Self Defense.



I know theres alot of people that have Self Defense guns and who knows how much you have spent on them. Who has actually used a gun for self defense? Share your stories. This should be an interesting thread. Here's mine.

I lived in Broadmoor village apartments in slc. They have personal porches. I heard the door to my "personal porch" at about 1 AM. and could hear them trying to shuffle stuff around. I had 2 bikes and a barbeque and some other misc things not really of any worth laying on the porch. I had been shooting trap the day before and still had my 870 laying on the couch. I grabbed it and cracked the door open and yelled "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" He turned around and said F you and kept trying to get my bike untangled from the other.
When I think about it the sound still makes me laugh/quiver. I cocked my 12 guage and I had his full and undivided attention. I told him to lay down and bite the bottom rail on the railing around my porch and if his mouth came off the bar his head would leave his body. I had my very shaken wife call the cops and they were there in about 2 minutes. I got 2 pistols shoved down my throat when they first got there and after they got the story they took me out of the cuffs and hauled him to jail. To this day I swear he $h!t his pants. I dont think he thought a gun lived there, He was wrong!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-09 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]When I was a lot younger.....I was driving home one night and was stopped at a red light. I dropped my cigarette on the floor and was trying to find it when the light turned green. These two big dudes in the car behind me laid on their horn (I didn't know them). I flipped them off as I pulled away. They pulled up along side me and started yelling obsenities and told me to pull over. I flipped them off again and kept driving. Then they really got pissed! They were obviously following me and I didn't want to lead them to my house so I turned down this road that dead ended out in the marsh. They followed. I came to the end, shut my car off, pulled my Ruger .45 LC from under the seat and just sat there. I figured they would try to open my car door, and when they did they would get the big surprise. But they didn't. They sat behind me for about 3 minutes and decided I wasn't worth the trouble, so they left. At least they weren't complete idiots.

That was probably the wrong thing to do but back then I did things my way.

just remember, if you are armed and feel your life is in danger, dont let them get within 20 ft. it only takes about 1-2 seconds to rush in from that distance. and SHOOT TO KILL. its too easy to get your ass sued and/or prosecuted if the criminals survive.
I can tell you that if you discharge your weapon and strike them you WILL get sued whether or not it is mortal period. Secondly I'd be carefull about how you word that. It would be wise to shoot to STOP THE THREAT. Recite a line like shoot to kill and you are asking for more problems than you want. Last but not least it would be very wise to only use deadly force as a last resort to protect youself or a third party from the threat of death or serious bodily injury.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 00:43AM (MST)[p]Once upon a long time ago, I did armed escorts for concert proceeds. I was on 700 east in SLC near 900 South at a red light, 1 in the morning, with nearly 65K in the car. Some idjit opened my passenger door only to find my .357 stuck in his nose as I asked him "Did you need something?"

He apologized profusely and ran away.

I pulled off the road and nearly peed my pants.
Back in 1986 my ex-wife and I owned a place out of town(10acres) had a private driveway leading to the house. She went to visit her Grandmother along with our 2 daughters for the weekend. So I was alone...went and played Poker with the gang till 2:00 am and came home and thing I knew was my 2 Labs raising cain outside..figured it was a deer..then I heard GET BACK! GET BACK!....out of bed I came.. grabbed my sawed-off 12 gauge double barrel I had at the time and looked out the living room window and 2 guys are trying to grab something out of the back of my pick-up and the dogs had them at bay...I stepped out on the front porch and touched off one barrel over their heads and screamed DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!!! AND THEY HIT THE DIRT....they then explained they blew a tire on their rig on the highway that bordered my property and was going to borrow my spare tire so they could get into town to get theirs fixed....I offered to take to town in the back of my pick-up and get a hotel room cause at 3:30 am there is NOTHING open around here. They refused and said they would sleep in their car.....needless to say I didn't get any sleep that night....I doubt they did I did'nt call the cops...county sheriff was an hour and a half away...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 05:15AM (MST)[p]I pulled mine when I found someone breaking into my friends car, we were working in a brand new subdivision pulling an all nighter and I always carry when working at night. I never pointed it at the man, only let him see it in my hand and he got the picture as I yelled at him to get out of the car.
I have a good friend who is an NRA instructor for every class available, he says the most easily justified shooting in the world will cost you $30,000 to defend yourself and stay out of jail. A small price to pay to stay alive but it sure makes you think about pulling the trigger.
The only other time......:) I was on a remote stretch of the Trinity river doing some gold panning. I wasn't paying attention to anything but the gold (called gold fever :)) when I happened to look up and see two guys standing on the bank above me. They both had long hair and lots of tatoos. They looked like they just got paroled or escaped. One of them asked if that was my truck up on the road. I said yes. Then the other one asked me if I had any money on me. I said no. At that time I stood up and backed out into the river a bit to get more room. Then one asked if I was sure I didn't have any money. I told him all I had was my truck keys and this pistol. And I pulled my pistol out and showed them. They shortly took off, but I'm positive they would have hit me in the head with a rock and at least stole my truck and left me for dead.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 08:19AM (MST)[p]eel has 2 posts here. And thats just what he has confessed to.

