September Campfire??


Very Active Member
What happened to the whole month of Septembers posts or am I the only one that cant see them?

I replied to Tags ?Im gonna die? post thinking it was new because it was 3rd from the top in the Campfire then I realized after posting he wrote that back in August.

Something screwy going on because I also don't see new posts in any forum even after refreshing and to get them I have to expand the threads. Anyone know what's up?

By the way Tag, how?s the no smoking going now that it's a month later? Sorry about that.
Don't worry, it's just not you....."sumtings wong".

LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-08 AT 02:01PM (MST)[p]I was going to say Phukat but I know that would cause that to happen...
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-08 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]The spiderman bull got killed and everything is chaotic!!!!

BTW, can someone tell me WHY am I having to look at Obama ads on MM's?????
WTF.....this place is all screwy. I'm blaming the guy in the ads for this! AHHHH, phuket, i'm gonna go smoke!
Must of been a big nuke to leave this much fallout. Who's to blame? Feleno? Dcup?
>Must of been a big nuke
>to leave this much fallout.
> Who's to blame?
>Feleno? Dcup?

Rackmaster, probably. He's on my sh*t list this week so I'm blaming him. Can't be Dcup.
Maybe Dcup's offending post(s) that got him put in timeout was deleted with the rest of September and he can come back and play now.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-08 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]"Can't be Dcup."

LOL! Good one Jenn!


September reminds me of my 401K...... POOF! It's gone!
My gawd eel, that hurt!!
And i was just starting to get my 401K.....which is now called my 201K losses out of my head!!


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