Selling Bonus Point?????


Long Time Member
This is for Utah... I have never heard about this before now, but I overheard somebody saying that individuals are able to sell there LE bonus points they accumulate...??? Maybe to other hunters or something..? Is that true..? I tried finding something about it at DWR website, but couldn't find anything.

Was this guy talkin' out his [face]...?
From what I have heard people were selling the opportunity to put in with them on a group app. With the point averaging they would apply for a tag that they had enough points to draw, and then the seller would surrender his tag and get his points back, plus a point for applying for the current year. the buyer would keep his tag. The DWR has now closed that loophole.
Maybe he was thinking about the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City 8 years ago. Weren't they selling bonuses or favors then? Sorry Utah folks couldn't pass with the winter olympics coming up.
How about this for an idea. I don't agree with being able to sell your bonus points. However, maybe there ought to be a clause that if a person dies their bonus points could be inherited by someone they designate. Obviously you couldn't end up with more than max points but it seems like a waste if someone dies who has applied for years and years and built a bunch of points to just get wasted. Maybe I'm thinking a little too far outside the box.
That would really help out the point creep.
Thanks guys for all your responses...

The comment about applying with someone with bookoo points in order to raise your average must have been what I overheard... Seems like a tricky little loophole that got shut down....

The idea of passing Bonus points as an inheritence isn't a bad idea... That's a great thought... I'd like to see that...
Inheiriting bonus points is a good idea. That way my great great great grandson would have a chance at a tag.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Yes, it's too much like buying a tag,,oh,wait,, that's legal and encouraged :)

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
You can put in with someone with a greater number of points and average them out, but the DWR changed the law in 09 so that one person in the group COULD NOT turn their tag back in. Its all or none.

The DWR closed the loophole that allowed one member of a group to turn in their tag. That was a good move. In the very recent past "selling" your spot on a group application was a very common practice in Utah.
Now, everyone in a party has to turn in their tag or nobody. A good move by the DWR. Don't think that has stopped the sale of a spot on group applications, however. It is still being done. The good news, since they can't turn in their tag, is this is now effectively a one time deal for the high point holder. The new law has significantly impacted this practice, but not eliminated it entirely.

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