Don't mess with him. LOL
I heard of one a couple years ago that happened in st. george. They were pulling out of that check cashing place on blvd and had the window down and a guy ran up with a knife demanding the cash they had just got and got a .45 auto shoved down his throat. I thought that one was a good one.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 08:43AM (MST)[p]MY Wife's story. She is a runt...about 5'3"/125lbs. Daylight coming out of a store near Reno when a guy about 6'3"/200 knocked her down and tried to grab her purse. She spun around on the ground to get between him and our youngest, pulled her .40 and told him to leave or die. He is still in prison. I have no doubts she would have shot him.

My story. About two years after the above, we had just come back from a CO hunting trip. Daylight, just outside a Neurologist' office in Reno. Kinda cold, so I am letting the truck run to keep me and the kid warm. I hear loud cussing coming from the two guys shoveling snow. I step out, ask them to please respect my kid and knock off the cussing. More cussing directed towards me. Then the older one comes towards me with a shovel raised over his head. I never had to pull my gun (Kimber, hip holster), just pulled back my jacket. Wife calls the cops, one guy shows up and said I would have been justified. Turns out the two were ex-felons working for an attorney. The lawyer comes out, apologizes for their behavior and all is good.

To echo what another poster only use your weapon to stop the attack.

Haha, almost forgot this one. I was 17 or so, moving from Montana to Colorado just before I joined the Navy. My jeep broke down near Meeteetsee, WY. I had just filled up on fried chicken and biscuits an my aunt's house in Powell....I thought, no problem,somebody will be along soon. 36 hours later, I was right. Wasted some time shooting my .22, sleeping, seemed like no one wanted to stop. Anyway, within a span of 3 hours I had 4 cars stop. The first was a guy delivering oil rig tools. He worked for Hughes tool, I think. He told me he would be back in about 2-3 hours. Then a cop. Then a trucker with a flat bed. I had to go pee, so off to the bushes I went, shotgun in hand. On my way back, two guys stop and then start going through the stuff in the back of my jeep. I watched them for a bit, then worked the bolt on my Montgomery Wards 20 gauge. Kinda funny to see the look on their face.
so you had 3 rigs stop then being a cop? odd.

anyway, i guess if i "shoot to stop the threat", the attacker is going to be dead. wont take a chance letting them testify against me, and my actions going to trial. i had a situation happen last year that i dont care to get into...i was not didnt go well from my side...and if that situation EVER happens again, i am always armed and will shoot to kill!! im sorry, ill take my chances.

i do apologize for saying we should all do that. thats just my point of view and should be taken as such.
It's better to be judged by 12 strangers than carried by 8 friends...........
I would recommend everyone take a concealed carry class, whether you carry or not, it is best to know all the little nuances of the law and what to expect if you do pull the trigger.
The only time I have had to pull a gun was while I was still working in Vietnam. Needed one of the trucks for a loading area and when the driver (a Vietnamese) said he did not want to go yet, I told him to go anyway.
Well after a few choice words from him in his native tongue, which I understood, I still told him to go and he just walked off from me.
Make a long story short, I got him stopped at the edge of ship loading area from buildings and he PULLS A KNIFE on me at which I laugh and pull my .38 from under my shirt. His eyes got BIG and when he looked back at me, I give him a kick to the chest and knocked him into the Saigon River and I'm am sure he was carried out by the currant into the South China Sea's.

