Seminoe Res. Antelope


Long Time Member
My dad and I hunt near Alcova,Leo and we go over what we think is Seminoe mountain to get there. Just south of the res. is a lot of rolling hills that hold a ton of antelope. Anybody know if any of that land is BLM, public or if its all private? Weve been going that way for years and never really thought to ask or look. Thought Id ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The area from Seminoe south to Interstate 80 is checkerboard private/public. There's little to no public land that can be accessed from the highway. They grow big goats out there because harvest is limited to guided hunts and more limited trespass situations.
I am assuming that you are hunting Unit 48 on the east side. Unit 63 on the west side of Pathfinder (north of Ferris and Seminoe Mts.) is almost entirely BLM, and fun hunting. really watch out for buzzworms over there!!!!!!!! The north half of Unit 48 below Alcova has lots of BLM, but also some private; the landowners have been great, and haven't had to pay trespass on a lot of ranches. The lower portion of 48, and all of Unit 62 below the Seminoe Mts. and Dam is checkerboard, and requires quite a bit of schmoozing or trespass.
What are Buzzworms?

"Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, doesn't matter who wins, you're still a retard?
Snattlerakes; they'll get your attention in a hurry. Lots in the brush and weeds around the water holes, or the Miracle Mile stretch of river.
Got ya! I've hunted goats up around Alcova, usually late in the season, either its been to cold or I have been lucky, havn't come across any antelope hunting yet.

"Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, doesn't matter who wins, you're still a retard?
I appreciate all your info. I figured a lot of that was private. Weve seen some huge goats between the mntns and 80. Thanks for responding to my question

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