Selling Christmas trees, the end!!!


Long Time Member
If you remember, my brother and his son-in-law came to Kali from Oregon to sell Christmas trees. They ended up bringing 1,950 trees. We sold the last one yesterday!

It went pretty well, but man, I could write a book.

Nobody got hurt.....unless you count the little boy who got too close to the propane heater and caught on fire. Just minor 1st degree burns thankfully because we rolled him on the ground. His family got a free tree of course.

I didn't know it, but you can tie a 10' tree on top of a '69 VW Beetle!

If you have a basket full of candy canes for the kids, some women will fill their purse up. My brother held me back though.

Those little Stihl chainsaws really take some abuse and keep on running.

You have to have a strong family, if you're still friends when it's over.

I will never have another Christmas tree in my house again.:)

It could be worse you could be at work. lol

"If it moves shoot it again"

You always get to have all the fun Eel. You could be in Cheyenne Wy with me where the temps are -10 and the only time it don't blow is when it is really windy. Merry Christmas. I still want a Christmas tree or be home for Christmas. My three sons miss me .. !

Rut, what are you doing in Cheyenne? Scouting for my elk hunt? I know you and BBop will find me a good one.

You need to get home for Christmas! Good grief! You can come to our house in spirit Rut! Plan on it!

Kewl Thanks fot the invite. I will bring good Spirit's. in a bottle right? Yeah my Scouting trips are from Cheyenne all over the west and part of Idaho. I am going to find a big ol roan nose bull close to the road if I can stay on it.(Slick SOBs any way. I am doing a job over here. Won't last much longer then the Bad weather but most likely it will. We do have a job not to far from your house. I am not sure exactly where!!. And if I get that way I really would like to look at the Map again and go for a ride in your new car. Rutnbuck

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