Went and found another driver and a truck and went along as if nothing had happened. Next evening I was asked where so and so was as he never checked back in. I told them I never could find him last night.....end of questioning.

>so you had 3 rigs stop
>then being a cop?

They all stopped after the guy from the tool company stopped. The tool company guy said he would be back soon...if I was still there, then he would give me a tow. He did come back and towed me to the next town.
I haven't had the opportunity to use a weapon in self defense, but I am amazed at how many people will tailgate me for only a little while and then back off now that I have that "Protected by Smith and Wesson" sticker in the back window, when they never did before.

I did have a .22 thrown in my face once as a missionary - shouldn't have been knocking doors above the bars on Collins Ave. on Miami Beach anyway, but that is a different story. Anyway, dude opens the door and I see something coming over the edge of the door, and recognize it at as a .22 barrel. It still didn't register with me why though until it was pointed at my chest. I just apologized and said "Just wanted to tell you to have a nice day." Backed away and got the hell out of there. That was enough door to door work for the day.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
deepforks, grizzlyplumber is right on. Knowing the law will only help you. And it does NOT matter if you take the life of a threat against you. Litigation WILL follow in one form or another. Years ago, the SHERRIF in our county shot and killed a man while being attacked with a butcher knife. Some jackass upstart lawyer got wind of it and our sherrif spent the better part of two years defending his actions in court. I have taken and completed the required combat and use of deadly force training required for CC in Montana. Our instructor is a renowned teacher of firearms use, including to the military and law enforcement. Use of a weapon is always a last resort. "I was in fear for my life. I'd like to talk to an attorney" is what we were advised to say to law enforcement after engaging someone with deadly force. Nothing else. mtmuley

i DO agree that is should be a last resort. i guess what im meaning to say is, if i draw my weapon, i am going to be 100% prepared to use it. at that point, i am at my last resort. i hope you dont think i mean to just run and gun at any old altercation. thats not it at all.

that is good advice not talk about what happened. also, if you do shoot someone, YOU should call 911 and say the you were involved in a shooting and to send paramedics regardless if the attacker is alive or dead. do not say anything else since you are being recorded. but, it will help your "potential" case if you show that you took the proper steps afterwards. i also worked with a retired officer and this was his advice.

i would have to look into it more, but i believe there is an exemption of civil action against you in the state of idaho if it is proved that your actions were justified. could be wrong, but thats what ive heard. would have to look into the code to know all the details. any lawyers here? pipe up on this topic.
deepforks, I agree. If you must draw your weapon, you must also be prepared to use it, and the situation is probably as bad as it will get. I pray I never have to. mtmuley
Anyone that maintains a firearm for possible self defense should make a good effort to become familiar with their STATES firearm laws pertaining to the use of that firearm in a self defense situation.

Some states are more liberal in granting the use of self defense for a citizen using deadly force then others are. some states have what i a call a "home is your castle" law that says you do not have to retreat from your home before using deadly force. Some other states require you to exhaust all other means, even retreat if safe, before you can resort to deadly force.

One of the most stupid senarios I have witnessed, is the "Macho cowboy" attitude with statements by someone who had to use deadly force and must play the role of macho man afterwards. Forget the macho remarks, they can get you prosecuted. Instead tell the truth why you resorted to deadly force. "Officer he came at me with a weapon and I was fearful that he was going to kill me or severly hurt me". Reason for this is that most states have a section in their penal codes that state death or severe injury was imminent before deadly force can be used.
Even being an officer for 30 years, I advocate that if you find yourself resorting to the use of deadly force, call your local law enforcement ASAP. Then just give the officer enought basic information to show him that it was a case of lawful use of deadly force. Do not answer very detailed information without having an attorney present to protect your rights. Stop and think, you just shot someone, maybe killed them while under great stress. You may give false information without knowing it due to the stress and that infromation lands you in a criminal trial.

