Senate all nighter produces nothing


Long Time Member
I see Harry Reid kept the Senate up all night and still got handed a defeat on a troop withdrawl bill. Even the dems called it just a publicity stunt.

If they really truly wished to end the war then could do it tomorrow. I think the reality is that they wish to continue the war because it means so much political gain for them. If the war ended what issue would the Dems have?

Neither side give a rat @ss about the troops fighting and dying. They are merely pawns in a grand scheme of political back stabbing and grandstanding.

I wonder how close it is going to get to election before enough Republicans change their votes. I bet it won't happen until April or May of 2008. That would give them the summer to "cleanse" themselves of Iraq.

Interesting times we live in. The Democrats have to prolong an unpopular war in order to gain power and the Republicans have to hope for another spectacular terrorist attack to happen in order to shift the balance a little.

"Neither side give a rat @ss about the troops fighting and dying."

Isn't that the truth! Have you ever been to a VA hospital? It's funny to think that the people that send our soldiers off to war have FAR better health care than the ones fighting the war. Makes me sick. I know of cases where wages are actually garnished to pay VA medical bills. UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE!!!
The dems don't have the votes at this time and they aren't going to get them quite yet. how would they end the war now without the votes to over ride Bush's Veto? everyone blames the dems for the fact the war is still blundering along, but an uncompromising Commander in Chief is a major obstacle to overcome. when they made their promises like all polititians do they figured Bush would bow to the will of the people and the majority of congress, WRONG. we'll stay the course until September then Bush is done, this is just show boating to keep the heat on until then.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-07 AT 11:40AM (MST)[p]Dude,
The dems could make a procedural change in the Senate rules that a simple majority would be enough to pass this legislation, it has been done numerous times in the past. They could force GWB to take out the veto pen. Instead they are smelling blood in this election cycle and could care less what the anti war crowd is whining about because they already own those votes. What they are wishing to do is further put the Republican Senators out on a limb.

The dems have no real interst in ending the war as they are reaping huge political capital from this not to mention huge sums of campaign cash. Ending the war takes away the one issue Dems can win on. Then what would they run on?

What else have the Pol's got to do all night? now that the whore house is closed.

>What else have the Pol's got
>to do all night? now
>that the whore house is

ROFLMBO!!! Good one, Rus! hee hee hee

Love your pic too, JB.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-07 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]Yawn auuughh man! Funny pic D13!

I watched our distinguished Senators until 4:00am, after Sheldon Whitehouse I went to bed. Ugh

Man I'm tired. I thought both sides had brought some valid and enlightening points to the table. One unifying message became very clear, Rumsfield did an awful job. This message rang through from both sides of the aisle.

As I posted before and was confirmed by McCain, Kurdish terrorist groups are performing hit and run bombing into Turkey from Iraqi Kurdistan. So we are indirectly allowing terrorist groups to launch attacks against a fellow democracy.

Norm Coleman and James Imhoffe are partisan idiots with Zero concern for our troops. McCain as much told Coleman so by instructing him to go to Iraq.

McCain seemed preoccupied with the Domino Theory of neighboring countries should we pull out. The only problem is McCain had lots of hypothetical gloom and doom without any defined victory or defined future exit strategy. It was basically, if we ever leave the Turks will war with the Kurds, the Syrians along with Hezbollah and Iran will take over Iraq.

McCain's statements only confirmed to me of Clinton's descriptions of Sadam being in a box, and George Sr.'s reasons as to why we left Sadam in power. Along with Powell's comments of "you break it, you buy it."

There was a Sen. from Pennsylvania that was heavily concerned for our troops and made it a point to mention the losses, injuries, and veteran families from his home state. The heavy burden we have asked of our soldiers, their families, and preparing for the impending aftermath of veteran care when they return home.

Hillary looked exhausted and at times it showed during her speech. Like the Sen. from Pennsylvania her concern was certainly with furthered troop losses, and the broader picture of the "wack a mole" tactics employed by those that are attacking our soldiers.

