
Active Member
OK can some tell me what is going on is it alive or dead.
Also.I could have misread this but are they trying to seek in the Bonus or Preference Points.This is what is in the bill.(D) The commission may by rule establish procedures relating to
37 the application for the purchase of controlled hunt bonus or preference points by sportsmen and the fee for such application shall
39 be as specified in section 36-416, Idaho Code.
Now am I reading it wrong.

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.
There has been no action on the bill yet.

When you view the text, only the underlined text is being proposed. The regular text in the section is current law. The legislature approved the point system two years ago. It just has not been implemented by the IDFG yet.
Here is an email that I sent to everyone I know about this bill. There are links to F&G's opinion, how to find you local congressman and their email, and an example of what to write to them. Hope this helps defeat this bill.

If you enjoy hunting Idaho every year, you need to read below.
Click Here:

Please contact your district representative and urge them not to pass this legislation.
You can find your local congressman on this site:

Then you can find their email address on this site:

Send them a quick email; this is all it takes, copy and paste if you'd like.

Dear [Your Local Congressman],

I live in your district and am writing you today to strongly urge that you oppose Senate Bills 1015 and 1016. I am an avid hunter who has personally experienced encounters with ATV owners abusing the land and hurting the chances of success for other hunters in the area. Surveys show that the majority of hunters biggest concern is being able to hunt every year. Without controls on ATVs the F&G might be required to change some parts of the state to draw only. Displacing some hunters who simply want the opportunity hunt every and provide meat for their families.

All of our neighboring states have gone to a Limited Entry Draw System that limits the number of hunters allowed to hunt each year in an effort to keep the game herd populations healthy. Thankfully Idaho hasn't been forced to do this yet; thanks in part to motor vehicle restrictions used as a tool to limit harvest and keep game herd populations healthy.
Basically the Bill is trying to satisfy a few people that want to ride and hunt at the expense of the majority that just want to hunt.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.


The Hunter
The MVR has done nothing to improve hunting. The fact is in most of the MVR units big game populations have decreased. This rule does not keep ATV's out of your hunting spot it just keeps hunters from using trails. If this rule stays you will see more rules coming down the road. As populations further drop and success drops and fewer tags are sold. F&G will need to reduce harvest but they will also need to continue to sell unlimited tags to keep up revenue. So who will they go after next? They have tried "traditional" muzzleloader. They have tried "traditional" Archery. What is next? will they go after guys that shoot long range rifles? Will they not allow pack stock? Will more units go short range weapons? Read about the wolf issue that has been posted here. Scientists are confirming that wolves will continue to depress big game numbers. As their numbers continue to grow either our tag numbers will need to be reduced or some way will need to be concocted to decrease hunter success. Sure you can win this battle and you might keep the MVR. But the writing is more than just on the wall, it is BURNED into the wall. The level of opportunity that you hold so dear can not be sustained. The MVR is a law that should have never be allowed to rear it's ugly head. The MVR needs to be dropped and the F&G needs to start to face the ugly truth. They need to manage game not technology.
I've read a lot of your post on here and we are usually on the same page on issues. I understand what you are saying that the MVR won't keep ATV's out of your hunting spots; I assume you are talking about how the rules don't apply to non-hunters just riding ATVs for fun. I'm okay with those people because they typically ride during the middle of the day and they usually aren't the people trying to carve a new trail into the mountain.

Just because game herds have decreased in units that have MVR doesn't mean they aren't helping. I'd argue that the game herds would have decreased more without the MVR. The deer herd in unit 32 (MVR unit) has increased to a point that F&G decided to to offer an extra doe tag last fall. I don't agree with that extra tag but there must have been a decent increase in the herd for them to do that.

The reason I oppose this bill it takes away F&G authority to set MVR restrictions for HUNTERS. That seems crazy to me. Like you I'm all for helping the game herds recover. And part of that is more short range weapons hunts, aggresive predator control, and limiting access via MVR or whatever else.

Then again I'm probably a little extreme because if it were up to me the whole state would be archery or muzzleloader only and all rifle hunts would be draw only. We are way too efficiant at killing game.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 07:17?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 07:14?AM (MST)

100,000 times against yoyaks comment. the weekend riders are in my experiance and eyewitness testimony are much more likely to erode the soil tearing " new trails ". especialy 2 wheel bikes.

i agree with ron 100 % the f &g are using the atv community as a martyr insted of game management practices.

as i have stated before if atv's are banned that is fine . however EVERYBODY had better be on foot no livestock, bicycles, paragliders, nothing. and weekend joy riders included.

also totally against limited entry hunts . don't want to see that at all. i want to hunt every year thank you very much..

the unit 32 doe reproduction is a byproduct of there being much private land that never see a hunter.

as for the rifle hunting as way too efficiant. hunting bulls in the rut is way too efficient ! any body can call in bulls in the rut. if we are going to stop people from hunting ..allow no rut hunts for bulls at all. and people would still shoot at 300 yards with a muzzy or 100 yards with a bow. just aim for the clouds and let them fly !

if you impose all of these " limits " people will stop buying liscences and tags all together. then where will the f &g look to for money ? we all need to agree to disagree and try and find a happy medium some where. my 2 pennies.
Years ago I spent alot of time in 39. A good deal of that country has roads crossing all over it, but alot of those roads are locked before hunting seasons and the animals get a refuge to escape the masses. This system gives the motorbike and atv folks a chance to recreate all summer but still provides sanctuary where bucks and bulls can grow old. This system would be even more effective if the laws were properly enforced and the departments could afford to process the tickets cited.

Everybody has their own style of hunting, and general hunts with easy access will always sell tags; but come on! Something's gotta give. There's less deer and elk in our state every year and more and more people. If we want to keep hunting every year we have to start looking at some different options, and making guys work a little harder for their buck or bull seems like a viable one to me.
I totally agree with Ron in that we need to stop tring to just micromanage hunters and passing rule after rule and start decreasing hunter #s in alot of units. Unlimited OTC tags were fine 20+ years ago but with decreased herds due to so many factors (atv's being only a small but annoying part to some) at the very least I would like to see limited OTC tags (ie. only so many first come first serve tags in giving units, with tag numbers depending on how the game numbers are doing in that unit). But I don't have any confidence in this F&G doing what I think is the right thing because they have set it up so that a majority of their revenue comes from the OTC tags. So they will try to pass rules and laws to decrease success rates for law abiding hunters and call that management.
That was more than 2 cents man. Just kidding, its good to here an opposing opinion because like most I tend to assoiciate with like minded people.
Most of my experiences with motorcycles have been good. Sure they rally up the trails but they stick to the trail in my experience. However, I've witnessed some lazy ATV hunters literally chase down forkies on squaw butte (MVR unit)and shoot them while their lower jaws were hanging down because they just ran 3 miles. I know these guys don't represent all ATV hunters. But these are the people that will benefit the most from F&G losing authority to set/enforce MVR.

Also I'd like think that people wouldn't try 300 yd muzzy shots or 100 archery shots, but maybe I put too much faith in my fellow hunter. I understand that general archery only and draw rifle would be pretty extreme, but something has to be done. I just thought that would be a way to reduce harvest while still offering opportunity to hunt.

happy mediums are hard to find.
Im with you Yoyak. Although most atv riders obey the laws it only takes a few to ruin it, and they have. I think most of us would say that we have had a less than positive experience with an atv at some point in your hunting career. People seem to really push the limits with them and its really soured me. Letter sent. Thanks.

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