Not all your D.A.'s are pro gun and pro self defense, they will look for the smallest mistake on your part to take you to trial. I have seen this in my career.

Make yourself familiar with the laws, and I do not mean to just go ask your local favorite cop. I was surprised on many occasions how some of my fellow officers was ignorant about deadly force and the lawful use of it. Most states have web sites with their penal code laws and you can research them and read them yourself. if you do not understand a certain section, then get a opinion from a lawyer, or your local D.A. about what that section means.
I personaly know a person who had a business in my area that had to intervene when a neighbor was being smacked around by her outlaw biker ex-boyfriend. He verbally told the biker to back away and leave the area. Biker advanced on him and made threats to beat him as he advanced. Citizen pulled his CCW licensed 38 and told biker to back away or he would shoot. Biker was smart enought to back away and leave.

Citizen made a big big mistake, he failed to call cops and report it. biker called cops later and accused citizen of brandishing weapon for no good reason that he and girlfriend was only having a "VERBAL" argument. Denied advancing towards the citizen. She backed Biker up by lying for him.
Citizen arrested, lost gun permit and pled guilty to a misdemeanor because he did not have the funds to spend thousands of dollars on a attorney to fight. If he had called himself, I am sure our D.A. would never had filed a criminal action against him. Make sure you call if get into something like this, it helps to show lack of guilt with law enforcement and D.A. most of the time.

"I was in fear for my life" and then nothing... NEVER talk to a cop, it can NEVER help you, only hurt you. I am not saying that with any dis-respect to the LEO's, but it is the truth.
It's funny how some think they know how they're going to react when the moment arrives. Well, I can honestly tell you it's not as glorified, heroic or easy as many may think. One thing is WILL be a stressful time in your life once you've squeezed the trigger.....especially here in Cali where you WILL be sued (civilly) no matter the circumstances. Remember, that bullet can never come back.....and you're responsible for where it ends.

I've survived five civil suits (wrongful death) throughout my career......all from tactical operations I've been involved with. One nice thing about promoting up the chain.....I now get to oversee operations instead of being directly involved in them.....wife likes it now too!

I think REHL gave some great advice....especially on your state's laws. Know them well and only use lethal force as a last resort to stop the threat. JMO

BOHNTR )))---------->
Reddog your advice will guarantee one thing for sure. YOU WILL GET ARRESTED PERIOD!!! If you elect not to talk at all to the cop about what happen, you better hope there was several independant witness' that tell the cop it was a justified shooting or you are on your way to jail while they sort things out.
I had a case where a son told his mother not to talk to me, good thing she did not listen to him. Stated she had nothing to hide and told me the story. Victim was already at hospital, was not able to talk to him until later, no other witness except 6 year old daughter who hid under bed and did not see what happen.
She talked to me, she was still at home when I left, I went to hospital and ended up arresting male suspect for felony battery and unlawful entry.
If that woman had listen to her son, I would have arrested her on the spot based on what I had at the time.
You can follow your own advice, free country, but I hope you enjoy jail food.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-09 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]

Its long, and part 1 is to the side, if any LEO's have the time to watch, i'd like to hear your responce.

I have slow dial up, so watching a video on "you tube" is about impossible for me. state your point and we will try our best.

Its just a video of a defense lawyer followed up by a cop, subject "never talk to cops" they point out (both of them) how people screw themselves, and how nothing you say will ever be used for you, only aginst you.

Interestingly, you pointed out how you let a kid off that you would have otherwise arrested. the cop in the video, was asked if anyone has ever talked him out of being arrested, he said never.

I guess i dont think that you should never talk to cops, but in a situation of self defense, say a shooting, this dumb countryboy aint talkin!

so how far would you suggest the conversation go with an officer? not trying to be a smartass, but some people take the phrase "YOU have the RIGHT to remain silent........." pretty seriously, especially in that kind of a situation. becuase "it can and will be held against you in a court of law" pretty much says it all. one little fumble of a sentence could be misconstued and a pro. attorney could jump all over that. i would take the ride down to the jailhouse myself. im not saying totally clam up, but really, what should you say to the officers on scene?
What you have to understand that statement by a defense attorney is self serving. He is drumming up business.He makes his money if you do get arrested and you hire him to defend you. Most defense attorneys charge a far higher rate for being in the courtroom defending you. Their rate to counsel you outside the courtroom is far cheaper.