She was very concerned over the alignment with Iran that predominates the Maliki government and the fact that Iranian influence is now riddled throughout the southern provinces. She noted that the extremely reduced British troop presence in the south are simply standing-by in their bases as Shiite factions battle it out for southern control.

Hillary noted that our troops have accomplished all of our military goals. That any further progression towards peace must be accomplished through political means and by forcing the Iraqi's to establish peace on their terms and our assistance.

Then there was Kerry, there's a guy that made me struggle to stay awake. But 2 messages rang out from his speech.

1. Given the current security role of our troops would the U.S. approve of sending our troops into Iraq to perform their current roles today?

Our current military roles are 2-fold, engage the enemy and find i.e.d.s. Our troops enter a town, speak with locals drive out of town an encounter an ied that takes out 6 of our finest. Our troops know that the perps are probably in that town yet have no way of properly locating the enemy.

2. How does this loss of 6 of our soldiers further our goals, weaken our enemies, or secure peace in the region?

I can't comment on Orrin Hatch, it would take too long.

McCain dropped this little pearl which I found to be very interesting about Rhamadi. Rhamadi was the self-proclaimed capitol of Al Queda in Iraq. Until a few months ago Al Queda in Iraq had killed every single Iraq policeman in Rhamadi.

The local sunni sheiks had finally concluded that the brutal tactics by Al Queda in Iraq, including murders of local sunni's in the Rhamadi region were not in their best interests. So the sheiks in the region sent 1,200 of their men in one day to become policemen for the region and go after Al Queda in Iraq. The result has been a dramatic decrease of violence in the Rhamadi area. This is indeed welcomed news and the exact type of victory U.S. have strived for.

IMO, Isn't this revelation by the sheiks in Rhamadi, the exact turning point that we need to start the redeployment?

The politics: The dems along with some republicans believe our military has seamlessly accomplished all that has been asked of them. Any further advancement must done politically. Their basis comes from generals in the field, an avoidance of further troop losses, and polls in both Iraq and the U.S. The political gain will be "they" initiated the redeployment.

The reps. along with Zero dems if you don't count Lieberman wish to wait and fear a complete regional meltdown should we withdraw prematurely. It appears that the reps. will only accept redeployment when they can claim they initiated according to stated time frames. Further troop losses in the interim does not appear to be a major concern being deemed acceptable.

Regardless of the admittance on both sides of the aisle that the Maliki government is a travesty at the highest levels, the reps. wish to give it another 60 days and stay on the Sept. schedule.

Both parites agree there is the subsidiary Al Queda in Iraq which arrived after our invasion and it's parent company Bin Laden's 9/11 Al Queda in Pakistan. Both parties agree with current intelligence estimates that Al Queda 9/11 has regrouped over the last 4 years in Pakistan and that our successes in Afghanistan have started deteorating.

I'm going to go crash on my couch!
Most of the insurgency in Iraq is backed by Iran who actually has been at war with us since the worst president in US history, Carter, turned his back on the Shah and let religious extremism come to power. If we leave, Iran will take Iraq. If we stay, I doubt things will change much other than the middle east stays partially stable. Like it or not, since the Dems won't let us drill for oil in new regions of the US we need a stable middle east.

Tough spot to be in considering the choices.
Actually the study that came out last week said most of the insurgents were our good friends the Saudi's. Think for just one minute before you type. Are we having a great deal of success against religious extremists today. The Shah was dieing of cancer and religious extremism as evidenced is difficult to defeat. Iran will not take Iraq at least not without one heck of a religious war between Sunni's and Shiites. You are right about one thing a stable Middle East would help the U.S.
I saw on the news that a bunch of the senators. Hillary, Kennedy. and the guy kicking the whole thing off to name a few, left before it was over to hit the fart sack! What up with dat?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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