Sent Private Messages


Very Active Member
Is there a way to see and read the PM's that you have sent? I have all the ones I have received, but would like to see some of the ones I have sent.


I do not know of anyway to see what you sent unless the guy returns one without deleting what you already wrote?

I wanted to say something about PM's. Maybe a little off topic, but I am getting to the point I will not answer them any more. I get tired of typing for 10 minutes to help someone out and they never reply back and say I got it, thanks, or f-you. Nothing. Some do, and really appreciate it, but others act like you owe them something.

If you have not been around awhile and I kinda know you, don't bother pm'ing me cuz I am deleting them!}>

I feel better now! Ha!
Hot damn,
You mad because Bessy won't return messages? LOL Just kidding ya KFC, will you talk to me if I write ya? Pretty Please.

Hell i have sent KFC at least 5 PM's, but he won't return mine!!
Guess i'm not on his christmas card list either. :-(

I know you all want a pm, tough!;-)

bobcat and d13r are the only 2 I write back now. Sorry eel. I had to delete it?;-)

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