As for the cop, alot depends on how much experience he has. I doubt very much, if he has never been at the point where he at first wanted to arrest, but then change his mind based on infromation he received at the scene. Who knows, maybe he has never been confronted with a self defense shooting where he was the lead investigator that made the decision if someone was to be arrested or not. That cop has to show "reasonable cause" to arrest you. You clamming up and not even speaking to him, makes it far easier for him to show reasonable cause where he does not have to worry about a false arrest law suit later and gets to bag you for a good felony stat.

In the senaro I gave you, it was not the kid i let off, it was his mother who did the shooting and based on her statement I felt it was more then justifiable since the evidence at the scene did not dispute her statement.

Go back and reread my first post, I advised to have a attorney if the questions started to get into detailed facts based on your memory that involved a very stressful self defense act. Some people will give answers to things that they are really not sure about, BAD MOVE, give yourself time to calm down and run it by your attorney first for his advice.

I stated this on another firearm forum I belong too and got chastized by a member that stated I must be a rich guy if I had a attorney that would come out out in the middle of the night if I needed him.

I do not consider myself a rich guy, but I know two darn good criminal attorneys who would meet me at the local sheriffs office if I needed them for advice and counsel. If possible this is something you should look into if you feel that you do not want to talk to cops on a self defense issue.

That cop is not going to wait another day for you to come back with your attorney and give him the answers he needs. If you fail to show him that your actions were legal, and he has the slightest amount of "REASONABLE CAUSE" that your actions may been illegal, you are going to get a pair of S&W steel braclets on your wrists and a ride downtown to the local lockup.

If instead you give him just the basic bare facts to indicate that the shooting was justifiable, there is a good chance he will hold off on any arrest and call the detectives in to complete the investigation.

Just give him the bare facts to support your self defense and if he pushes, reply back, Officer I felt my life was in danger and my actions were justified, but I have never been in this situation before and I am shook up. I would really like to talk to my attorney and i will answer your questions after talking to him. Just by saying that, you have involked your 5th. ammendment rights and he can not use any further statements he tries to get out of you. But you did it in a way that should not tick the cop off and sounds like a very reasonable request from a person who may be innocent of any wrong doing.

It will take time for detectives to get there, make a quick asssessment of the scene and ask you to come into their office with them for a statement. That gives you plenty of time to call your attorney and have him meet you at the office prior to any interview.

If your attorney feels you were in your legal right, he will advise you to speak to the detectives while he is with you. You then have a far better chance of returning home, not being arrested and the D.A. makes the final decision based on the facts found and your statement.

Thanks for the reply, i wish you could watch the video's. while i was wathcing, it did seem some of the things were pointing to if you were guilty of wrong doing.

if all you have is the truth, its easy to keep your story strait, but even if its the truth, as they point out, little lie's are part of human nature, compounded by many questions and a stressful situation, one little lie can screw you, or make your case much harder on yourself.

I hope i am never in that situation, but want to be as informed as possible, thats why i posted the link for others, even tho it may be bias.I also value your input very much, thank you.

You are more then welcome, what I would like to stress that anyone who feels they may get involved in a self defense issue, make it a mandatory point to read up on your state's penal code laws that defines legal deadly force so that you know what you can and can not do if the crap hits the fan and you must make a very hasty decision.
It just may save your freedom by making sure you do not step over the line.


I'm glad you stepped in I personally learned alot of valuable information on the what seems to be a wishy washy subject.

Thanks I will be doing alot more research.
In 1990 I was in Corona, CA working and needed to make a phone call about 9 pm. I drove to a pay phone (remember them?)that was attached to the side of a building and made my call. While I was talking, two men and a lady come walking through the parking lot towards me. The lady walks past me but the guys stop and just stand there looking at me when one of them drops his jacket he had hung over his shoulder and stands there with two long neck beer bottles, one in each hand.

