Serra or Hughes? Poll



Just ordered the fight and starting to wonder who will win. I think Hughes is gonna take it, but I like Serra as fighter also. What do you think?

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON May-23-09 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]JB,
I wasn't speaking spanish, was I?
lol...might as well have been....I don't have a clue who the hell you are talking

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Well I think we may see a rematch between Hughes and Serra but not Machita and Evans.

JB- This was a UFC fight. Maybe a little far from your soccer games, but still entertaining!;-)
Both fights were entertaining. I called the Machita fight but was wrong on the Serra fight.

That was exactly what I thought about at the end of the Machida fight!

If A. Silva can beat Forrest Griffin we might get our wish!
"If A. Silva can beat Forrest Griffin we might get our wish!"

I think Anderson wins this fight by counter striking. Forrest will be coming to Silva because of how patient Silva has become.

Machida-Silva would be an excellent fight. Lyoto folded Rashad last night. That was an easy fight to call....I think most of us knew what the outcome was going to be.

Can't wait for Florian-Penn.

Florian vs Penn, yeah great fight. My heart goes to Florian but.........Penn in the outcome!

Silva is badddddd, I think we may see an all around champ in the UFC soon!
I am pretty sure A. Silva and Machida have said that they will not fight. They are old team mates and pretty good friends. Of course A. Silva and and V. Silva were good friends and team mates as well and that seems to have changed....

I am sure if the $$$ is right they will set the friendship aside.
Anderson Silva would move up to fight Machida. It would be a great test for both guys. I couldn't tell you at this point who'd win. They are both very impressive.

Florian by TKO....he's gonna bloddy BJ Penn up with nasty elbows.

Geez.......I cannot believe how much time you guys waste on this American Idol BS and "who's better than who".

We need some hunting seasons soon!
American Idol???? HA HA HA! Good one Nickman - Good one!

I thought Hughes/Serra went the way I thought it would, a lot of wrestling by Hughes, some punches by Serra. I was worried they were going to give Serra a 10-8 round the first round because they might not have noticed the incidental head butt and mistaked it for a punch. Regardless I didn't think that round belonged to Hughes though he showed a lot of heart by fighting while being knocked silly. The next two rounds were all Hughes though, Serra didn't do a thing until the last 23 seconds. Hughes southpaw style and takedowns neutralized any explosiveness that fight could have had. I think Hughes should have went for more submission attempts, the ground and pound wasn't working. Serra pulls good guard though, so it didn't look like a lot happened in the fight.

Machida is freaking awesome! I think he will fight A. Sylva someday, we'll see when and what weight. Dana will make it happen!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I would watch American Idol if it was the UFC, until then I will watch UFC and not American Idol!
It was a really good card. I figured the hughes/serra fight might end up being a draw. The machida fight went exactly how I hoped/knew it would. It was also good to see my favorite fighter Brock Larson pick up a win. I think if Anderson Silva goes to another weight class it will be to 170 not 205 you never know though.
Can Anderson Silva drop that much weight? I would think that his mentality would be to move up to the 205's and compete against the best, which now that guy is Machida. I don't think Silva wants to fight guys he knows he can beat. I think he is looking to be in there with guys that are going to test his skills. Lyoto Machida will do just that. He's fought at 205 and knows he will ba able to compete with the added weight. Where ever he fights, I hope it isn't as disappointing as his last two fights. BORING!!!!

He has gone up to 205 to fight a year or so back. He completely destroyed the guy. It almost looked easy for him, as with many of his fights.
A. Silva did go up to 205 and fight J. Irvine and his next fight is at 205 against Forest Griffon. Don't see any way for him to drop to 170 and fight GSP. More like GSP coming up to fight him at 185. Provided that GSP can win his next fight...

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