Sexing/Scoring Mnt. Goats


Long Time Member
I needed to replace my old 'Billies and Nannies' movie as I have loaned it out to many folks over the years.

Belva, the office manager said to call 1-800-735-7006 for the new replacement DVD titled:

"Is it a Billy or is it a Nanny' as they do not have it visible in the website....You have to call to order.

$19.95 / $5.00 shipping.

With so many fellow M&M'ers drawing Mnt. Goat tags already (with Mont. ect still to be drawn) I wanted to for sure share this info.

I have called multiple times and gotten a busy signal. When I did get through they didn't have anyone availible to answer my questions and wouldn't take a message. Who are these people? Are they legit?

I ordered the dvd a couple days ago, got it and watched it already. will watch it a few more times before my nanny hunt
Clapper....I thought I had some other pics for scoring but did not find them and since I had this picture I posted it anyway. Since it was not intended for you and if the person who started this thread wants me to remove it, I will do so.

Have a great hunt.


I thought that picture was dead nuts on for this thread. Gives a guy some good info for a kill shot. Leave that pic up

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