He starts screaming at me in brokin english ....what the f... are you looking at..repetedly, while his buddy just stands there looking at me. Suddenly he smahes both bottles on the ground now holding two jagged beer bottle weapons, he starts walking up to me still screaming wtf you looking at...At this point I haven't said a single word to him, I have just been standing there waiting to see what he was going to do.

When he started at me I reached under my jacket and came out with my 357 revolver, he stopped in his tracks and started to backup but now he starts screaming ...kill me mo fo go ahead and kill me... so I started easeing over to the truck because I knew he was high and drunk and if I could get out of there without shooting him it would be alot better.

I got to the truck, got in and by this time quite a few people from inside the restuarnt were coming outside to check out all the screaming. Once inside the truck I rolled the window down and said a few things to him then drove off. Without that gun I am sure I would have been fighting two crazy drugged out gangsters for my life.

When I think about that night I'm glad it was 1990 because today I'm sure I would have been way out gunned.
I have had to pull my weapon twice in self defense, and had to use it once. I have also been shot when I didn't have a weapon to defend myself. Have not been without one since.

When I was 17 a kid and his friends walked up to me in a Mcd's parking lot. The kid without saying a word pulls a gun and points it at my face. I had never seen him, and never said a word to him. It was that random. I turned around to run and heard the pop, and felt the pain in my leg. When I fell I saw him and his friends running. He shot me in the leg from point blank. Didn't have the guts to kill me thank god.
Well the cops caught him hiding in a garbage dumpster, turned out he was being initiated into a gang and had to shoot someone. Only got detention till he turned 18. After that I decided to carry.

The 1st time I had to pull my weapon I was home asleep. I heard some noise in my garage and went to check on it. When I opened the door I saw 2 people trying to push my motorcycle out. I pointed my weapon and yelled something (who knows what). They took of running. Cops never did catch them.

2nd time I had to pull my weapon I was driving home about 2 in the morning. I was a bouncer at a local mens club. I was stopped at a red light when a guy I had thrown out of the club earlier pulled up beside me with a friend and bats. Apparently he followed me. He started hitting my car with the bat, he was prepared to kill me. So I pulled my 9MM and touched of 3 shots. A lot harder to do than one would think. They took off running and left their car there. A cop was passing by and saw them running. They were busted, I had to go through heck, but I told the cops everything. I was never arrested, but what a pain to get my gun back. That took me 2 months if I recall.

Only shoot as a last resort. BOHNTR said, you can't take your bullet back.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-09 AT 12:38PM (MST)[p]I am as guilty as anyone, spouting about how I could easily shoot a dirtbag for any number of reasons.

I have had a couple of instances over the years, but fortunately, the only shot I fired was to blow up a street light over the heads of the guys that broke into my house. The cops never got called, thank God.

In the world we live in, you simply are not going to walk away from any issue where a gun is involved.

Unless I was totally sure that I was about to die, I will never use a gun, especially outside of my house.

I also will never call a cop for a burgler that I might scare off with my gun. I simply don't want my name on any paperwork involving guns, beyond the purchase process.

Given the attitudes of DA's in America, it ain't worth taking the chance of being convicted of depriving a dirtbag form making a living.

I guess I should admit that, if I KNEW that I would not get caught, I would be in some inner city slum, every Friday night, shooting every gangbanger I saw carrying a gun.

I have to wait until I find a silencer for my 243 that does not interfere with it's accuracy.
I have been around maybe 6 investigations of citizens who used deadly force to protect themselves. 5 were with guns, one just their hands. All of them were in for LONG nights....interviews, walk throughs, ect, but they all went home that night, and they all had no problem with not getting charged, ect.

I think if you follow RELH's advise and know the laws regarding self defense in your state, and you act in good faith, you have no reason to not tell your story. There is also no problem with asking to speak to an lawyer but I would deffinatly say a little bit about why you were afraid and what you did.

