has been a good and enjoyable season.
Good luck on your hunts. In a few days we will be going out for blue marlin and that's what gets my attention.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-12 AT 11:09PM (MST)[p]Sage, "I can't believe guys come on here and talk blatant trash of the 9'ers! That's almost like picking on somebody cause their buck ain't big enough. Takes all kinds i guess!

I have to disagree with you. It's more like guys come on here and talk trash because you killed a bigger buck then them.

goatf@*ker, "Built for Lambeau Field means we have the best defense in the entire NFL plus a top third in the NFL running game. The Packers have a great passing attack. if you didn't know, weather in Green Bay Wisconsin in late january is usually in the teens and 20s, with a significant amount of wind. All detriments to a passing attack. Hands cold, wind driven passes. A solid runnig game and a punishing defense if what made Vince Lombardi great. Now it's ours!!!!!!!

Just got to get by those Aints.
Start calling names?????? Refer to post # 20!!!! You used Calibonelicker. WTF????? Now you got feelings??????? Get over it, and wash your itsy teensy thing off when your done with that goat.

You mention several times "WHAT DO I KNOW?" Re-read posts #20 & #30. You've proved you don't know nothing.

#49 & 50 were even better. Why you such a hater????? Go find a Dolphins or Packers post somewhere.

And #76 takes the cake. "Rich Banking Dudes" wtf??????

Just a few guys on here sharing our enthusisam about a team that has suffered the last 9 years. Why does us being happy make you such a hater????????? Must be that insy teensy thing you got.

OBTW, you ever been to Miami or Green Bay???
wow am speechless!!!(ok not really!)
just hate guys who do not support there teams win or lose..
Slayer..you live in California right? you support gay life style?(making mudholes)
legal medical marijuna?
no death sentances!
high medical cost?
illegal imagration?
that has to do as to why you think I need to be a niner fan!!
because I live in the bay area..I love my Giants and attend many games and playoffs and world series! been to niner games, been to raiders games and sharks too!!
my ears are going to hurt from everyone crying after the lose to saints!!
sorry to hit a nerve
as far as my thingy it gets plenty cleaned from them chicks in Susanville, Chester, Almanor!(as I hunt Honey and a few other spots for ducks and honkers)..
just say to your self...next year..next year!
well dude next year will be differant as the fan of all of the NFC West teams will really lay into there teams for change and the "big money folks" in fear of loosing fan base will redirect focus to make them happy...its a cycle like domistic volence(sp?).
good night
on my way to get scrubed and slay some duck!!
Goatpoker has jokes! Dude I'm thinking if your tap'n anything around here it must be some of them lonely sweathogs wait'n for their dirtball to parole! You know, one week they get a boneyard visit, the next week they're looking for some flatlander sucker to buy them drinks and keep them happy until the next visit with their dirtball. You ought to hunt up here more often.


Goatroper said,
""were built for Lambeau Field in January"!!
whats that mean?
Ok I just think SF is lucky this year pure luck...unless you know about how the game is really fixed and the NFL is really just some rich banking dudes(the richest)which move the money to make loosing team win because of profits(should be RAMS next year!!)..but I don't hate them just the plicks and plicketts who come out of the wood work..
anyway .............to be where SF today ...well, "luck"!!!
now let see what happends now!!!
I think Saints win big! SF look awful..
GB wins by 10.

one more time, he said, "I think Saints win big! SF look awful."

What a dumb A$$! LMAO!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Smiling my ass off!!!!

Goathumper might have drowned slaying ducks........or maybe he's on NFL.com rethinking his football predictions. Either way at least he ani't lurking around here.

I made a funny, "Aint" (s)

They ain't champs of anything this year!!!!!

Now on to bizness. Who do you guys want to see win tomorrow???

Personally i think we have a better chance against Green Bay. They don't have 3 All-Pros on their offense line. Think Brees was pressured??? Rogers will have it worse. Plus weather will probably benefit a running game. And nobody has one of those against us. (Saints got 37 yards today)

Giants?? We already beat them plus we get to play in our house. But they are hot and they are balanced.

Lets travel to Green Bay and show goathumper what "Built for Lambeau Field in Janaury" means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd be remiss if I didn't add that the shitty NFC West beat the great Ain'ts two post seasons in a row.
Overton, you are so right!!!!!! And I agree, lets put the W up on the Packers instead of the Giants.

OBTW, goathumper, next time you're up here in the Honey Lake Valley getting your insy teensy weenie cleaned, lets get together.

We have a "square off" place here. It's on Rice Canyon Rd. Google earth it. Bring a second. There's good cell reception there and the paramedics know the place. You'll be in a hospital in less than 20 minutes, no problems but the helicopter ride to Reno is about $20,000.00.......or I'll take you on a good old fashioned chukar hunt. Then you'll wish you were dead.

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