Sexual Harassment ???



Every day, a male co-worker walks up very close to a lady at the coffee machine, inhales a big breath of air, and tells her that her hair smells nice. After a week of this, she can't stand it anymore, takes her complaint to a supervisor in the personnel department and asks to file a sexual harassment grievance against him.

The Human Resources supervisor is puzzled and asks 'What's sexually threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?'

The woman replies, 'its Keith...the midget.'

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I call BS.

In this day and age find me a woman thats worth sexually harrasing that has hair where a midget could smell it.
F-Dude, It is scary the pictures you have at a moments notice. LMAO. I sure hope the FBI never has a reason to confiscate your computer. You would have a hard time explaining.
the first time they didnt find anything, the second time took some creative thinking to convince them I was harmless
Come on guys - this joke is totally inappropriate!! I mean seriously - they are called LITTLE PEOPLE!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Where the hell have you been, Velvet? aint seen from you in a while!

JB---thats funny chit right thar!

>Come on guys - this joke
>is totally inappropriate!! I mean
>seriously - they are called

Thank you for correcting that oversight Roy.. Sheesh.. Little people have feelings to.
That's funny, I would have sworn that's what HER-A$$-MEANT to the little short vertically challenged (did I get that right Roy?) guy!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-09 AT 12:18PM (MST)[p]Has anyone ever seen a "little person" out hunting? I mean, the deer and elk they hunt are twice as big. That's gotta be scary.
Well yeah?didn't you ever see the picture of that little guy stepping on his trophy squire in the street? LMAO!!

Lucky midget...When they are nose to nose their toes are in it and when their toe to toe their nose is in it...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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