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Study: Utah ranks No. 1 for online porn subscriptions
Utahns lead the country when it comes to spending money on Internet pornography. A study shows Utah averages 5.4 online pornography subscriptions per thousand home broadband users.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Saw that news item on MSNBC last night myself.

Shocked, simply shocked!

Figure with all those extra wives, some added entertainment might be necessary to hold back the boredom.....while all these Utah hunters are gone in the Fall.
It only means they are not smart enough to find it for free like the folks in the other 49 states.
Thus the term Utards. :)
its just because folks in west virginia cant afford computers. or have the power to run them.
I heard the reason why so many from Utah use pay sites is because they can't spell. If they don't pay for it and bookmark the site they keep coming up with screen messages like this.

We've gotz the SEXIEST women on the planet!! Ever been to...well lets say Connecticut for instance?? LMAO...them aint women, them's water buffaloes!! ( and um if that offends you i'm sure you're a nice lady on the inside ;)

And Godbless the bishops daughters!!

The guy that did the survey was a real genius. He sampled one, count them, one pay porn site. Very, very accurate.
By zip code Sevier County is the online porn capital in the nation. Ranks first in the thought they all were on here every night.
>The guy that did the survey
>was a real genius. He
>sampled one, count them, one
>pay porn site. Very, very

Tony, you seem a little upset by this. I can't figure out if it's because the guy picked the site you visit, picked the site you don't visit, missed picking the site you own, or if you are a statistician. :)
Oh....OK, OK. Look, those of you that are insulted by this.

NOBODY, with a childs' portion of intellicet, believed that this "study and report", were in any way accurate.

The real humor here is YOUR reaction to it! Which, by the way, could not be more predictable.

People in Utah are such ideal targets of humor, because the "ten ring" is limitless....meaning; your irate nerve is SOOOOO easy to hit!

You got issues with extra wives, extra grasshoppers, extra saints, extra bibles and seagulls.

You have lakes with no marinas,....or fish. You got Starbucks....but no coffee. Fake indian uprisings. Endless.....And you don't think people should giggle at you?

Now, I live in California.....whatever Utah has, that is messed up, we probably invented tenfold, but we don't flare up in self righteous indignation, near as well as Utards!

Get over yourselves. People been picking on you guys since a week after the Pilgrims hit Plymouth Rock.
You couldn't help it then and you can't help it now!

And don't start on me about how all Utarians, ain't Mormons. All Californians aren't gay Democratic liberal, tree huggers...or illegal aliens...(a lot of us are legal)..but I don't see that stopping the jokes.
I'm amazed some of you guys actually took the time to look it up and read the article, never mind getting PO'd about it. Now your computers are going to show that you actually were doing pornography searches. :) Now that's funny.

There is an old saying "Figures don't lie, but liars sometimes figure". Show me a set of statistics and I can find someone who can twist them around.
Another interesting "insertion" to the porno industry is that the originals; Playboy & Hustler are falling on "hard times" because of the advent/popularity of internet porn. Playboy enterprises has been trying to sell their brand, but their response has been very flaccid.
Well BFE, it is very stiff competition.

I only buy Playboy for the articles. It's a great way to stay abreast of current events.
"By zip code Sevier County is the online porn capital in the nation."

Now I find out . . . after applied for Fishlake LE elk.

Please don't tell me this is Deliverence country too!

My inlaws retired to Oly Peninsula in Washington. We drove out to Forks one time. That was, like, scary Deliverence country.

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