Settling on a Sheep Tag Unit


Very Active Member
I have enough preference points for sheep that I could probably draw a Unit 1 sheep tag this year or next year. I am very familiar with the unit and have hiked many miles in it. The sheep are really spread out in this unit. Some portions of the unit are right in my backyard. I would prefer to draw a Unit 2 sheep tag because I know and like the country and am aware of some great little spots that hold rams. I believe it would be many years before I had enough preference points for Unit 2.I am a 60 year old DIY hunter who hunts on foot and often solo. I can spend all the time I need on this hunt. I have no horses. Even though I know some good guides, I can't justify 10 grand to hire an outfitter and guide for the hunt. What would you do under the circumstances?

No drama...just asking, mh
Its a tough decision and a good question.

Not to pick on you or anything, but at age 60 (heck any age really), your health can change on a dime.

The worst case scenario is you get to hunt sheep and just don't get one. Best case, you get a great hunt and a ram to show for your efforts. The worst case, is still better than most will ever get to experience.

I vote for getting with the program...apply, draw tag, and hunt sheep.
I'm the same age as MH +1 year so I know exactly what Buzz is saying.
His council is spot-on; HUNT NOW while you can regardless of which unit you'd rather hunt.
Any sheep hunt is better than no sheep hunt and the clock is ticking for guys in our "age pool".
Good luck MH.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]Yep, us old SOBs got to get with the program while the getting is good. That's one reason I'm burning my deer PPs down in G in September on a horseback hunt, as I just can't do a DIY on foot in that country at my age, even though I'm in excellent shape for 67. As BuzzH mentioned, health can turn on a dime, so I'm getting it done while I can and am looking forward to seeing all that country down there.
1+ good advice..that is what I am doing ( 62 still in good shape but I feel the years,lol) least I will be on the mtn and a big + if I tag one..coues52
Ya you are really pushing the envelope and probably don't even know it. It can happen overnight. For me I hit 55 with no major issues when all 4 wheels just suddenly fell off. Multiple unrelated problems now. Would have had to literally eat a sheep tag had I drawn last year. Count your blessings and go for it now.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I agree, get it done if you can. you know it's not going to get easier.

I don't know area 1 at all but I know enough to know it's going to be hard without horses. I understand what you're saying about an outfitter but if you don't want to go that route maybe you can hire someone to supply horses and wrangle for you. don't just buy or rent horses, that's no place or the situation to learn about horses .

My thinking is if you're in good enough shape to do the hunt on foot you've got time to wait for the tag you want. whatever you do don't blow it you're only going to get one chance.

Stay thirsty my friends
These guys all make sense, but there is only on spot in area 1 that I can think of that's walk-in and it still wouldn't be easy.

Good luck, whatever you decide!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 03:09PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 11:25?AM (MST)

It hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread, but with all the recent Wyoming legislation being proposed I wouldn't count on being able to draw anyhting down the road. Then what the "H" you going to do when they go to a 50-50 tag split or eventually pass the 90-10 or whatever they have dreamed up for the'll be way to old to wait another 20 years for a tag. I've said it before, I expect points needed to jump a little this year so beware!
But MH is a resident so the 90/10 would only help him in the future. The 50/50 rule wouldn't help however.
Haven't heard any support to change moose & sheep to 50/50. Wouldn't be too concerned about that.
Mh do I need to take ya to area 3? Its so great that you and live in this area cause of all the options
nfh,I know a few spots in 3. I have no doubt you could show me some nice sheep. Unfortunately, Unit 2 and 3 require about the same number of preference points. To draw those units would require me to have a couple of points more than I do. I feel fortunate to have any options.

I am seriously leaning towards putting in for Unit 1. The worst that can happen is I eat the tag but still get to go sheep hunting. I know a few guys that have eaten the Unit 1 sheep tag. Most of them passed on average rams early in the season and ended up with nothing. I figure any mature ram is a trophy for me at my age. It is a huge unit with access and bear issues for a walker like myself. I do know a few spots where I have seen decent rams while deer hunting in late October. They are all within 5 miles of the pickup. I also have an ace up my sleeve having discovered a small pocket of timber that consistently holds rams when the buggers are timbered up. They bed about a 100 yards from the cliffs and you have to approach them very carefully.

It is a lot to think about. At 60, my options may be running out and poor health could be just around the corner. I can devote the whole season to sheep hunting which is a real plus. I also wouldn't be going into the area blind. I also can be at the trailheads with just an hour or so of driving from the house. I can't count how many hours I have spent walking in the dark with a headlamp. I ran into an outfitter on horseback in the Unit 1 backcountry this year. He knew where the sheep were, but had hunters that were in such bad shape he was having to clear an old trail so that these fellows could ride a horse right to the sheep. He felt that they were not capable of walking just a few hundred yards to get a shot.

Thanks for the help everyone. mh
Good luck MH! I think after your relating what you know about unit 1 and being so close you can put in lots of hours I know what tag I'd be be putting in for this year to get er done!

I spent a lot of time in 1 when I had my mnt. Goat tagin 2011. I spent a ton of time from pilot to republic and guitar lake. If got any questions let me know

This thread is full of good advice regarding aging, ones health and the ability to hunt sheep. Another reason to GO SHEEP HUNTING NOW is the health of the rams themselves. I'm sorry if I sound like Chicken Little but sheep herds are sooooo fragile. All it takes is for one young ram to go on a walkabout and meet some domestics or one pack goat escapes and takes to the hills. In just the last few years CA, MT and NV have all seen herds virtually disappear. Lets not overlook whats happening in Dubois WY.

Right now the sheep in WY areas 1-5 are doing as well as they have in a long, long time. Don't wait around and push your luck. If the sheep herds you are familiar with suffer a die-off you could be sidelined for decades while you wait for the herd to recover. Hunt rams while the populations are huntable.

Goog Luck.
What makes me nervous about sheep areas around us MH is when they decide to timber up.

When I took a guy 2 years ago we couldn't find rams in the open but jumped a group of 65 ewes and just PM MH if you would like to know what trailhead I was on so I can let ya know where I seen those sheep. But we never seen rams in the open and other sheep hunters had the same issue. Then the next year no has a problem of rams staying in the Timber. Its very strange and I don't know why they do it.

Im sitting on 14 points so im getting closer to a tag also

I will try to respond tonight or tommrrow. Our newborn has been in NICU up a St. Vincents
The wife is much better now. Her platelet count went down in the danger zone mutiple times. And blood pressure was super high. The baby was 4 weeks early. Our first child was 5weeks early but having more issues this time
I thought you had told me the baby wasn't due for a while yet, so I figured it probably had to do with her being early. Stay strong for her and the way things are now they'll get her and the baby through this okay!

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