Serious question


Why is it whenever you fart in the shower it seems to be a hundred times more potent? I let one rip and almost puked after I smelt it.
I never waste a perfectly good fart in the shower. I'd hold on to it and let it firment until I was in bed with the wife. Then let it slip out, give it a count to 10, and inconspicuosly fluff the covers and prepare for the punch to the shoulder which is soon to follow.
i went out with the boys last night and tipped a few back. when i got home i slipped in bed and went to sleep. this morning my old lady told me i farted 18 times. i told her " well it's more fun then counting sheep !"
Lmao! I laugh when it echoes and from the other room I hear my wife yelling at me.

Ha ha nice topic.. Just made my day at work. When she crawls over to snuggle up behind ya is always a good time. Bubbles in the bath with her to will get her screaming.
Am I the only guy that doesn't fart in front of his woman???Don't get me wrong I think farting is very funny at times but I don't do it in front of my woman.
Don't mind cutting loose around the hunting buddies, but around my wife; that's one of the good reasons to own a dog. Just blame him.
Ya its great when you are dead asleep in bed, and all of a sudden the wife is screaming because you just farted on her.

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