I think most people who get in trouble either were wrong to used deadly force(like shooting a guy for stealing your car) or also broke an additional you illegally carried your concealed pistol into a federal building, or were out of state and your CCW permit is not recognized.

I was already a cop but was out of state on a road trip...(won't say which state because I didn't know the law there!!)
and went into a really dirtbag gas station to go numero dos and get gas....came walking out of the really filthy bathroom to find a crazy guy at the counter, dressed in filthy woodland camo and swingin a huge knife around in the clerks face. He was screaming that he was gonna kill the clerk...never asked for money, nothing, just crazy. I pulled out my little Glock 26 and quietly walked up behing the crazy dude making sure I had a good angle to not hit the clerk if my bullet exited, and had extended the muzzle almost to his head, when he dropped the knife on the counter and ran out of the store. He never even knew I was behind him, just decided that moment to split.

Only other off duty self defense story that happened to me was when I was in a cell phone store in a strip mall, holding my 1 year old son. 2 armed robbers robbed a nearby store and were running away getting chased by the cops. They paused at the door to the cell phone store and I realized sort of that they were probably the ones that all the flashing lights were looking for. I put my kid down and thought about drawing, but waited. They ran away thank God somewhere else, and I kept shoppin.

I never, ever go anywhere unarmed. I just remembered another day I walked out of a store off duty and at the same time a dude walked in the back with a rifle and robbed tha place....I'm glad he didnt shoot anyone, maybe it was better I left......
"Why I Carry a Gun

My old grandpa said to me son,' there comes a time in every mans life
When he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's
When he becomes too old to take an ass whoopin'.

I don't carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don't carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.

I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating
Myself for failing t o be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and
Not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a Cowboy.

I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the Ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am Inadequate.

I don't carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful To me.

Police Protection is an oxymoron. Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the
Crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to
Take an ass whoopin'. unknown (but obviously brilliant)
Those are great runamuk. My thoughts also!

My gun paid for itself that day on the river bar. A cheap "insurance policy" if you ask me.

Runamuk, that is brilliant! As is the quote about an armed society (possibly by Major L. Caudill) that someone recently posted.
I don't have any stories of using my carry weapon in self defense. If I did I'm not sure I would post them on the web.

But just in relation to the topic, I've carried when the situation deemed it. I wish I could convince myself to carry 100 percent. I usually open carry when I do.

The closest I got was about 10 years ago at the old Shell station just off the freeway in Wagon Mound NM. Late one night as we were passing my daughter who was 7 at the time and I pulled off for gas a bathroom break. I swear that girl has to pee every 30 minutes when we are driving. We went in the store, there were about 6 rough looking guys standing around shooting the bull drinking beer from paper bags. All conversation stopped as we entered. I don't know if it was the sight of her in her Barbie PJs or the 1911 I was carring. She trotted off to the restroom and I leaned against the wall opposite from the guys. It was very tense. Not a word was spoken, like a scene from a movie. The owner had a worried look. The guys were eyeballing me all the while you could hear my daughter in the restroom singing. Then the door opens, she comes trotting out still singing and proceeds down the line between us tapping every item on the shelf as she went eventually knocking a loaf of bread through the shelf out the other side to the feet of the group of guys. Then, things started happening. Everything was in slow motion. Everyone started to make a move. I took a step to grab my daughter. Two of the guys ducked, a couple started forward from the other side of the shelf. Then it happened. The guys that moved forward all went for the loaf of bread an the same time, two of them bonking their heads. The rest of the guys broke out laughing. The owner was calling them pendejos. I was just trying to exit the store without my kid causing anymore havoc. It was all pretty commical.

In retrospect, I made a major blunder. I placed my daughter into an unknown situation. I can laugh about it now. I guess what I'm trying to say is that situational awareness is very important. Avoid the fight if at all possible. Life is to short and valuable. And if at all possible have boys, they can pee on the side of the road.
If you don't think you need it you'll never convince yourself to do it 100% of the time. I've had several close calls and can't stop myself from being an "is there a possibility I'll need it kinda guy" instead of realizing the chances are super slim I'll ever need it.

The other thing is that it has to be very comfortable and easy to carry or you'll talk yourself out of it.

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